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Wild Cherry Orchard Praise the Moon - Printable Version

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Praise the Moon - Pakuna - Jun 22, 2012


With Nina's accepting words, Pakuna was off. She shot through the night like a homing missile. Her pale eyes shimmered under the moon as she dodged the cherry trees. Paws rolled here and there as they pressed down upon fallen cherries on the thickly grassed ground. Parting her jaws, the woman allowed herself to pant, but not too loud- rabbits were about.

It seemed that the full moon drew out some prey tonight. As the earthen woman began to slow, the scents of potential prey entered her nostrils. With an excited wag of her tail, Pakuna lowered herself downward slowly. She crept up toward an old cherry tree, pressing her body against it. She held her breath as she became one with the bark. One...two...three...four... Four rabbits. Which one should she take? Their figures were merely silhouettes, illuminated by the moon. She observed these figures with a keen an experienced eye, figuring out that one was pregnant whilst one of the others was just fat.

With a sneer drawing across her face, she began to creep forward now, the cool earth doing nothing to ease the excitement flowing through her veins and stinging her muscles. Pakuna approached as near as she could before feeling her hind legs preparing to spring into action. As the plump rabbit neared, the time to strike had also arrived. She sprang into action, jaws awaiting the feeling of flesh. She landed right before the rabbit, and the creature froze in fear as if hoping she would not see him. With a few snaps of her jaws, the animal was hanging limply within her mouth.

She arrived back to the injured Nina. Grinning through the bracken pelt of the rabbit, she gently placed it down in front of the woman's tan paws. "Plump one I got ye! Be so fat could barely get 'way." With a slight chuckle, she panted, plopping down on her rump next to Nina.


Praise the Moon - Nina - Jun 23, 2012

With her brief words Pakuna took off into the forest, no doubt going to get her some food. The thought that her pack mate was caring for her pleased her. It meant that she still cared. And while Koda had caught her a few meals through her time, when she had gotten back from her attack her leg had given her the incapability to hunt, leaving Nina scurrying around to find berries and what not to fill her stomach. Her muscular build had dispersed from her well being but it didn’t stop her from feeling useless. The only thing she could do now was her herbal training and even though that was the only thing she had, she could feel her training slightly fading away. She would probably soon get her own information back though. It was just anesthesia creeping into her brain after her attack, soon enough, with her being comfortable around others.

Pakuna seemed to be taking long enough, but Nina waited. She was getting food for Nina and that made her slightly happy. Her pack mate still cared and that was something that warmed the golden lady’s heart. Her tail thumped heavily against the ground and soon enough the brown female stepped trough the trees, a plump rabbit in her maw. The older female soon sat in front of her, dropping the prey from her mouth to Nina. The words of the older female made her smile and she soon dipped her head in respect and thanks, "Thank you so much, Pakuna. Please. . .take some for yourself as well."

The golden brown female then waited patiently for her superior to dig into the rabbit. It was the respectable thing to do with pack mates. The lowest of the pack always got to eat last while pups and their leaders ate first. It was simple fact and instinct. Her eyes roamed Pakuna’s briefly and she suddenly felt bad. She had a mate. . .from a different pack. The thought brought upsetting thoughts into Nina’s mind. What if they kind out about that? She would probably be shunned by the fact that she had received a mate and then she would once again be a lone wolf. The thought made her upset but she kept up her happy façade in front of her friend. It was, in fact, nothing of importance at the moment.


Praise the Moon - Pakuna - Jun 26, 2012


Eat first? But... she had caught this rabbit for Nina, not her. Oh well. Dipping her head to the woman, she lowered her head slowly, taking a bite from the flank. The meat was rich in flavor; she chewed thoughtfully before allowing herself to gulch it. Bringing her head back upwards, a sheepish grin spread across her muzzle. "There. Got me fill. Yer turn." Allowing herself to chuckle lightly, she pawed at the plump rabbit, encouraging Nina to eat. She needed the energy way more than she did.

The moon above seemed to smile at them; it remained uncovered by clouds as to provide a light source for the two women. She could see Nina quite clearly; her coat was shaded grays and browns due to the waning light of the moon. If ye need anyon' to find ye herbs er somethin', I will. I'll help ye all ye need, Nina." She was a pack mate; not only that, but she was a very kind female. She did not deserve to be pushed aside just because she had been heavily injured.

Pakuna almost snarled as to what Volkan would say about her injuries. If need be, Pakuna would defend NIna. It was not her fault, after all. Something she couldn't help...she shouldn't be punished for. Calming herself, Pakuna remained neutral now in expression, awaiting Nina to eat her meal.


Praise the Moon - Nina - Jun 26, 2012

When Pakuna ate a bite, she gave the older wolf a look of slight disapproval at the amount of food she had eaten. It had only been a small amount, but she supposed she couldn’t complain to the others but she was hungry. Taking a mouthful of meat she chewed it and finally swallowed. The rabbit was, indeed, delicious. She listened to her pack mates words with patience. She was offering to help the Medic in getting herbs. . .how kind of her. She couldn’t refuse her but she wasn’t going to exactly give her permission to help her. She had Kashikoi and if she did need help she would let the female know.

