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Nomads Pass conviction - Printable Version

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RE: conviction - Jadon - Apr 10, 2024

He waited, watching, listening with an intensity not often felt before. Far south, near the foot of the mountains… the other end… The wanderer hadn’t ever been down that way, so perhaps it was something. It would take a lot of walking if he wanted to make it there.

Jadon’s brow furrowed in thought, his eyes drifting away from the other. He didn’t think it wise to go running off just yet. He should probably keep searching this area for what he needed. That cave didn’t exactly sound like the place he’d caught glimpses of in past dreams, but neither would he dismiss it.

”I see. Thank you,” he spoke, though it didn’t feel as if the words could properly convey the gratitude felt. For the first time in a while, Jay now felt he had a possible direction to go along with his conviction. And a path was forming out of it.

Mika confirmed after that, still to his surprise, that it was somehow actually a pleasure. The question posed had him pausing another minute though, eyes clouding over with something like pain or longing.

”Because I.. am different. Most.. do not like that, or do not understand.” He answered quietly, but candidly. Most of the time because they couldn’t. And even if he explained, Jay doubted that would’ve ever helped. ”It has been nice to meet you too, though.”

Someone who did not judge, or ask questions.

RE: conviction - Mika - Apr 10, 2024

Tagged Adora for a mention <3

“It’s no problem,” they reassured with a grin, tail slowly waving. They didn’t know if they’d helped him on his mission at all, but it did feel kind of nice to give him even that much information. Especially because he was being so nice about it in return.

Did Mika have a place they should be searching for? Was that what wolves were supposed to do? Find their place?

Their mind flashed back to pretty yellow eyes and their face heated up under their fur. They couldn’t deny the magnetic pull that @Adora had on them, but they weren’t sure if that was just a crush or what, but they did know that the taller wolf made the mountain seem more appealing, and that was saying a lot.

The expression on Jay’s face changed again, melancholy sweeping over his features. Mika’s brows knitted together and they tilted their head, frowning.

“Who cares if yer a little different?” they asked, snorting a little. “Y’ think I’m normal?” They huffed out a little laugh. “Nothin’ wrong with bein’ yourself.”

RE: conviction - Jadon - Apr 11, 2024

No problem.. he dipped his head down in acknowledgment of that, briefly returning the smile, but remained silent.

This one.. had to be one of the nicest wolves Jay had come across in a while, aside from possibly young Eclypse. This conversation had given him a taste of the social interaction he so desperately craved. The wanderer contemplated returning here, to seek Mika out if he managed to find what he was looking for, after the fact though of course.

He’d need to start somewhere; he didn’t wish to spend the rest of his life as a wanderer. Although, Jadon hoped the heavens might point him in a direction.

Who cares? The other asked. There was another inquiry, though one that seemed mostly rhetorical, followed by a little laugh.

”If only it were so simple..” he mused in an almost forlorn fashion. A soft sigh would perhaps indicate his internal debate on whether or not to try to explain his situation. But others could never understand it.

”You.. seem normal,” Jay chose to broach that subject with care, giving the other another look over. Perhaps a little small, but nothing out of the ordinary aside from that.

RE: conviction - Mika - Apr 12, 2024

If only it were so simple.

In truth, Mika was inclined to agree with the man. It had been ages since they’d felt comfortable enough to actually be themself - a fact that made them a hypocrite at the moment, preaching about being authentic and wearing a cracked jester’s mask to protect them from the outside world. Nothin’ wrong with bein’ yourself, didn’t really apply to Mika. At least, it didn’t yet.

“Maybe yer right,” they said, and waited on Jay to elaborate, but the man had tapered off into silence, and Mika wasn’t one to pry. He’d tell them if he wanted to, but it wasn’t fair to drag information out of someone.

Another laugh, this time surprised and delighted, pealed from Mika’s maw at Jay’s next words. Them, normal? If only he knew.

They gave the man a toothy smile, barely restraining laughter. “‘S that a good thing?” they asked, tilting their head to the side. “Or a bad one?”

RE: conviction - Jadon - Apr 13, 2024

Maybe you’re right, the other mused. And for a moment, Jay wondered what secrets the other held. Mika seemed far too young to be burdened by anything so problematic, but then again… he took a breath. Almost ready to elaborate, but then..

A toothy smile. And amusement, almost laughter? Jay couldn’t keep the confused frown from beginning to work it’s way across his countenance. What was so funny about being normal? And why would it be bad?

”Very good,” he answered without hesitation though, amber eyes locking onto the other as he said it. Jadon wanted very much to inquire. For he was both confused and intrigued by the small wolf before him. But he knew he couldn’t, not without sharing something about himself. Taking a breath to steady himself, the wanderer sat back.

”I.. once committed an evil act; the worst sin of all. For it, I was sentenced to exile. To wander alone, to never keep friends or company. And my eternal soul.. damned.” He explained, the words steady and unwavering. But clearly pained. ”My only hope for salvation is to find the place of which I spoke.”

He watched, waiting for any signs of judgment, of scorn, or ridicule. It was what he most often faced when he chose to elaborate even this much. Despite their claims, he had no reason to believe Mika would be any different.

RE: conviction - Mika - Apr 13, 2024

Very good. Mika wondered if that was true - if they had ever even seen anyone normal before, so they didn’t really have a frame of reference. Jay probably wasn’t normal, and they’d gotten Adora to play a game about eagle bears, so she absolutely wasn’t normal. But they didn’t think their versions of not normal were bad - Mika liked talking to them both more for it.

