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Secluded Spring Unión - Printable Version

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Unión - Ruiko - Apr 29, 2012


The narrow of her eyes, the absolute denial to submit to the Leader of the lands she supposedly sought to join – these were tricky offences for the regal to forgive, but none more so than the snap that the she-wolf landed in his direction. It was a warning; one that did not close over him physically, but one that certainly gave him a challenge. Anger flared in his eyes then and and the tawny male released a guttural snarl. His tainted lips peeled back to reveal his precise fangs and the hackles along the male’s spine bristled dangerously.

Nina was quick to his side, and the large male stepped before her almost protectively, unwilling to have her harmed because a stranger had seemingly promised to come to her home on good graces; why else bring a rabbit? The entire situation was ludicrous, and the tawny wolf certainly questioned the stranger’s mental stability. But that did not make him pity her, and as he was about to lunge forward and show the girl her place on his lands, his paws clutching to the ground fiercely as his towering figure coiled to launch himself – only Aeylen’s snarling voice stirred him to pause.

His eyes briefly flitted to his mate, who’s own figure was menacing by all rights. His lips remained curled back in a snarl, his gaze shifting back to fixate upon the she-wolf. If anything, Aeylen had saved her – whether from death, or from losing an appendage.. Ruiko was not tolerant to the insolent. While he would comply with his mate’s desire for him to leave her in one piece, his snarling words were not to be mistaken. “Leave,” he commanded, his figure stalking forward now to meet the side of his mate’s protectively, should the female see fit to lunge at her now. If she did not comply in seconds, he was certain he would disregard his mate’s wishes and force her out.

Unión - Treena - May 05, 2012

Treena didn't hesitate to follow orders. She turned with rapid speed, racing in fear. She didn't have the strength to look over her shoulder, she just hoped she wasn't being chased. Her senses were running on overdrive, yet she was too isolated in her own thoughts to notice. Her orange muzzle was turned up to the sky, breathing in jagged inhales. She spat out the air like it was venom, trying to escape her own thoughts, focusing on her breathing instead.

She was lucky the she-wolf came when she did. The last thing Treena needed was a broken leg, or a sliced muzzle. A male of that size could kill her, easily. She wouldn't recover from his attack. Each step she took was full of pain, she was barley running, more of a desperate walking. It was better this way though. She had to keep moving, to get out of this place before it was too late.

She had made a mistake. She'd handled things wrong, but it wasn't second nature to her. Being around other wolves wasn't something she felt comfortable with, not yet. Living more than half her life as a loner hadn't prepared her for such an experience. She wasn't ashamed, nor did she regret anything. She knew she wanted to join a pack. Obviously this one wasn't an option. That was okay. There were others around, and she knew how to do it now. She'd find a border, wait at it, howl. She'd be prepared for a massive male to come, not just another Nina. She would do the right things. She'd do the opposite of what had just happend.

Suddenly cursing herself the she-wolf remembered the rabbit that still rested on the border. She had been so freaked out she had forgotten it, ran away from a meal that would serve her well. It was too late to turn back and try to take it, it would be a horrible thing to do anyways. She couldn't just reappear. "Damnit!"

She stopped her running, slamming a forepaw against the ground and snarling. Looking back in the direction she had just ran from the she-wolf narrowed her eyes in anger. She should have just taken it!

OCC: Sorry guys, laptop broke and I couldn't get on. Ended up just buying a new one.

Unión - Nina - May 05, 2012

When thinking things couldn't have possibly gotten any worse, Aeyelen arrived, her other leader. Wonderful. . .just another wolf to be embarrassed in front of. The smaller female dipped her head to the lady in greeting and submission as she spoke. No more blood would be spilt was good for her. No need to worry about Ruiko or Aeylen getting worried. Though Nina couldn't contain the slight urge to go stand by Aeylen, in a protective manner. Her lady was expecting soon and curiousity of why Aeylen was fretting away from the denning area remained unknown to her. Even though the golden brown female had called her leaders she absolutely expecte Ruiko Tiann to arrive, and though he had. . .so had Aeylen.

After Aeylen commanded the trio to stop, it seemed that Ruiko's body position relaxed, it seemed that his mate had that effect on him. Though Nina didn't miss the protective manner of Ruiko she also noticed it wasn't just over Aeylen, but her too. SHe knew she was new to the pack, but apparently these pack wolves bounded closer, faster than she had seen with other wolves in the land of Relic Lore. Nodding her head in Ruiko's direction she bounded over back to Aeylen, her head still low, but high enough to show Treena that she was proud of being in the Creek pack and that she would not tolerate what she had done. She was forgiven. . .but definitely not welcomed near her family.

Soon enough the large male commanded the small wolf to leave, and as soon as the word left his mouth the small female instantly ran away, leaving her rabbit up for grabs. She wouldn't be surprised if the female was angry, but now she was sure she couldn't trust another wolf as readily as she had this time when it came to joining a pack. She had definitely trusted Treena and look where that had gotten her. . .she wouldn't be surprised if Ruiko and Aeylen were disappointed in her. . .so as soon as Treena disappeared Nina's small brown face dipped down, showing her leaders an apology in as much respect as she could. She only hoped they still could tolerate her as a packmate. No words had to be said, , ,she would just stay quiet.