When she finally finished the rabbit, she lifted her head and spoke her thoughts out loud, ”Thank you. I will let you know if I need help. . .Pakuna. . .what do you think Volkan is going to think about my attack?” In all truths Nina was terrified of meeting the Second after her attack. She didn’t want to see the disappointment flashing in all of her superiors eyes when she arrived to the scene. She was even slightly scared that she might be shinned and be put out of the pack. Something she didn’t want.

Praise the Moon - Pakuna - Jun 28, 2012


Pakuna's lip raised in a snarl at Nina's question. She rolled her pale emerald eyes, letting her head shake wildly. "Dun' worry 'bout her, Nina. She's damn touchy. I won't let her lay a paw on ye, I promise." She watched Nina bite into the rabbit for a moment before gazing back to the moon. Silently, she prayed to the silver disc that Nina would ease herself back into Copper Rock with no problem. The wolves of the Creek were very close, or so it seemed. They were a family, and should act as such. Shooing Nina away would cause anger within the earth-toned woman.

Peering back to her, she shrugged. "Sorry for me outburst. Jus' that...well, I thought Volkan was a good lass at first." Her mind backtracked to when she had first met her. She told her story and Pakuna spoke of hers. They seemed to be getting along until the incident with the lone wolf near the borders. Her judgement just seemed off to her.

"Jus'...she lost me respect when we saw the lone wolf at tha' borders, I tell ye. She...dunno. Bad judgement." Pursing her lips, her eyes narrowed as she imagined Volkan attempting to harm Nina. She would show that woman a thing or two if she tried it. She knew for a fact that Aeylen would be fine with what happened... but what about everyone else?


Praise the Moon - Nina - Jun 29, 2012

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As soon as the words left her mouth, an unexpected outbursts came from Pakuna. She seemed mad at the mention of their pack mate and Nina, honestly, understood. Volkan had been a bitch to Koda the first time they had met and that had angered Nina greatly. The once loner hadn’t even been close to the borders and Volkan had demanded food from the older male, and in that short time period, most of her pack mates had lost their respect for the girl, and she deserved it. Hell, she would much rather have Pakuna as her second. . .now that she thought of it. . .she couldn’t agree more with her own thoughts.

She soon spoke, "It‘s alright. I completely agree. . .have you ever. . .thought about challenging her for Second?"

She felt cheap. . .talking about her other pack mate behind her back. But she couldn’t help herself. . .she had to know if her friend was going to challenge the other girl. She would support Pakuna in the process for she didn’t think Volkan could remain second. If she couldn’t keep her emotions in check most of the time, then the Creek wolves might have a problem. But she wouldn’t stress the information of her fears on her leaders. They had pups, and they were the most important ones to take care of at the moment, not what she was concerned about.

Praise the Moon - Pakuna - Jun 30, 2012

Going to wrap this up if you don't mind <3 You can leave a reply if you'd like!! :)


Pakuna shrugged her shoulders in honesty. "Dunno. Aeylen takes a likin' to h er, I tell ye. No probl'um with that, I guess. We be havin' more to worry 'bout anyways, like pups n' stuff." She sighed lightly before shaking her head. "Perhaps I will, some time." Sleep was pulling at her now. Her lids were growing weak; her body heavy. Oh, how it seemed she did not have nearly as much energy as she used to when she was younger. How she missed those days.

Leaning forward, Pakuna softly nudged the side of Nina's face. She gazed her closed eye before speaking "I'm proud of ye for comin' back after yer attack. Takes heart, I say." A large smile now came across her face a lightning speed; her pale eyes lit up although she was tired. She was an honorable pack mate.

With a yawn, Pakuna rose to her feet, stretching before shaking out her brown toned coat. "Nina, I don' be meanin' to cut our talk short, but an old woman like me be needin' her sleep." A slight chuckle rumbled through her chest and out her mouth as her ears flickered. She spoke in such an odd manner, yet her expressions and emotions were clear. "If ye need anythin', I always be here, ye hear me?" With these words, she dipped her head to Nina before slipping away into the moon-lit night to head back to the den site.


Praise the Moon - Nina - Jun 30, 2012

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Nodding her head at Pakuna’s words she began to ponder over them briefly. Aeylen and Volkan did seem close to each other. . .but then wasn’t Volkan one of the founding members of the pack? It would only make sense for her to be the second of the pack. She would rather have Pakuna as her second but as her friend had said. . .she needed to look after the little pups. Which made enough sense to her. . .the pups were the most important things in the pack right now. Soon enough Pakuna claimed her leave, and perhaps it would have been better for her. Pakuna needed to get back to the pack to do her duty. . .something she should have done as well.

With a small smile on her face Nina dipped her head and muttered a quick thank you before turning her head back to the sky. Pakuna was gone and she briefly ran over her conversation. She had the other female’s respect. Something Nina didn’t happen to be able to score often with other wolves around her. She had a friend that she could trust and that was all that mattered. Nina know believed that she was ready to return to her pack.

That’s fine. You can archive it if you want. <3