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Chinook Coulee Dancing with Destiny - Printable Version

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RE: Dancing with Destiny - Luca - Oct 26, 2023


The grey man smiled at her enthusiasm, she seemed more energetic now, amazing what one little fish could do. He kept walking, looking over his shoulder occasionally, but mostly talking while staring off into the woods. He wasn't familiar with this side of the Lore. The trip might take them days, hopefully not longer than a week. Surely not long enough for snow to set in. The land couldn't have been that big, though he did not know how massive or small the ruins were. He was familiar with some parts and mostly areas in which the pack resided around.

"Adults," he corrected her softly. His voice was not stern nor mean, just constructive criticism, "Yes there are more adults. I would imagine at least one other pup." He was being more honest now, but he hoped this wouldn't discourage her. "Usually a pack has multiple pups, but I haven't been there in some time." He looked back to smile encouragingly at her.

His smile faded, and he looked down, stopping for a moment. "I can't say that it will be easier. They might look in packs first, but they also might not." He sighed deeply, "If it were me, I'd search everywhere I could think of." He hoped this would be reassuring to her...but in the back of his mind, he worried she'd been abandoned.


RE: Dancing with Destiny - Pan - Oct 27, 2023

Already, he was teaching her new things. And thinking about new things made walking after him easier. It wasn’t as scary, leaving this place behind, when she had him here to talk to.

Small wolves were kids, and big ones like him or her parents were… ”adults,” Pan repeated the word, testing it for herself to try and commit it to memory. He also imagined there would be at least one other kid. It was all starting to make sense now. Her family had been a little one, but there could be other, bigger ones out there.

The man did not seem so sure that going to a pack would make it easier for her family to find her, though. He supposed they might look, or they might not.

”Oh…” Pan murmured, sadness echoing in her voice, though she willed herself not to cry. To stay strong. She didn’t need the new family thinking she was a weak little crybaby, no. ”I hope they think like you.”

Pan was excited for the adventure, to be going with a new friend, to make more new friends. But she also hoped that it didn’t mean she’d never see her sister or ma and pa again.

RE: Dancing with Destiny - Luca - Dec 18, 2023



The silvery man smiled softly as she repeated the word back to him. He was enjoying teaching her something new, but more so spending time with another wolf. Traveling alone was nice and all for calling the shots, but as the word suggested, it was lonely. More so when you were looking for someone impossible to find. Granted, he'd stopped looking by now...mostly. A sliver of hope remained like a splinter in his heart.

He stopped at her words and turned to the girl. Luca leaned forward to nuzzle her if she'd allow, a silent attempt to comfort the girl. He just hoped that her parents were looking for the small child. Pan deserved that at the very least. He moved away with a quick kiss on her crown, "C'mon let's find shelter before the night settles in."

