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Thicket of Secrets Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Printable Version

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Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Hotei - Jul 23, 2012


Burn followed the female leisurely as she scented out
the young deer. He was not happy to see that the two of them would
have to go after young healthy deer. The black male did not want the risk
of getting injured on a hunt that might not even be successful.
I guess I will let her do more of the running it down. She seems to have
more speed and good stamina for that. Once it's tired then I can go after it...

With his mind made up the black wolf singled out the smallest of
the three young deer and pointed his nose towards it.
"The one to the left is our meal..." He spoke quietly and began to stalk forward.
His ebony tail whisked past her nose as he padded forward. There were not
enough wolves to encircle the deer so he readied himself for a long chase.


Low muse sorry for the short post! Couldn't think of anything to write. :(

Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Jessie - Jul 24, 2012

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The burnt male’s deep voice echoed in her ear, and she couldn’t help but shiver. Her mind refocused on his words, and her glowing emerald eyes were strictly on the deer that he had pointed out. Her paws stepped lightly towards the yearling. . .the hunt was on. Her muscles flexed beneath her pelt as she bolted forward and into the clearing. Her jaws snapped quickly to where the other two would go in a different direction. But her eyes were now on the yearling. All she needed to do was give it a good chase and keep it occupied and hopefully Burn would do the rest.

She ran quickly on the right side the deer and snapped at its sides, leaving little nicks on its body. It didn’t seem as though Jess was scaring it enough, for soon she was rammed by the large thing and sent skidding to the ground with a yelp. All the breath was knocked out of her, but she was soon back on her feet. She had speed on this thing and she would not let it get away. Shaking herself quickly, her paws once again took off. Her nose high hoping to catch the trail. . .and she did. Her pace increased and she was soon neck and neck with the large beast again./

Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Hotei - Jul 25, 2012


Hotei stayed back to let the female work the animal. She was doing well
darting in and getting some bites at it. He saw her get ushed by the creature
and sprinted forward to keep the animal at its tiring pace. Burn noted Jessie as she
sped by again and continued her relentless assualt on the youthful deer.
Black paws thundered upon the ground in stark comparison to the gray females
dainty light paws. His heaviness was not helpful in chasing the animal, but when
trying to bring it down his size would be of great help.

Yellow and green eyes stared at their prey as the two wolves danced
alongside the animal, each taking turns in running it down. Burn could tell now
that this pace was giving the deer issues. It was breathing quuite heavily and
beginning to slow down. Just a little longer... He flicked his eyes to the she wolf
gaging her remaining energy. She seemed fine enough. Perhaps if she had
tried hunting this young deer by herself she would have been tired out by now and givin
up. However with Burn there each wolf could take turns and lengthen their chase.
It was a good strategy that wolves often make use of.

"Now!" He spoke to himself and lunged at the creatures throat. He hit dead on and
instead of trying to run with the animal he just let himself go limp. His dead weight
would slow the deer and possibly trip it as it was having trouble running with
such a weight hanging off of its neck. Burn snarled savagely as he drunk in
the animals fear scent as it rose to an infinate level being cast off the desperate
creature. Blood trickled down both sides of the ebony males vicegrip
jaws as he hung on the sweaty animals thin neck. The black wolfs claws dug at the
deers chest as it tripped and struggled along its trail. Stupid thing isn't tripping!
He snarled and whipped his head back and forth causing more blood to spurt forth
from the creatures blood soaked neck.


Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Jessie - Jul 26, 2012

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It seemed as though things had gone their way eventually. The massive beast finally started to slow down and it would have given Burn the perfect opportunity to take the deer down. And it did seem that he would do exactly that. Not long after the thought caught her mind a flash of black zipped in her line of vision. He had gone for the kill, and it seemed like he had gotten exactly where he needed to grab but the young deer just didn’t seem to want to give up. With a snort of anger, Jessie’s pace slowed to the one of the yearling’s and soon her body slammed into the thing’s hip.

She hoped it had some kind of effect on how the deer would fall, for her muscles were already highly sore from the beating she had taken earlier. The pain was started to make its way into her bones, but she remained strong. Blood covered the ground heavily and the scent of fear was heavy in the air. It was this things time to die. . .unfortunately it was the circle of how life worked, and now it would feed them and perhaps live another life. . .one day.

Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Hotei - Aug 02, 2012


As the deer fell Hotei twisted his body with it in order
to fall onto his paws instead of his back. The two animals
hit the ground with a thud and leaves scattered as the deer thrashed
the ground with its long legs. The she wolf had pushed the creature just enough to
step wrongly onto its left foreleg and now the heavy animal could not stand up. Its
leg bent every time it tried to stand and with great effort the yearling struggled on
the ground gasping for breath as blood bubbled from its throat choking it.

Burn grasped the back of the animals neck and twisted it. A sickening crack
filled the air but the animals cries continued to spout from its bloodied muzzle.
In his weakened state Burn did not have enough strength to break the deer's neck
like he used to. He cursed his deteriorating muscles as he moved his jaws back to the
crying animals throat. Lavishing in the blood, Burn tore at the creatures soft neck over
and over again. He was trying to make the animal bleed out quickly to end its life.
Though the black wolf was enjoying it at the same time.

Being a loner had taken a toll on the ebony wolf. His yellow eyes
watched the deers' sides waiting for it to take its last breath. Though to him
it seemed like an eternity. Every labored breath by the deer was measured
by the dark man until he finally released his grip on the dead animal.

Being a loner often meant going without a good meal for months at a time.
Plus only being able to take smaller prey items like rabbits and squirrels.
It robbed Burn of his own meat. Of his muscles and strength. He hated being weak.

But tonight he would eat well. Even if he had to share with another.

