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Paradise Falls but lately, I've been doin' better - Printable Version

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RE: but lately, I've been doin' better - Chan - Feb 09, 2024

Chan turned his head to greet his youngest daughter by grooming her crown, and when his oldest appeared he smiled at her with a look of encouragement, halved tail waving by thumping against the ground. Flair came along after, and he tried to give her the same expression, but couldn't help the concern that snuck its way onto his features even as the corners of his mouth remained raised.

Finley began to speak and he lifted his gaze to meet her lips as they moved. His smile was completely absent now, replaced by a thinly-lined grimace. Briefly his eyes drifted to Atara, the guilt he felt at not doing more to help the situation rearing its head again. Chan then sought out his own children, to remind himself of why he needed to stay, and realized @Micaden still had not arrived. He stood, carefully so as not to end up with Addison falling, and wordlessly excused himself from the gathering.

He would walk out of sight before lifting his head to send out his own howl, a 'marco-polo' tone simply requesting that his son answer to confirm he was okay. If he didn't get a response, he would be setting out to track him down. Already fear was bubbling up in his stomach, and he tried not to let it build into panic. Odds were, Mica was just fine, but what if he wasn't? Tragedy always started with moments like this...

RE: but lately, I've been doin' better - Ally - Feb 09, 2024

the night comes down like heaven

Ally heard the call, and crawled from her den to answer. She didn't really know Finley, but she knew of her and knew that since Jethro had disappeared she was in charge. That was about it, and it was why she moved toward the voice.

It was clear she was late; so many wolves were here. Ally had known there were quite a few - she could smell them - but so far she had only actually met Galen out of those assembled. Her eyes drifted over them, and then she slunk in next to the dark man she was familiar with. At least he was sort of like her dad; his black pelt rising beside her was a comfort in itself even though he was so different.

She tried to listen as Finley spoke, but was distracted but the agouti man with only half a tail standing and slipping away. She stared after him in curiosity; why was his tail so short, and where was he going?


RE: but lately, I've been doin' better - Addison - Feb 10, 2024

Addison listened, though her father had told her nearly everything that Finley was now iterating weeks ago. When Dad got up and left, she had half a mind to follow him, but settling in at Mother's side seemed a lot more cozy of an option. She got to her paws and made the minute move, plopping down and setting to grooming Flair's fur affectionately. As her mom would have for her if Addy were the one who didn't feel well.

That Micaden wasn't in their immediate vicinity didn't bother her in the least. She did not worry when others were gone, for the pieces of her family always came back each time they left her sight, even if a little worse for wear in Flair's case.

RE: but lately, I've been doin' better - Atara - Feb 10, 2024

Atara didn't much notice the others. It especially hurt to see Mica and Addy's family together. They had both parents, one another, and yet their mom was sick. Was it starting for them too? Would they be broken into halves? Would she be jealous if they didn't?

'I think you all already know, but Jethro is missing...'

Her ears wilted further, gaze dropping back down to the ground at her dark paws. She wanted to tune out the words, and her eyes stung with the threat of tears, but she stayed strong. Taking in every sentence, refusing to let her emotions take control.

At least there was still hope though, right? Galen had said her dad would return and her mom had just said 'one of them.' If the others believed it, she had no reason not to. Daddy could still come back, Ryder had said he'd return... she had to keep remembering these things. It wasn't forever, like Miss Colette.

RE: but lately, I've been doin' better - Magg - Feb 10, 2024

She felt Galen at her side and her brown eyes looked to him, still healthy and attentive, all that could really be asked for in this situation. Magg appreciated him deeply for the way he was sticking by her, but she had not really taken the time to genuinely express it. Not because the chances weren't available; she had nothing to do but talk. There was something else there, like glass she couldn't yet break through.

Finley began speaking and lifted her gaze to watch their surrogate alpha speak. She had been told as much by her uncle the last time she'd badgered him about sending a scout, that the Falls had needed to solve their own crisis first. Well here was their solution, wasn't it? Yet the woman stopped talking and each second that ticked on convinced Magg that Finley thought herself finished. Especially once Chan just got up and left. The perpetual simmer of her anger was starting to boil.

"Okay. So when are you getting someone to the Cove, then?"

Her words were accusatory, jabbing. Did this lady even know what was going on with her and Galen sheltering here, or had she just been Jethro's incubator? She certainly didn't look like she knew what she was doing.

RE: but lately, I've been doin' better - Marigold - Feb 10, 2024

Marigold listened with polite attentiveness as Finley began to speak. This was a turning point for Jethro's poor family, a conscious decision to continue on without him even if still hoping he might return at any moment. Time marched on, the sun fell and rose, life kept going around the grieving, threatening to leave them behind altogether. She took a deep breath in, slowly so as not to be noticed.

