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Wild Cherry Orchard botanical dimensions - Printable Version

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botanical dimensions - Sibyl - Jul 15, 2012


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At the request to stay, the tension and guilt Sibyl had felt just melted away. She didn't believe that anyone could lie, and if Jade wanted her to stay, she would. Sibyl wasn't sure what to expect when the nervous fae steeled herself to speak again. With courage Sibyl hadn't expected the wolf to be able to draw up, Jade declared her quest of fining her long lost brother. For a moment, Sibyl was silent. Jade hadn't asked a question, but it was obviously a request for information. Staring off to the side, eyes fixed on little more than a mote of dust floating through the air, the brown wolf pondered.

Sibyl scraped her memories for any males that could be this woman's brother. There were, of course, the Hollow wolves, but of the three males Sibyl didn't think any had ever mentioned a sister. On top of that, the Hollow males were a bit older than Jade. There was no way any of them could have been her litter mates. Possibly an older brother, but she thought that to be unlikely. Then there was the handful of males that had shown up to rescue Kiche from the bear, but even if any of them were Jade's brother, Sibyl had no idea where she might tell Jade to find them.

Her mind turned to that miserably rainy day in which she had fallen into that trench on the meadow, and the dark, storm-eyed wolf who had helped her and given her food. There was a sort of hidden kindness to him, she was sure, buried somewhere under his rough demeanor. Her metallic eyes turned back to Jade, carefully picking over her features, her slight stature, her shy expressions. There was no way that the big, brusque male from the meadow was this tiny, timid woman's relation.

Sibyl sighed, an apologetic smile on her face. "I really don't think I've seen him, miss. I'm sorry. What does he look like? If I ever do see him, I'll be sure to let you know." Her brow furrowed as she tried to think how she would even find Jade again if she ever did find the brother. "Uhm, where do you live, though?"


botanical dimensions - Jade - Jul 15, 2012

Jade could almost see the other fae's mind working. She was really trying to think if she had seen anyone that could be her brother. With a start she realized that all she had given was an age. That would rule some wolves in and some wolves out, but it honestly was almost nothing to go on. Just as she was kicking herself for her mistake of omission, Sibyl said that she didn't think that she had met anyone that could be her brother, but asked for the missing description. Jade hung her head in embarrassment as the question was voiced. How else was another wolf to know if they'd seen Steel or not?

With a chagrined look, she smiled timidly at the other woman. "S-sorry! A d-description would b-be helpful! Steel is large, black and white with dark blue eyes. He's nothing like m-me. Nothing scares him, ever." The pride that she felt for her missing brother was more than evident in her voice. Not knowing if this would change the woman's answer, she wondered at her next question. Where did she live? Nowhere. Everywhere. She thought on how she should answer this complicated question. It was simple really, in the end. "Wherever Steel is." She knew her answer made absolutely no sense, but until she found him, she would have no home, no roots, no place to belong.

botanical dimensions - Sibyl - Jul 17, 2012


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Sibyl listened to the description of the missing brother, and again scrunched her forehead in concentration. Her eyes widened in surprise when she realized the description was a perfect match for the wolf from the meadow. She hadn't known his name at the time, but if it the same wolf, it would make sense such an aloof grouch would be named Steel. She would imagine that he was fearless as well, but she couldn't tell for sure from their brief interaction. Sibyl certainly wasn't anything that anyone would be afraid of, well, other than Jade. As for Jade's home being wherever Steel was, Sibyl simply didn't understand how that would work, seeing as she couldn't find him. Hopefully with the bit of information she could provide, she wouldn't have to find Jade again.

"Oh, if that's what he's like, I did see him!" Sibyl answered, her tail swishing as she was eager to offer any information she could. "About a moon ago, he found me in a muddy ditch, down in Hush Meadow, a ways south of here." Sibyl frowned slightly at the memory, as it wasn't exactly a pleasant situation she had gotten herself into, at no fault of Steel's. "He woke me up and got me something to eat, then just walked off. I didn't find out his name or anything, but he was very quiet and grumpy." Her wagging tail slowed, as she realized the lead was so old it might not be of any help. "I have no idea where he is now though, miss."


botanical dimensions - Jade - Jul 18, 2012

She saw the other woman thinking again and tiny flicker of hope came back to life. When she said that she had seen him, was a sure that it must be him that had helped her, that flicker burst to life and joy filled the little fae. Finally, someone had seen her brother! The lead was a month old... but it was all that she had to go on. She had to go south then... to Hush Meadow and see if anyone else had seen him. Maybe he was still there, by some miracle! While she knew that the likelihood of that was practically nonexistent, she chose to beguile herself into believing it possible.

With an excited look at Sibyl, who had been so kind to her she said, "I have to go after him, then! Thank you so much for your help!" Not a single stutter left her mouth in her excitement to finally have a lead on Steel. She took a step to the side, preparing to do just that, when she hesitated. Giving Sibyl a bittersweet look she said, "I-I'm really glad that I met y-you. Thank you." This time the stutter was not a nervous one, but one of sadness. This little wolf was one of the first that she felt a true kinship with. Perhaps because they were both so timid. Whatever the reason, she was truly sad to part ways with her. She looked into the Sibyl's eyes with her own soft green ones and continued, "Perhaps w-we shall see each other again, s-sometime?" He soft voice was questioning, but hopeful. She counted herself lucky to have met Sibyl, and for much more than just the lead about Steel. After a long moment and a small smile, Jade headed south with sadness and joy warring within her.

botanical dimensions - Sibyl - Jul 20, 2012


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Before Sibyl's eyes, Jade's hopeless expression transformed into one of excitement. Sibyl was glad that the tiny shred of stale information had been gratefully received. She truly hoped that the knowledge that Steel was indeed out there, and the general area he had been in, would lead to a reunion of the siblings. She wondered what her own brother was up to. Sibyl imagined that he would be sunbathing in the warm southern sun-kissed prairies, but perhaps he too had moved on to bigger and better things, as she had.

Jade's thanks was gratefully received, and Sibyl dipped her head humbly. "No problem, miss! I do hope that I'll see you again. I live in Cedarwood Forest, if you ever need to find me." Her eyes met Jade's with a look of understanding, kindred spirits. Sibyl wished that Jade had been her sister, instead. But friends were just as good. As Jade turned to leave, Sibyl added, "And good luck finding your brother!" A new friend hadn't been on Sibyl's list of expectations for her day's outing to the orchard, but she couldn't have hoped for better. She could return home a tiny bit prouder of herself, having been useful to someone. Take that, Sibyl thought, hoping that through some sort of telepathy her awful sister would hear the message.
