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Sacred Grove It's Not What It Seems - Printable Version

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It's Not What It Seems - Vlarindara - May 20, 2012

OOC: Will pretty up with a table later 8D

"I-..I don't know. As..long as they need me, I suppose.." She lifted her head, looking at him, her ears falling against her healing scruff - the wounds from Elettra's fangs healing rather well. The ivory wolf frowned before shifting, pressing her side against his furred one, whining softly. "T-there... are pups coming. I ....can't abandon them with these pups on the way.." Angier knew full well that Vlarindara had blamed herself for Prosper's Death.. and still did.

The wolfess wasn't honestly sure that she could just.. walk away as she had before.. Knowing full well that if she did - she might lose another pup.. and Clarindara didn't want yet *another* death on her paws.. she couldn't handle it.

It's Not What It Seems - Angier - May 24, 2012

He processed the information for a while, his own ears twitching in response to what she said next. Swift River would soon be welcoming another set of puppies as well and, he, too, was uncertain if now was a good time to begin what they were eagerly looking forward to - a life of their own. Together. "Maybe we'll have t' wait a while longer," he finally breathed. "That... That won't be long, right?" He shifted slightly, just enough to feel their their pelts meld together in a mix of earthen and ivory hues. To look back into her vibrant amber eyes.

"I guess... We'll still play everything by ear, hmm?" His eyes locked on the forest around them before dropping to her willowy figure pressed against him. "Never mind about the world for the time being. Things... Things are changing. For the best or for the worse, maybe after everything's settled down it'll be all right." He released a soft sigh. "Aside from Raigo and whatever we've planned and the upcoming puppies... anything else on your mind?" A warm smile played along his muzzle again as he listened to her breathing, felt her nestled into his side. "I love being knight in shining armor to a degree, I'll admit, but you are aware that you're just as strong, right? Maybe even stronger? Things happen and it gets you down, but what is it that's stoppin' you? If it's guilt or something else, it's not helping. I want you to feel better y'know."

It's Not What It Seems - Vlarindara - May 25, 2012


His contact was nice - it was warm..Comforting. Vlarindara lifted her head slightly..lifting it until she moved, reclining upon the ground and dropping her jaw onto her ivory paws with a gusty sigh. "That's just it, I don't.. I don't know what I want .. I don't know what's wrong, Angier. I just.." Her thoughts returned to Prosper.. Theo.. The small pups that had died their first year because of her. "I'm scared. I want to do right by the pack.. but I don't want to see the pups die again.. or pup.."

She had no way of knowing if there was going to be more than one pup or not. The wolfess sighed, closing her eyes and laying her ears against her nape with a soft whine. "I...can't fail again. I just can't." SHe couldn't fail the pups again - Vlar was sure that it would kill her if she did.

Table by Katsuma. Coding by Ryn


It's Not What It Seems - Angier - Jun 21, 2012

"We will wait then," he repeated, becoming alarmed by the uncertainty she channeled. Especially as she laid down and placed her chin on her paws. "When the time comes we'll know by then," He craned his neck down and pressed his nose into hers with a soft smile, "We don't need to rush." The words he had been turning about in his head finally surfaced as she admitted that she couldn't fail. That she couldn't possibly handle another fiasco on her expense.

He lowered himself down onto his haunches, "I have good news for you, though, Vlari. I've been aching to tell you." His tail gave a few thumps to the ground behind him. "When you are ready, I have secured an agreement with Indru, Swift River's leader. When... When the time is right, the invitation for you to become a River wolf will be waiting." The joy on his face washed out whatever anxiety had begun to creep up into his features and he paused for a while in attempt to read her face. "We can get situated and see how pack life works for the both of us..." He opted to skip over the parts where he was well aware of how much time was against them; being middle-aged was not so much of a pressing factor but, rather, timing everything as not to press Indru's or Corinna's buttons any more than they have already been. Angier had been oblivious to the situation between Swift River and Poison path, but either way, asking for his superior to grant Vlarindara entry into the pack was already placing his toes on the line. "And we'll see where we go from there."

It's Not What It Seems - Vlarindara - Jun 24, 2012


Her head lifted and she stared openly at him, plumed tail thumping slightly against the ground she lay upon. Vlarindara felt her ears rotate towards him, focusing her left eye on his form. "Truly? You.. aren't just saying that? I can't.." Why would his pack allow a cripple in their cloister? "I..." The ivory female lowered her head and looked down at her paws, her tail still thumping despite her uncertainty. "But.. why? What... what did you lose to gain their permission, Angier? Why..would any alpha in their right mind allow a cripple?"

Vlarindara had little left - she had Angier.. and intended to cling to that, but of course, it wholly depended on whatever the alphas of their packs decided. She wouldn't leave Grizzly Hollow until she was sure the pups would be safe.. Until she was sure the pack could support them. "As...much as I want to - we have four new pups.. I can't lose them...I can't.. put that.. They're your... nephews.. your neices..I cann't let them die."

Table by Katsuma. Coding by Ryn


It's Not What It Seems - Angier - Jul 06, 2012

Gonne wrap this up. <3

The Lyall shook his head to confirm that what he had just told her was sincere. "You are not crippled," he firmly stated when she began to continually fret. "And I didn't lose anything. Honestly, I gained something. I gained the promise of having you near should everything fall into place. I have owed allegiance to Indru since the day I came here for Alexander's sake." As she lowered her head, he pressed his lips to her forehead again. "You won't let them die," he finally assured her. "Borden would not continue to hold you in such high regards if he knew you would somehow let him or his family down. This is just a step for us... We'll take it one at a time. Even if we have to wait until the pups are older; what is two or three months down the road? Or five or six? There will be a day when time might be an issue, but for the while being, we already have more than we need. Enough to get our lives back on track in our current situations and plan ahead..."