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Mountain of Dire Paralyzed & Wrong - Printable Version

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Paralyzed & Wrong - Honijo - Aug 10, 2010

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ooc; sorry for the wait, guys! i've had a rough couple days what with potentially life changing exams and my uncle passing away. i hope this post is worth it, but my next one will be faster. xP next round to start August 14th if you please!

In second's notice, his leg was lifted and Honijo was marking the newly established territory. Some might say he was just a tad arrogant, others marveled at the confidence and sheer ambition the male exhibited. Most just deemed the overbearing brute an ass and moved on with life. Tongue flopped loosely out of his mouth, hanging over his gums and pearly whites in the heated sunshine as he panted. He was satisfied as he watched the female rise and stand, surveying the lands as if to make sure nobody had yet joined them before introducing herself and stating her interest in remaining to be a potential member. Murder. Honijo's yellow eyes narrowed, his head duck down to analyze her closely since his stature was so much larger than normal. A spy, she wanted? Well then, we'd just have to see about this now, wouldn't we? <b style='color:#bba85b'>”Murder? Bit of a quirky name, but I suppose it's a pleasure.” His voice was deep yet calm and collected before suddenly seating himself straight in the middle of the ledge, awaiting for their hopeful new arrivals with the air of a man who knew they would come. Every now and then he would tilt his shaggy head to the side and analyze this foreign female. She was determined and strong-willed, and while she had not just up and left in the middle of his rude announcement and relief, nor was she sticking around out of fear, she seemed capable and ready for a challenge, traits that Honijo admired greatly.

Slowly but surely, wolves began to filter through the rocky jungle below and take form, rising above and announcing themselves in their own manner. And the first did not disappoint. She was catty and abrasive, quick to voice her rudeness. Honijo frowned, the fur bristling just slightly along the ridge of his spine. Just as his maw snapped open to retort back and perhaps put this mud-colored female in her place, another she-wolf, this one of ebony pelt, arose with a flourish from the jagged rocks and snapped right on back. Honijo stared bemused, turning back every now and then to look at Murder with a peculiar look in his eyes and a head tilt as if to say 'is this really happening to me?' He let them carry on just out of his own amusement for a few moments longer, but just when things were growing too intense, another joiner made herself known. This one looked young, couldn't be much more than a year and a half old but she spoke with a tongue that proved she was wiser than her years. The male nodded his head down to her, bright eyes sparkling with endearment. Next to lag behind was yet another female, this one he had already had the pleasure of meeting only days before. He had acquired that her name was Hallie, and still the sun kissed tint of her fur made him stare with slight envy, entranced by the young female's refinement. But the bickering was still continuing, the sound of angry female vocals the only chime to what had once been such a calm and quiet atmosphere. The male's eyes rolled back in annoyance, sighing in a frustrated way as Murder stated the obvious.

At long last, he snapped, voice booming out like thunder. The lightning in his eyes fizzed down to a sudden calm as his tone mellowed. <b style='color:#bba85b'>”Enough. Is this really what comes to me? A bunch of bickering women? Lord give me strength.” His muscles rippled as if to show his power above the females, not that he was sexist and claimed his gender a prime winning factor. Not in the slightest. However, he had been the one to make this call, therefore he would take control and settle this debate once and for all. With a low rumble vibrating the innards of his chest, Honijo swayed for a moment before stepping forward and addressing the red-tinted bitch. <b style='color:#bba85b'>”Carne, is it? Why don't you begin by enlightening me on these 'personal accomplishments', while you,” Gleaming eyes adjusted to take in the now silent raven female. <b style='color:#bba85b'>”Tell me your name and strengths. What can you offer me besides your quick tongue and evident annoyance?” Next he turned to the young she-wolf who seemed to have her priorities straight. <b style='color:#bba85b'>”My motives? It's simple.” The large male waited a few seconds until the silence settled before speaking. <b style='color:#bba85b'>”Find a group of strong, interested and capable wolves who are willing to adapt to this climate and follow me as I create and lead a new pack.” Honijo started to pace, large white paws kicking up a pebble as he trotted, his great banner of a tail swishing behind him back and forth in a brisk manner, quick like a whip. <b style='color:#bba85b'>”These lands have seen disaster. My family down below, well... they have suffered. I have suffered great losses. This will be about starting anew, fresh from the beginning.”

