Ruins of Wildwood
Lost Lake You promised Peace!... I promise Loyalty! - Printable Version

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You promised Peace!... I promise Loyalty! - Steel - Jul 18, 2012

Steel watched the display between the two, knowing that his own show of respect had fallen short. Athena seemed content with it for the moment, but he had seen the slight look of disapproval from the dark Second. With an inner grimace, he resigned himself to getting more at ease with these displays of status. They were unnecessary in the life of a loner, but he did have dim memories of his mother demanding such displays from him and his sister. With this memory firmly in mind, Steel submitted to Athena's muzzle grab, despite every fiber in his being fighting the urge to resist. Then she rubbed her lithe form against his and it was done. He was firmly marked as one of her own and the newest member of her pack.

Then she suggested that Ava escort him to the den and walked back towards the direction from which she came. Just like that he went from being a wandering loner to an official pack member. He turned his stormy blue eyes upon the dark female, grudgingly awaiting her instructions. It was clear that it was Athena's wish and so he waited to follow her lead, although the urge to be alone again was strong. He would not try to beguile himself into thinking that the transition would be easy, but surely he would still find solitude, even in a pack...

You promised Peace!... I promise Loyalty! - Ava - Jul 19, 2012

As predicted, Athena officiated his acceptance. The black female watched with bright eyes, for she really hadn't any objection to the newcomer. He was brawny, which was an extreme plus in a pack known for being a harem... and he would be, besides Ash, their first fresh meat since Rhysis and Naira's disappearance. The new generation, who had never known anything from before. That was refreshing. As Athena approached her she snuck in a quick lick beneath the chin before taking her lady's command and stepping toward the newly appointed Poison Path male. Spine straight and chest high, she reached forward to grasp the male's muzzle with her own jaws. After a moment of eye contact she would release and turn away from him, gaze on the poison path. Her gesture was not meant to mock him and his lack of manners, but rather reinstate it. He clearly respected Athena, but there seemed to lack the thread of connection that Ava was just a step down, just a couple inches at Athena's right hand, always. Hopefully now that it was understood, Ava tossed her head over her shoulder. "Shall we?" she mused, and lead the male home.
(Ava out~)