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Thicket of Secrets Hello, again... - Printable Version

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Hello, again... - Koda - May 14, 2012

Nina seemed to understand his short rollercoaster of emotions, comforting him with her actions rather than potentially awkward words. She also didn't press for more details and he was immensely grateful for that. When she seemed happy that he showed an interest in healing and offered to teach him sometime, he was flattered. He also had the feeling that it didn't come lightly. "To be sure, I would love to learn a bit sometime. I don't think that I have the aptitude for a true healer, but it would be an honor to learn from you." He gave her another regal bow, by way of thanks.

He gave her a friendly nuzzle of his own. "Where did you learn healing from?" He found that he was curious to know more about her. He was unsure if it was just her or that fact that he was thirsty for contact with other wolves. Either way, he was thoroughly enjoying his time now with Nina.

Hello, again... - Nina - May 14, 2012

She smiled immediately at his response and laughed lightly as he nuzzled her. She would definitely enjoy being in contact with this wolf, no matter what the case. He was easy to talk to and be around and she found it easier to talk to him. She wasn't scared to talk to him. But when he asked his next question tension slowly leeked back into her muscles. Who had taught her? Hah, who had taught her?!? Her eyes darted around the clearing easily looking for some sign of what to say. What could she say. Just tell him the truth, girly. Opening her mouth a small squeak came out before she could talk. A whine escaped her mouth. Why couldn't she talk? She tried again but he voice was raspy, "My mentor's name was Trey Carson Nelson. He was a great teac-"

It was all she could get out of her mouth before her voice broke and nothing came out. The young female's ears pinned on her head in shock. How? How had his happened. Remedies flashed in her mind quickly, honey, garlic, and plenty of liquid. She stared at Koda quietly not attempting talking anymore. She coudl definitely lose her voice completely if she attempted to talk anymore and she could only hope that he would understand this. Perhaps he could even help her find something. Would he know what to get though? Tilting her head she stared at him, reading herself not to be insulted if he instantly backed away.

Hello, again... - Koda - May 14, 2012

Nina seemed happy enough and then she looked a bit worried before answering. Or rather trying to. An odd squeak escaped her mouth and then she tried again. She'd nearly gotten it out when she suddenly stopped talking. What was wrong? His brows furrowed with worry. He nuzzled her again, "Are you all right?" Worry filled him as he saw what appeared to be panic overtake her. A whine escaped him as he nuzzled her again, eyes filled with concern.

He was unsure of what was the matter, or what to do to help her. He stood and looking into her green eyes, "Can I help? Do you need someone from your pack?" He would run and find someone if he needed to, even Volkan, if it meant helping Nina. He looked around and paced a few feet, but came back. An idea struck him, "Is there a herb that will help?" He was grasping at straws, but he was worried. She seemed to be all right, but panicked and unable to speak.

Hello, again... - Nina - May 14, 2012

The male in front of her instantly took on a worried note. Yeah, she would probably be worried too. She needed Kanosak. . .but he had left. He was the only wolf besides Volkan that had medical knowledge of this kind that would able to help her. And being her she wasn't going to ask this male of that. Shaking her head for his first question she watched as he paved back towards her. Did she need an herb. Nodding her head quickly she winced. How could she explain it to him? She didn't know at all. She couldn't lip talk so she didn't know how this was going to work out. Opening her mouth she lipped her words to Koda, Honey

The thing she needed oh so badly could look like several thing. Bunny being just one of the several.  Triell and Niara were far away from this area and there was no possibly way for her to howl for them. She could only hope that the male in front of her understood what she had tried to say. She needed to show him somehow that she was okay, otherwise she would cause some kind of panic. Smiling at Koda she nuzzled his shoulder gently a teasing glint in her eyes. It was one of the only things she could think of to calm him down.

Hello, again... - Koda - May 14, 2012

When she calmly nuzzled him back, Koda toned his worry down a few notches. She wasn't panicked, so he shouldn't be, right? When he finally stilled, he saw her shake her head for getting help elsewhere. Then she mouth a word silently. Problem was, he had no real idea what it was. He tried to picture it again in his head, slowing it down. Funny? Absolutely not. Bunny? That would have nothing to do with voice troubles. What else? he asked himself. "Ah, ahhh.... Honey?" he finally got to after several more tries. That actually made sense. Honey would sooth the throat. Maybe that would be enough. He sure hoped so.