When he had enough of the pacing, Honijo came to a stop and settled to stand squarely in the middle of the surrounding onlookers, or rather... the ladies. Oh hell, this was going to be interesting. Luckily enough, Honijo had watched his sister carry her family through it all and knew just how to react and speak. The gray male had, after all, been gifted with a strong and steady voice, commanding and yet soft in all the right places when a situation called for it. As example, his expression became smooth as he noticed Hallie's crouched and almost fearful posture. He sent her a slight smile to show that she needn't be afraid before once again, speaking to address them all. <b style='color:#bba85b'>”I want all of you to introduce yourselves in turn, please. Tell me where you so wish to be placed if I decide to accept you. Any more complaints, any more arguments, then I'll just have you fight it out like dogs." The last piece was a shot to the earlier disagreement he'd witnessed. Honijo let another smirk take shape as he did one last full look around the tiny group. C'mon. Don't disappoint me, ladies.

image by venny, table by Ryne


Paralyzed &amp; Wrong - Carne - Aug 10, 2010

I hope there's no specific posting order? that usually slows down a role play considerably anyway.. I don't think it's *necessary* that Marx post before me because I wasn't planning to have Carne continue the aggression after Honijo said anything anyways so I hope it doesn't matter? If it does I'll delete and repost <3


The aggression emanating from the dull colored bitch boiled to a point before sizzling out in great reprieve, her initial ignorance to anything but the object of her irritations fading so that she was once more acutely aware of her surroundings. More wandering souls gravitated toward the group, summoned by none other than Honijo's deep, wild song. Carne was smart enough not to break her gaze away from Marx to observe the others, in case the other female tried anything, but when the only male in the vicinity suddenly spoke with confident dominance, she decided the scuffle would have to wait. Her stance relaxed - though she was still prepared for anything else - and the aura she possessed, like a raging fire, gradually died down.

'Bickering women' wasn't quite the phrase Carne would have used to describe herself. The only thing going on here was a power struggle - at least in her own mind. Any self-respecting male would have done the same dance of dominance with a challenger if they felt so inclined. As Honijo spoke her name, she faced him completely, her piercing gaze aimed in his direction and her attention honestly focused on what he was saying to her. His request, though, came as nothing remotely acceptable to her, and the smoldering eyes of the russet female were suddenly horrifically and strangely darkened. A shadow had passed over her gaze as the female retreated to a more private persona within herself, even her body language reflecting her harsh and hostile discomfort to answering honestly. She was at once not the furious aggressor nor was she attempting any sort of cheerful, friendly attitude anymore. Actually, she seemed a lot more dangerous.

"Hate to.. disappoint... sir," she spoke slowly and cautiously, with the first bit of respect she had exhibited thus far. It was difficult for her, as if she were trying hard not to voice her thoughts in an offensive manner, though anyone with a brain could tell she was bothered, almost angered, by the thought of having to reveal that private information. "But I said personal for a reason," She spoke louder now, having decided a course of action to take and a string of words to speak, her demeanor shifting like the winds into something more acceptable that would hopefully not provoke the others' curiosity. "I'd like not to brag about specifics. That and whats in the past is in the past, if ya please. I um here 'cause I would much appreciate somethin' different in mah life. I said those er accomplishments made me who I am and gave meh what I feel is a right to be noticeably proud. I dun think I should be the object of anyone's hostilities cuz of that."

