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Hush Meadow Reconnoiter - Printable Version

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Reconnoiter - Bardou - Apr 20, 2012

Sorry for the slight PP

A small smile crossed his face as he began to seek out water amongst the waving fingers of the willow trees. He supposed he needed some practice as he was well and truly out of it, and the night would be crisp, but not cold. Thankfully winter was well gone from these lands.

Finally he scented the water and made his way forwards. The small stream, much like most of this area was surrounded by willows. The shaded water within the veil was cool and clear. Slowly and gently, he waded into the waters, and settled himself to wait, to allow the fish time to grow accustomed to his presence. He could see them down there, flashing silver darts. One waited just a moment to long and his head shot beneath the water, jaws finally closing around something edible. As his sodden head emerged, the fish continued to flop about in his jaws but he ignored the movement, biting down a little harder so it wouldn’t slip from his mouth. He slowly waded back to the shore and laid his prize down for the creamy girl. He wasn’t that hungry himself, the aches and pangs of hunger hadn’t begun to set in yet.

Moving himself far enough away that he wouldn’t spray her, he shook to loosen the weight of the water and began to scratch out a small hollow amongst the roots of the tree. Flopping himself down as comfortably as he could he settled and waited for Borlla to join him. He wondered if tomorrow they would still be looking for her family, or if they will have found them.

Reconnoiter - Borlla - Apr 21, 2012

She split from him, hoping to cover double the ground. However, after a short glance over her shoulder, she noticed that he'd already found a stream. Twisting around, she trotted over to him just as he'd caught the first fish. But apparently it was the only fish, and it had been dropped at her paws. Her eyes were trained upon it for a moment, as he curled up beneath a tree, and Borlla scowled. Her head whipped around, and she grabbed the fish in her jaws, almost stomping to him.

<b style="color:#32527a">"If you think I'm the only one eating, you are sadly mistaken," the thick scowl still smeared on her face, she sat down and bit through the fish, bone and all, dropping a portion in front of him before lying down beside him, nibbling at the shiny scaled creature. Her ears were turned back, awaiting some sort of response that she obviously didn't want to hear. <b style="color:#32527a">"Just eat it." She said, hoping to fight off any discussion. Her portion was quickly dealt with, and her thirst oddly satiated. Snorting, she stretched her neck out, nose pressed into his shoulder and she closed her eyes. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."


Reconnoiter - Bardou - Apr 21, 2012

Ok, short one to wrap it up.

He looked at the girl unblinking as she returned with the fish he had caught for her. A small grin tugged at the corner of his lips as she stubbornly ripped the meal in half and dropped it at his paws. He took the food without complaint, although he wished she would eat more. What would her family think of him if he returned them a bag of bones? Surely they wouldn't think him worthy of her presence.

He felt her nose dig into his shoulder and he relaxed. There was no point worrying about what may happen until it did. As she fell asleep against his flank he kept his eyes open, scanning for the smallest sign of trouble to come, but the night was peaceful and her gentle breathing eventually lulled the stoney guardian into a restful sleep.