He looked at Nina for denial or confirmation as he slowly went through his guesses, hoping to see affirmation or rejection of each. She seemed to perk up when he got to honey, but he couldn't be sure, so he asked once more. "Is it honey?" in a hopeful voice.

Hello, again... - Nina - May 15, 2012

By the look on Koda's face it was obvious he had no clue what she was talking about. He had seemed to calm down slightly, which was a good sign, all in all.  Now that the male had calmed perhaps he would be able to think clearer. He was obviously in deep thought and what he said next was a feel relief to her. . .he figured it out. Nodding her head shakily she smiled at him again. That was exactly what she needed, honey. She encouraged him with  a light lick to his cheek. He had understood her and that was all that mattered. Was that she could possibly be okay. She knew she wouldn't be able to go back into Creek territory without her voice. It would only result in the panic of Aeylen and stress was something the pregnant female could do without at the moment. 

Twitching her ears she stared at the boy on front of her. Would he even know what the herb was? She hoped so otherwise she might actually have to ask him to call Kashikoi to help her. She didn't doubt the male's abilities but if she had to ask him to call for her young pupil. Opening her moth she quickly shut it before she attempted to talk. This was a bad idea she would have to keep her voice quite until it healed otherwise something worse could happen to her than was already happened. Staring at Koda in front of her expectantly she tilted her head.

Hello, again... - Koda - May 15, 2012

Finally, he got it right! Honey. Honey? How was he supposed to get her honey? Well, he had to try. Giving her a lick on her cheek he turned a surveyed the surrounding area. Honey came from bees, so all he had to do was find a hive. Simple. He could do this. He'd figure out what to do with the hive when he found it. One step at a time.

He set all of his senses to scanning for the scent of honey or the sound of bees. Neither were close enough to be detected. He'd have to move out to expand his search area. He had to think this through though or he could waste a lot of time searching in the wrong direction. Bees were always around flowers, so he needed to find flowers of some sort. Likely they'd be nearby. If not, he'd need dumb luck to find them and their precious honey. "Any ideas on where a hive might be? Near flowers maybe?" It was still a bit early for most flowers, but the hive would have been there already in the warmer seasons, he surmised.

He glanced back at her for directions. At least that gave him something to go on. "Back in a jiff!" Then he took off as fast as he could given the close confines of the greenery. At last he found the area that he was looking for. It was a small clearing filled with hundreds of plants that were growing but not quite blooming yet, given the chill that still remained in the air. He didn't need flowers, he needed honey. Hopefully, there was a bee hive nearby. He again focused his keen senses and listened for the sound of buzzing bees and tried to breath in the sweet smell of honey. This time he had success! He headed off to the left, where the faintest sound of bees originated from.

Koda looked up at the hive, suddenly very grateful that Nina had stayed behind for his search. There were a few bees lazily buzzing around outside, but the sound of dozens more swirling about the interior was hard to miss. This would not be pretty. He stepped back a ways and ran and jumped at the hive, bumping it with his body and luckily knocking it to the ground on the first try. Unfortunately, that agitated the bees that were dozing inside. He darted away with little incident, but the hive was now temptingly on the ground, but nearly completely covered with bees. Now what?

Flying by the seat of his pants he charged the hive, causing most of the bees to take flight. He snatched the stem that the hive had been suspended on and ran for dear life. The angry bees gave chase, attempting to sting him, but for the most part his thick pelt protected him. He was immensely grateful for his thick winter undercoat that hadn't fully gone away. As he ran, he periodically banged the hive on a tree as he passed, causing the last stragglers to exit there now-mobile home. The trail of bees slowly tapered of, but he ran for quite a while before slowing. He had left their territory and most of the bees had turned back.

By the time that he made it back to Nina, all of the bees had left off. Dozens had attempted to sting him, but most attempts failed. There were a few on his cheeks that hit there mark, unhampered by the longer thicker fur that covered most of his body. There was even one on the toe of his right hind leg. They all stung horribly and he could only hope that the honey did the trick for Nina. Then it would be her turn to find a treatment for what ailed him. A half dozen fiery bee stings. He laid the now-empty hive at her feet and gave her a woebegone look. "Tag. You're it!" He tried to make his voice sound chipper, but it was quite muffled by the swelling around his mouth. Unknown to him, his smile was something to behold.... and then wish that you hadn't.