Burn turned his gaze to the gray she wolf and flicked his left ear softly.
It was a small gesture of thanks. The only thanks he would give to her. Other
than letting her eat from the carcass.
With a stomach growling with hunger Burn stepped closer to the shoulder
of the still warm unopened meal. Then he dipped his massive head and with his strength
began to tear open the tough skin. The ebony wolf drank in the scent of blood and
lapped at the warm red liquid that bled out from the tear. Hungry eyes looked over the
wound and searched for the best place to start from. Burn began to feed off of the
large muscles which made up the shoulder of the young deer.

When Jessie would eventually come over he would not growl at
her but his cautious yellow eyes would stay fixed upon her face. Gaging her emotions
and making sure she would be of no threat to him.

Theme Song

Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Jessie - Aug 04, 2012

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padding-bottom: 290px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
Emerald eyes watched in horror as the animal died a painfully slow death, but her gaze remained on the animal, hovering closely nearby just in case anything were to go wrong. But it seemed luck was with them today and the two were to have a large meal, though Jess would not eat much, for she wasn’t one to need much bulk, she was in a pack now, Burn would need much more food then she would, for he was a loner and even she knew that being a lone wolf for quiet sometime was harsh, but it didn’t matter. She was sure he wouldn’t care about how much she took, but she would make sure not to take too much as she made her way towards their meal.

Once the deed had been done, her eyes had softened, a small smile was given to the scarred male and a dip of respect for his hunting skills, as well as thanks for going on a hunt with her. She would settle down next to him carefully, no signs of aggression within her. She remained unsure if their fur was brushing or not as she took ripped of a strip of meat, hers from the leg. Her fangs dug into the meat, and began the slow process of eating. She knew that conversation between the two of them would be highly limited, and it was the only reason why she hadn’t said anything to the man. She was definitely a talkative girl, but even she knew her limits.

Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Hotei - Aug 07, 2012


Their conversation was void of guff or any other type of talk
as the two wolves shared the big meal. Burn was for once pleasantly
full, and as he walked away from the carcass he licked his lips savoring
the leftover flavor still covering his muzzle.

The dark male lie his body down on a nice patch of thick moss and
began licking himself clean. The black man would probably stick around
until the carcass was entirely stripped to the bone. Then the loner would
move on again along his empty path.

"Thank you. Jessie." He half smiled slyly as he watched the female
finish her meal. A small voice in his head wondered where she'd be going next.

Theme Song

Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Jessie - Aug 12, 2012

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padding-bottom: 290px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
When she finished her short meal, she turned to walk away from the carcass to clean herself. When she finally settled down, she licked herself clean, her emerald eyes roaming over her gray pelt. She didn’t like to be dirty, if possible, she tried to stay in the best condition possible. A voice she didn’t expect to hear again floated towards her, and her ears twitched slightly. Was he thanking her? Her head turned back towards him, and an unexpected smile was on his face. She returned it with a smile of her own before nodding her head, “You too, Burn.”

Just because he had spoken to her once didn’t mean he would want to have a whole conversation with her. But she did want to know more about the man. He wasn’t much of talker, and she wasn’t one to pry information out of people. If they wanted to tell her she would listen, if not, she wasn’t going to take her own time to try to get someone to tell her something that they didn’t want to tell her in the first place.

Her tail wagged behind her as she stared at the scarred male. He did not intimidate her. . .in fact, she was just wanting to know more about him as the seconds passed. He was rude, but it was in a subtle kind of way. As in, if you bother me I will bite you in the face kind. And that was why Jessie was trying her best not to annoy him. Perhaps she was doing her job well.

Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Hotei - Aug 12, 2012


"Where ya headed?" Burn closed his eyes and listened.
He waited for Jessie's response and while he waited Burn
listened to the sounds of the thicket. The animals that had grown
silent during the chase were beginning to return to their normal
activities. Squirrels chattered in the branches of tree's, birds zoomed
through the tree trunks, and spring peepers called out feverishly.

Burn quite enjoyed listening to nothing. Usually he liked it more than
being around other wolves and hearing their stupid talk. Once in a while
the dark male would seek out company. This usually occured rarely when he
felt at odds with himself or when he was having issues with others.
Now the wolf was content to hear the females soft voice stroke hhis ear.

The ebony male judged her voice comparing it to others he'd heard. His
sisters all had annoyingly scratchy or off pitched voices. Other female loners
he'd met over the years had fearful shy voicesthat he could barely hear.
Then some were rude loud voices which he couldn't stand.
Jessie's voice wasn't envoking in him the usual angry or annoyed
feelings that usually came with a females voice. Burn would actually
feel very calm when the fea's voice would soon sound.

Theme Song

Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Jessie - Aug 18, 2012

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padding-bottom: 290px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
Her emerald eyes would soon return their gaze upon the black wolf, taking in his eyes, the way his body was positioned, and tone of voice. He seemed more relaxed than he had earlier with her. Nothing that would bother her. . .but her eyes did not narrow in suspicion, but simply watched the large male. She felt as though beneath his tough façade there could be someone greater, maybe even kinder, that could rise up to take the plate beneath him. His voice echoed throughout her eardrums, her strong voice pleasing her highly. His tone was not a harsh one, but it wasn’t one that held much kindness either. Which she didn’t mind. . .she hadn’t met any males of the same attributes as him.

Her tail flicked behind her before she answered, “Back to Swift River. I need to start hunting for them again. And yourself?” Her eyes glowed dimly, as if holding all the secrets about herself within them. She had a hunt with Ice not too long ago, and ever since, she had been striving to become a huntress of the pack, cause as of now, she knew they didn’t have one. Not even a lead hunter. . .which was a goal she wanted to achieve within the pack. Her head lowered considerably as she put her head on her paws, her fiery eyes watching Burn with general curiosity.