Ruins of Wildwood
Thicket of Secrets The Flame That Hungers - Printable Version

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The Flame That Hungers - Vium - Jul 17, 2012


Vium could tell that the glowing woman was growing uncomfortable. Whatever. He really could not place himself in her paws, therefore he did not pay any mind to her emotions. "Well.... it happens to of us, I do suppose." He released a small chuckle, rolling his eyes at himself. With a shake of his head, he padded behind a tree, taking in a whiff of its thick, fresh moss. "Hopefully you've at least been feeding yourself... you know?" He would not have shared his fawn with her anyways.

You are responsible for your own life. It would be the day that hell froze over that Vium as a loner would share his own meal. No, he was not selfish, he was just surviving. The thought of the fawn almost made him drool- he could go for another one. Sometimes, it felt as if his stomach was an endless pit. As he walked around the tree, the dark man turned sharply, rearing up onto his hind paws. He smacked his large front paws down upon the trunk of the tree.

With an obnoxious yawn, he raked his claws downward, tearing into the moss and shredding it up. Small insects fleed in horror as he did this to the damp greenery. When his paws finally hit the ground, Vium stared at his masterpiece in silence. Eyes brought themselves back to Cali, not really caring what her expression would be toward him or his actions.


The Flame That Hungers - Cali - Jul 18, 2012

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Something about the way that he asked if she had been feeding herself put her even further on edge. "Quite well, th-thank you." she stammered out. She knew that night had fallen and shadows could play tricks on your mind if you let it, but there was something wrong with the aura of this wolf. The word sinister came to mind. She tried to tell herself that she was imagining things, but when he reared up on his hind legs and raked his long strong claws down the tree, her emerald eyes went wide.

To say that Cali was spooked would have been a great understatement. She hid most of her nerves, but it still seemed to leech out of her pores. As he had moved around, his mere presence seemed menacing despite the words that he spoke in an attempt to beguile her into a false sense of security. Nothing he said was wrong, technically nothing he had done was wrong either, since he hadn't even bared his teeth at her, but her whole gut was telling her to get out of there as fast as her long legs would take her.

Unwilling to stay even a second longer, she swallowed her now readily apparent fear and edged her way towards another path away from his dark form. With a last look over her shoulder, she bolted away, imagining that she could hear his dark laughter chasing after her. She never looked back.


The Flame That Hungers - Vium - Jul 18, 2012


As soon as Vium's large paws hit the earth, the woman was fleeing away from him, fear strong within her. He could smell it. She dashed away, the beacon of light that she was, disappearing within the foliage. Rolling his eyes, he hissed to himself "Good. Get the hell out of here. You shouldn't wander, anyways...." A sinister grin formed upon his muzzle, and the dark-heart in the wolf beat with satisfaction. He plopped down upon his stomach, scratching at moss that had been torn from the tree. "Ohh, what a shame. Such a shame..." His eyes glistened with the light of the stars as the smirk remained glued upon his muzzle.

"Perhaps.... she will stay around her pack lands now." The grin disappeared, and he rolled onto his back, staring into the canopy above. Stars peeked through, greeting him with their glowing selves. With a sigh, the man began to doze off, heading into a light slumber...