Well… except for maybe now.

I.. once committed an evil act; the worst sin of all.

They had certainly not expected that. The worst evil act of all? Had he hurt someone? Killed them? Mika had begun to let their guard down, but perhaps that had been a mistake. Outwardly, they kept their expression carefully masked - except for a small, split-second widening of their eyes. But they didn’t step back, or freak out - not externally, at least.

Instead, they sat still, studying Jay in return, brows knitting just a bit. They didn’t want to guess at what he’d done, and for a moment or two remained quiet, trying to think of how best to handle the conversation.

“D’ya wanna talk about it?” they asked eventually, prompting him to share. They supposed he didn’t have to, but maybe it would be good for him to talk.

RE: conviction - Jadon - Apr 13, 2024

Where he had expected judgment, there was none. At least not that he could see. There was surprise, or perhaps concern - evident in the widening of eyes. But there was no attempt to move away. No mocking, no ridicule.

Only a gentle invitation to explain, to share. The kindness underlying such a gesture was almost enough to bring tears to his eyes, but the wanderer blinked them away, averting his gaze. The temptation to do so was strong, for perhaps it would ease some of his pain. And his deep-rooted desire to feel some kind of connection to another, or anything at all was strong. But he couldn’t. Not yet.

Gently, Jadon shook his head. ”I.. wish I could. But I must complete my quest before I can say more.” He let out a soft breath, with it, easing some of the tension he’d felt. Thank you, for listening, Mika. You are, truly kind. I pray the gods look favorably upon your path.”

For whatever such words could be worth coming from the mouth of a condemned and sinful man.  

RE: conviction - Mika - Apr 13, 2024

Well… they supposed even if he had hurt someone in the past, he was showing no signs of doing that now. Mika didn’t find themself in active danger, so they didn’t feel the need to bolt off or anything. Jay didn’t seem to be willing to share, and Mika wasn’t one to push for more information when they were told no. Sometimes it was better not to know.

“Alright,” they told him, letting their tail wag just a bit. “Ya can tell me after ya find yer lake. If ya wanna.” They wouldn’t be going with him, but something told them they’d probably run into him again down the road, if they were going to remain on the same mountain together. And if Adora was going to be on the mountain, then Mika wasn’t going to wander.

Surprise flickered in Mika’s eyes again at his next statement. Kindness wasn’t really something they felt they possessed. Mika was a solitary individual, avoidant and people-pleasing, but kind wasn’t really a word they’d use to describe themself.

But maybe, if Jay thought so…

A smile, halfway real, crossed their expression again. “‘M just doin’ what anyone would do, Jay. Ya haven’t given me a reason t’ not be nice t’ ya,” they dismissed gently, tail giving a slow wag behind them. “But I… appreciate it. ‘N I hope the same for ya.” They weren’t religious in the slightest - had never had a reason to be - but this man believed, so it was kinda nice for him to send them on their way with the blessing of his gods, Mika figured.

“Are ya headin’ down south after this?” they asked, then, tilting their head to the side.

RE: conviction - Jadon - Apr 14, 2024

Even now, after what secrets Jadon had been able to reveal, the other didn’t press him for answers. Alright. Ya can tell me after, was all that was said. Mika didn’t even really seem to be fearful or weary, as Jay might have been if their positions had been reversed. The longer he thought about it, the more surprised and impressed he was by his new acquaintance.

”Maybe. If you are interested. But it is.. quite boring.” He spoke with an inkling of a smile, making a soft, and probably terrible attempt at humor with the last bit.

To witness a smile went a long way towards warming and encouraging Jay, too. It felt nice to spread a little bit of positivity rather than just negative emotion. He truly hoped he could do more of that once this quest was over. Even if it didn’t end with him finding what he sought.

”Not quite everyone is so nice,” he pushed back lightly. For that was true, at least in his experience. It typically was for almost everyone, and probably Mika too.

The wanderer would bow his head in thanks at the reciprocated wishes, half anticipating that would be the end of things. Mika had one more question for him, however.

”If I do not find what I seek near here, yes. Your cave may require exploration.” It too, could fit what Jay needed to find, he supposed. But he’d have to see it for himself to be sure. ”And you?”

RE: conviction - Mika - Apr 15, 2024

Yeah, there was no way it was boring. Mika gave the man a deadpan expression, disbelief coloring their features. “Ya know, somethin’ tells me yer story isn’t a boring one,” they said, and their straight face was wiped away once more by a small grin when they saw Jay was smiling. That was nice, they figured. He’d looked so sullen at the start of their conversation, after all.

Not quite everyone is so nice.

Wasn’t that the truth? Mika huffed through their nose and angled their ears back. “Yeah, I know,” they agreed, but didn’t elaborate. If they ran into each other again, and if he told them his story, maybe they could share a bit of theirs as well.


“I’m goin’ to the forest for a lil bit, but I’m comin’ back up soon.” They stood and shook off their fur, a broad grin on their face. “It was nice t’meet ya, Jay. I hope t’ see ya again sometime.” And it was true. While Mika didn’t necessarily consider him a friend just yet, something told them they might be able to head in that direction in the future.

Can probably fade here or if you wanna tack on one more post?