Her father rose and she turned her head to watch him go, brows pinching with confusion until she heard his call moments later. Micaden. Mar looked to their alpha, curious if there was more to be said or if they would be excused. She didn't want her father getting himself into a panic, wanted to be with him helping if he set off looking for her little brother. A different voice spoke up though, momentarily chasing everything else out of her mind.

She looked to Magg with a barely-contained scowl, her features schooled but the sharp glare in her eyes making clear what she thought of the way the girl had just composed herself. Upset or not, one used decorum when addressing their leader, especially in front of the pack.

RE: but lately, I've been doin' better - Galen - Feb 12, 2024

The minutes ticked by and a few more faces had managed to emerge from the wood works to settle into place, his attention breaking away from both that of Magg and their pseudo-leader to glance down at the smaller tawny frame of Ally nestling against his open side. A quick lowering of his muzzle to give the top of her crown a nudge was his silent greeting before his golden gaze shifted back to Finley once her words began to fill the morning air with news most, if not all, of them had already come to digest. The dark coated man that had ushered Magg and himself in during their time of need had managed to disappear and with it left a hole in the pack's leadership. A hole she would now be filling. Temporarily.

This much Galen had already acquired himself just by being the shadow on the wall during Chan's various visits to check in and tend to Magg's recovery which he didn't see much results from. Every visit meant another chance for Magg to badger the man about sending someone on their behalf to the Cove, another chance for them to be told in return they were of less importance. The very man that now just casually up and left this gathering. Thus the anger that coated Magg's words was not a surprise to Galen when she used the awkward silence following Finley's statement to address their blatantly ignored concerns.

When was someone going to get word back home? Or Galen was going to have to take measures into his own paws like he had discussed with his friend prior.

RE: but lately, I've been doin' better - Miriam - Feb 14, 2024


Miriam’s arrival to the meeting was not timely, and when she arrived her fur was dripping wet and she carried a light shiver. She’d retreat to the pack den to warm up a bit, after the meeting. She’d been attempting to fish but the ice had been thinner than she thought and when she stepped on it, she’d gotten a rather unpleasant surprise. It had taken her some time to answer the call as the weight of the water and the chills slowed her down, resulting in her lingering in the back of the group when she arrived.

And she arrived just in time to hear the news.

Jethro was missing. Perhaps on a pilgrimage? She wasn’t certain, but she was attentive as Finley stated she would be taking the leadership reins from now on. Miriam would offer a polite nod to show that she heard and understood. It was confusing, even a little despondent to her. Jethro had been her one solid tie to the pack… the one who had brought her in… but that did not change the fact that this was Paradise Falls, and she felt in her gut that she was destined to be there.

Magg spoke up and her ears perked up. “I… I can go.” Her teeth chattered lightly as she said it.


RE: but lately, I've been doin' better - Isla - Feb 22, 2024

Her interest waned nearly immediately.

Isla could go out into the wilds, could sniff around until she found a struggle or Jethro. Although she had been no stranger to disappearing acts. If one wanted to stay gone, then they could. Especially a capable and skilled adult.

Perhaps leadership and family matters had been too much.

Perhaps he wanted a silent life, away from the tight weave of Paradise Falls. Now another little issue seemed to crop up. Magg's pointed questions.

Isla was half gone and lingered only to see if there was a fire in their new leader. She wasn't sure if it was better or worse if she didn't...

RE: but lately, I've been doin' better - Finley - Feb 22, 2024

Final round - probably! Feel free to post your exits unless you directly interacting with Magg, Finley, Galen, and Miriam. The fade or next round will be posted March 7th.


Things seemed quiet at first, and the Lennox woman registered Chan’s call for his child, the way Atara appeared to be fighting back tears, everyone else looking somber and holding silence. Then she was immediately thrust into a surprise situation when one of their newest members spoke out of turn with a demand. She knew that they had an injured girl amongst them and her companion, but that was all that Jethro had communicated to her, she had no idea if plans had been made to go to the Cove.

Green eyes momentarily flicked to Flair to try to read if there was anything she knew, but then realized it wasn’t Flair’s job. It was her’s now. Finley didn’t consider herself a very dominant wolf, but the impolite tone jabbed her in just the right way, right between her ribs into her already hurting heart. Which was why her tone was colder than it had been before, ”Perhaps this is something you should be discussing in a private manner, not when the pack is addressing a missing leader, who is beloved of many here.” Green eyes shot back her own daggers to the girl, uncharacteristically angry.

But, she was always doing the ‘right’ thing, so she tried to cool herself down and added, ”Once things have settled down I will go myself, unless someone else would like to volunteer to go with Miriam on a scouting trip to the mountain and leave earlier.” The chattering teeth had not gone unnoticed, and she wasn’t going to send a yearling alone up a mountain in the dead of the winter. Her tone may have been more friendly, but the green eyes were still hard as she looked at Magg. Rude little thing.