She didn't really want to say anymore, but she had a sneaking feeling that she wasn't going to impress a anyone if she didn't come up with something to make herself seem useful to a newly formed pack. She herself was only looking to do anything as long as it benefited her, but by the looks of things, she was damned sure that was also what Honijo was looking for too. It didn't really appeal to Carne to be in the servitude of someone else, especially without not knowing what she would get in return. God was she bad at this. In her blood was a thirst for power of course, like her tyrant of a mother she strove for dominance and resented being pushed around. But unlike her mother, there was something in her that was less than sinister and sought something meaningful and deep in her life. She just hadn't come to terms with it yet. Oh the potential.

Carne glanced around the area. Four other females besides herself had come answering the male's call. It was kind of ridiculous. The estrogen was so thick in the air it was downright nauseating - and what a tense and dangerous atmosphere it was. All that competition - for surely it was almost like four, fiercely independent females (as Murder had put it) were or were about to be scrapping for the favoritism of the only male in the area. She would be damned if Honijo wasn't about to have himself a harem. The challenge this presented to Carne was tasty at best. She already seemed to be a spur in the side of one female and if anyone took that one's side, then Carne would have quite the group of rivals on her hand. Oh how she marveled and grinned at the thought of engaging in a race for power and respect with them if they all made their home in the mountain.

Besides the black one and the one who was there before her, a much younger female had taken it upon herself to linger next to Carne, but what she had spoke had been of little importance in the heat of the moment and Carne had dismissed it without listening. She seemed confident though as well (Carne didn't view it as arrogance, merely confidence, something that was admirable) and feisty, someone she could almost take on as a protegee if it came to it. As she thought about it though, if the little one was any bit as independent and fiery and proud as she assumed she was, she would probably find no need to look up to Carne anyway. After all, what was a stranger from a distant, unknown land to her?

By and by, it was beside the point now, and Carne didn't think to take anymore notice to the last female as well. Her focus reverted back to the would-be Alpha as he brought forth his last requests. Due to the events that had just occurred, Carne now had a new and more passionate excuse to weasel her way into this pack and form a life in these lands. Her new found concrete decision made her feel a lot more sure of herself and she made sure to speak first this time - her charisma now incredibly truer. "Like I said," she drawled, "The name is Carne.. Like 'carnage' Ima guess but that's a li'l over the top." She snickered a bit, considering the amusement her mother must have enjoyed while deciding on her daughter's name.

"I won't lie to ya, I plan on nothin' more than climbin to the top of the hierarchy. But dun worry, I don't want chya land or yer sole position as top-doggy. I juss very much would like ta see where I can get myself before I get too old. I dun like bein' on bottom - but I ain't no crazy, power-hungry, beat-on-my-underlings, throw-my-weight around kinda beast. Ima little bit more secure in that sense," she smiled and honest smile this time, her eyes once again lighting up in enthusiasm (weird!), "I'll keep to mah self for the most part, but I like to think I'm 1) a pretty good fighter. I'll fuck sum'un up if they fuck with me or well, anyone I guess I'm told to look out for, ya know? I guess I could use some.. er touchin' up though." Honesty was suddenly a foreign world to her, and she twitched accordingly. What could she be? She didn't really want to deal too much with social gatherings or people, regardless of her decent intuition and intelligence. She was reserved and brooding at best, a last-choice weapon, an assassin, an enforcer, a bodyguard. Anything of the sort.

Would Honijo be able to pick up on this and find her a healthy place in his pack?


Paralyzed &amp; Wrong - Lyra - Aug 11, 2010

OoC: If there is a time limit then there really isn’t a posting order, I’d assume.

Dull tan eyes caught the small nod in her direction as well as the small gleam of approval in Honijo’s eyes. This in turn pleased her and she allowed a small smile to appear on her face. The one whose name she had missed spoke now. What was all this talk of antagonism? If she could read their faces correctly (and she was quite sure that she had) there were only two here involved in trivialities and it had now faded. But of course the annoyance of the other women or even Honjo’s annoyance of the amount of females that were surround him was not the point of this gathering.

