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Dragonveil Fold Longing for Comfort - Printable Version

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RE: Longing for Comfort - Sonnet - Oct 24, 2023


Sonnet's face broke out with an earnest smile, and she yipped excitedly while her sister displayed joy. This was fun! It was better than just waiting for the smoke to leave. The excitement of their game brought forth a congested cough, but despite the pain in her eyes, little Song didn't lose her happiness. She was playing with sissy!

The tiny pup grinned, looking out at the flowers and nodding her head. She loved nature! If she'd understood that picking the flowers meant killing them, she might not have wanted one so badly.

Her thumping tail slowed to a stop, and her smile faded. She looked around them at the murky air and the unknown it brought. Cowering back with the concern of such a journey for her sister, although not great in distance, she whimpered,"Scary."


RE: Longing for Comfort - Pan - Oct 24, 2023

Her sister smiled, and Pan felt her own grin growing in size and intensity. This was so much better than being sad and mopey. The very moment her sister confirmed she wanted one of the flowers, Pan hurriedly darted towards them as quickly as her legs would allow. Even though it wasn’t that far, and at the end of it she coughed a little, it felt nice to run again too.

After taking a moment to enjoy the very nice, fresh scent of the flower, the child would gently pluck one of the pretty yellow flowers in her jaws. Once secure, she began to trot back towards her sibling, tail and head held high in excitement and pride. Once she was back to Sonnet, Pan would then gently deposit the flower at her feet.

”Smells nice too,” she spoke, hoping her sibling would enjoy it as much as she.

RE: Longing for Comfort - Sonnet - Oct 25, 2023


Song tried to stop her sister by reaching out to pull on her fur, but her gentle tug missed altogether. She whimped falling back down onto her belly. From the den's mouth, she watched tensely as Pan ran across to retrieve one of the yellow trinkets. She swallowed tensely, eyeing the smoke that swirled about her white form. Sonnet whined at her sister's coughing, a frown present on her lips, but her eyes remained searching for lurking dangers.

At last, nothing seemed to be hiding in the smoke. Pan was making her way back...with a yellow flower bobbing in her mouth. Song found her paws quickly, standing and jostling herself enough to cough. It wasn't long before it was placed on the ground before her toes. She beamed, a grin so big and so bright her face could barely contain it. Her tail wagged with a fury in a helicopter-like fashion as it twirled on her butt. She leaned down, inhaling deeply the sweet fragrance. A loud sneeze forced it's way out, a glob of snot sent flying and somehow missing the petals. She picked the flower up and muffled out, "Love flower!!!"before hug-tackling into her sister's frame, wrapping her paws around Pan with excitement and affection, if the other did not move away in time.


RE: Longing for Comfort - Pan - Oct 25, 2023

Sonnet smiled, her tail moving so quickly it was almost a blur. And she didn’t just like the flower, she loved it. Mission accomplished! Pan bounced up and down on her paws, a giddy smile upon her countenance, which broadened as her sibling leaned in for a sniff of the flower and then subsequently nearly sneezed all over it.

The child couldn’t help but burst into laughter at that, but it quickly morphed into a surprised squeak as her sibling promptly surged forth to tackle her with an energy Pan hadn’t been expecting.

She flopped back to go with it though, bringing her forelimbs up to wrap them around Sonnet’s neck. Gently of course, though, taking care not to smash their flower.

”Love you! Pan exclaimed in response.

RE: Longing for Comfort - Sonnet - Oct 25, 2023


Sonnet giggled at her sister's jumping, watching her bounce about with glee. This was fun fun fun! She giggled some more, smiling with the flower clutched between her teeth. This was a good day! This was a best day! She loved spending time with her sissy and she loved flowers! They were so pretty and smelled so lovely. She loved watching them sway in the wind by the creek. She missed her morning sunrises at the bank, watching the light shine down on the fresh drops of dew. Yet, she didn't miss it as much now, for she still had who truly mattered. She realized then that it wasn't about the weather or the place, it was about her family. Being with them. Grasping onto the concept as coherently as a pup her age could.

