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Hush Meadow A Path Not Yet Traveled - Printable Version

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A Path Not Yet Traveled - Sibyl - Sep 04, 2012

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Sibyl's darting, nervous eyes paused for a moment on the lady beside her. She wasn't scared, and so, she supposed that she should quit being scared as well. She straightened out a little bit, though her shoulders were still hunched tensely as if she wished she had a shell she could retreat into. Really though, the more she looked at her, the more she realized there was nothing to fear from the lounging woman. Whether it was a hasty assumption or not, Sibyl was so quick to latch on to any semblance of camaraderie that she figured the she-wolf at her side would protect her, if the strange wolf-mole did try anything. She had said so, didn't she? Sibyl just had to stick by her. The shelter of that expectation afforded Sibyl a bit of ataraxia, at least for the time being.

A flash of confusion crossed her face as the lazy wolf spoke, though Sibyl tried to hide the expression. Just what was an elephantitis? She didn't want to look stupid though, so she wouldn't ask the two ladies here. She would imagine them laughing at her for not knowing. Maybe she could ask Follko later... She was sure the old bag of bones would know what one was.

Even though Sibyl thought that the rusty dark wolf looked about ready to take a nap, she surprised her with a question. Sibyl's head tilted to the side, and she glanced to her golden companion as if seeking some sort of permission to speak. Realizing that was a silly thing to do, she returned her attention to the asker, boldly answering, <b style="color:#8a90a1">"It's so pretty here, I just like to come and look at it."

table by bryony

A Path Not Yet Traveled - Navar - Sep 04, 2012

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Navar's white muzzle. This little wolf must think she is so funny, but Navar appreciated her replies. They seemed just a smidge sarcastic but then again that could just be the way she took them. It was almost an answer she would have given herself."I suppose running into another wolf is better than an ant with elephantitis. They're nasty little things. Wouldn't want them any bigger.." Her eyes returned back to the fae at her side, who seemed to be finally untucking her tail and straightening up a bit. She caught her eye only for a moment before she turned back to the lounging wolf and spoke. Obviously the dark fae beside her was of the area. She had to agree with her though. This field was very beautiful. She had been many places in her life with many miles on her young paws, but she had never crossed a field such as this. Open and almost mesmerizing the way the grasses swayed in the breeze. Lines of ramose trees in the distance reaching towards the heavens.

With a deep breath she swung her tail around her side to encase her feet. Navar felt the rigidness leave her body. These two seemed like a harmless pair to keep company with. Besides, she noticed how much larger she was than the two of them, both very small in nature. Even with her loss of weight over the past weeks she seemed to be easily the largest of the bunch. The conversation still moving forward she could't help but he jealous of the other fae's recent meal.. whether mouse, gopher, or ant. It all sounded decent to her.

She surveyed the land once more before opening her muzzle to speak."I'm just passing through. I'm not of here. Or anywhere close. I just thought this place looked like a nice spot to nap or snag a meal. I wasn't expecting to see anyone.." she said, with a small pang of remorse. She hated saying it out loud, but it was the truth. Saying that she was leaving before she even had the time to really relax. Oh, the life of an aimless wanderer! She pushed the thought from her head like she had a million times before and turned to the rusty woman. Golden eyes casting her a look that reflected her original question.