Hello, again... - Nina - May 15, 2012

It seemed that right after the golden brown beauty confirmed with him that what she needed was honey he took off immediately.  This wolf was going through much trouble to help her out and she could only highly appreciate it. The brute seemed to be quite like her in some ways, helping others. And he was a kind something she largely appreciated.  She sat there, in silence, torchered by the fact that he might easily get injured by the bees. Figuring that while he was gone she might as well find some Plantain. Sniffing the air curiously she lifted her muzzle. Was that some to the north of where she was currently standing? Sniffing again she started forward looking for the green herb that she was looking for. The scent seemed to be getting stronger and finally she came upon a clove of the strange plant. 

Even though she knew the plant he wasn't sure if it would work well enough, but it was the best thing she could think of. Collecting a few of the herbs into her mouth she made sure to carefully not step on anything that could be useful. To her, wasting something, even if on accident, was a sin. Mainly when it came to herbs. Turning quickly around she went back to where she was previously waiting for Koda. The handsome male had still not arrived and a feeling of dread starting to creep into the girl's body. Where was he? Was he alright? Did he ditch her?

Just as her ears folded over her head kids crashed through the bushes the bee hive in his mouth. Dropping it in front of her she smiled at him but what quickly turned into a look of concern. Bee stings covered the male's face, making Nina regret asking him to go get her some honey. But then he cracked a small joke, one that told get he was still himself. Then he smiled. It wasn't the most attractive thing she had seen from him but it was still cute.  Rushing over to him she nuzzled him on the cheek silently, indicating that she was thankful for him finding her honey. But now it was her turn. 

Not even thinking about herself and her voice she grabbed the Plantain before rushing back over to him. Opening her mouth she said in a raspy, soft voice, "Helps stings." Nina turned away and coughed heavily before turning back to Koda. Taking the herb into her moth she chewed on it and after turning it into a pulp put it in her paw and smoothed it on a few of his stings. Usually the relief would be instant but each patient reacted differently to different treatments. After applying a few more coats on some of his wounds she licked his nose affectionately before twitching her ears.

Hello, again... - Koda - May 16, 2012

He felt heat creep up his neck beneath his thick fur as he heard his voice, strangely muffled due to the now-obvious swelling about his face. The left side of his muzzle was starting to look like a small balloon and the pain was growing. He hadn't even felt it in his hurry to escape these rampaging insects behind him and to get back to Nina with the honey. The honey which lay on the ground, forgotten. She was tending to him first, the healer in her demanding it. He cringed when she spoke, her voice sounding raspy and pained.

As she created the healing paste to ease his pain, he caught himself staring at her, unashamedly. Her mind seemed totally focused on creating and treating him with her magical paste. It did it's job rapidly and the worst of the pain melted away. While she was busy with her task he marveled that she would tend him so gently when she was in such need herself. Her kindness and gentleness appealed to his protective nature. The nature that finally brought him out of his thoughts enough to say, "I am much better now. Please, see to yourself, sweet Nina. Don't use your voice again until you've treated it properly." His voices was still muffled, due to the swelling, but hopefully she was able to understand the gist of the sounds coming out of his expanded muzzle. He reinforced his words by nuzzling the side of her muzzle with his own and then gently nudging her in the direction of his hard won prize.

What a pair they made right now. She couldn't speak and he couldn't speak clearly! He couldn't help a smile despite the swelling, of his muzzle, but winced inwardly when it made the bites flare up for a moment.

Hello, again... - Nina - May 16, 2012

So carefully attending to Koda she barely noticed the wince that he gave when she spoke. She noticed it but didn't mind. She didn't wish to imagine what her voice sounded like to another's ears at the moment. He seemed to be generally pleased with her herbal work and soon after she applied his treatment she was soon returned with some words and a gentle nuzzle towards her honey. She did however notice the male's mouth swell. How she wished she could have thought of bringing some ginger. She was quickly hushed by Koda before she could speak again and was then encouraged even further to have some honey. 

Sighing mentally she gave glance at Koda that said, Im not done with you yet.  Turning towards the honey she stepped forward and lowered her muzzle. Towards the end of the hive, whichever end it was, she didn't know. She licked up some honey and let it dissolve in her mouth before it quickly traveled down her throat.  Her throat felt slightly better but she knew it would be awhile before she could speak again. Licking up some more of the honey she continued the process a few more times to the point where some honey was left. Perhaps the honey would help with Koda's swelling. It was always worth a try. Turning towards Koda she twitched her ear before gently tugging on his ear towards the honey. She didn't know how to speak to him any other way, but she wasn't going to hurt him by nudging him anywhere near his stings.