She fell back onto the ground with her sister, also taking care not to smash the flower. "Love you too." She meant it with all her heart and announced her love proudly to her sister. "More than flower." She added with a little laugh before climbing off of the other whelp. Unfortunately, to set down the flower and take a moment to cough. All the excitement meant she needed to chill out.


RE: Longing for Comfort - Pan - Oct 25, 2023

It was good now to learn that the two of them could still find ways to have fun in the scary, smoke-filled world that presently surrounded them. There was still so much more Pan would’ve liked to do, more she would like to see and explore, but for now, the child was able to content herself with what she had.

As much as a child could, anyway.

Pan laughed again, through a cough, tail thumping as her sister repeated those words back to her. Love. Yes, they all loved each other. This little family. The child couldn’t realize how much she’d come to miss that until she was without it.

A cough echoed from Sonnet too, seeming to indicate they needed to take a rest. So instead of ‘retaliating’ as she might’ve, Pan stayed flat on her back, looking up.

”Look, clouds!” She called excitedly, pointing her nose up. Where that thick layer of smoke was not quite so thick. Where they could still see blue sky and wispy, white clouds that floated by overhead.

RE: Longing for Comfort - Sonnet - Oct 26, 2023


Sonnet cranned her head skyward at her sister's exclamation. She wasn't the biggest fan of the clouds anymore, not with how much she missed the sunshine. They weren't all that bad though, she supposed, as long as rain wasn't falling. The girl nestled down beside her sister, squirming to get nice and close. She laid belly up watching the distance sky, "Bunny cloud" the child muttered, batting at the shape with her paws.

She wished it was a real bunny, and while she wouldn't want to actually hurt it, she'd love to chase one with Pan. She looked over at her sister with her tongue lolled, grinning. "One day...we go chase!" She spoke with hope of their future, that they could play and frolic once more.

There was no way either pup could know how dark the days to come would get. How precious of a memory this would become. Her little muzzle turned back up and she batted at another cloud, "What look like?" Sonnet wasn't usually so talkative, but curled up against her larger sibling staring at the clouds she was safe and comfortable.



RE: Longing for Comfort - Pan - Oct 27, 2023

Even though it wasn’t particularly cold, having the added warmth of her sibling there beside her was comforting. It was nice to know that they weren’t alone in facing the big, scary world. The sisters had each other, and of course their parents, too.

Bunny cloud! Sonnet proclaimed, gesturing towards the shape she spotted. ”It is!” Pan agreed, golden eyes settling on the passing shape visible through the thinning smoke. How she wished it could all disappear. Then they could go and chase a real bunny.

”Chase.. and catch,” she’d add on. Even at her young age, the child was still eager to prove herself capable of hunting.

Sonnet would ask about another. Squinting her eyes a little, Pan studied it, but couldn’t place it. ”I.. dunno,” she murmured, unable to keep the sleepiness out of her voice, nor suppress a yawn. ”Sleepy.”

Even if it wasn’t up to standard, the excitement and her little run earlier had tired the child out. Here, in the comfort of the sun and family, Pan found herself wanting nothing more than a nap.

-feel free to fade if you want - glad we got to have a little more sibling time ^^

RE: Longing for Comfort - Sonnet - Oct 31, 2023

Sonnet laid there grinning like a fool. White fur intermingled with white fur. The girls snuggled close and tight as they cloud watched. She nodded her little head, “Mmmhmm.” Indeed it was a bunny cloud and she was pleased that her sister spotted the shape too!

“Chase and catch”

The pup’s tail ceased wagging. Song let out a low whine, “Don’t want hurt.” She understood they were food. She understood they died so her family could eat. She simply didn’t like those facts. She liked watching the bunnies hop along the tall green grasses. Or chasing them through the trees until she grew tired or bored. Not catching them.

Pan didn’t know the next shape and the girl found herself echoing the yawn. Her jaws parting wide before shutting softly. She tucked her head into the soft pelt of her sister. “It’s a…it’s a…” She mumbled as her eyes slowly shut. Sleep overtaking her in the warm embrace.