Lyra’s small smile had faded into an attentive expression with eyes kept on the object Honijo turned his attention to. What a joke this woman, Carne, was. Accomplishments, no matter how significant they were to the self, meant nothing if others did not acknowledge them. Bragging, or at least skilled boasting, was all part of the game. The woman seemed to have wanted to play it earlier on, but now she backed down with some excuse of personal reasons and to stave off hostility. When faced with any hostility, the best way to deal with it was usually to stand one’s ground. Her words sounded defensive, but the content was pathetic.

Back on subject and with a speech as well. Lovely. What did this man have to say? What use could this leader be to her? He wanted strength, enthusiasm, and ability. But she did not miss the emphasis he gave upon the word wolves. Later on this became more apparent, but right at its first use, Lyra smirked in humor. He didn’t want any dogs and he didn’t want incompetent mongrels at his feet.

He mentioned his family, perhaps the Tainn family Weldering spoke of? She would investigate later. For now she was interested and impressed enough to seek entrance into this pack Honijo was creating. It would be her priority to befriend these ingrates and help emphasize the ruling power of this new group. Then in time she would have grown her own support.

The sounds of a small rockslide was heard within the male’s speech, but Lyra had interpreted it as harmless and created by a small wolf. Once Honijo gave a glance and smile to the newcomer, Lyra turned her head and took a glance herself. It was a girl that was around her own age, but looked younger. Lyra couldn’t be sure if she was simply born a runt or small because she was malnourished. Whichever the case, her attention was removed fairly quickly as Honijo went on. A bit weak on the man’s part if he let something so useless into his pack. But who knew, maybe the other yearling had potential, but had screwed up big time. It was still weak, but Lyra would try her best not to underestimate her agemate, and certain competition.

It was cute how the man tried to establish his dominance at the end of his words. The content was weak, an inverse to how tough he tried to sound.

The first to speak was Carne. Her name was as strange as her dialect. It was jagged, rough, and unrefined. She certainly wouldn’t be able to get a respectable rank without much effort on her part. And she certainly wouldn’t rise as high as she could possibly be able to whilst talking like that. Her reasons to be accepted were boring, and to someone more picky, like Lyra for example, she would be prodded for any other uses. All wolves could fight, and if they couldn’t, well… they were pretty much the most useless thing imaginable.

My name is Lyra,” she began to speak next; not hesitating to carry on her words if another was attempting to also speak second. “And I can hunt, look after younger ones, scout, the usual. But I would say my strongest skill is observation. I think I would benefit the pack greatly by being an advisor of sorts, but I am aware of my inexperience. By the time I have come of age, I wish to have proven myself to you and my packmates, and maybe by that time you might consider my suggestion.” Very formal speech and filled with as many big words she was confident enough to use correctly. Big talk from someone so young. Just a few more months and she would not be, but she knew that in the company of adults who thought they knew everything, their mockery was inevitable. No matter, let them underestimate her. It would make the game much more fun.

Paralyzed &amp; Wrong - Hallie - Aug 16, 2010


As the dust settled where she had slid down the side of the slope the young brown and cream coloured she-wolf begun to lift up her muzzle slowly. Her green eyes finally catching sight of Honijo's welcoming look. The others paid little next to no attention of her but she was more focused on what was happening rather then what was being said. This was a formation of a pack? That was what he was planning? It seemed as though her luck was changing and Hallie had tumbled in and exactly the right time. She did not fancy her chances of being accepted into a well established pack, she had little to offer anyone in this current fragile state. But perhaps a pack that needed numbers in it's early stages could find a use for the girl.

A couple of the others took their time to speak in turn, though the one called Carne was very difficult to even understand with a thick accent unknown to Hallie. Lyra a girl of near to her own age, a peer, was a lot more confident then herself. Though Hallie could easily remember when she had been that dominant and fiery before her family's pack was raided. As finally everyone fell silent she used this moment to introduce herself. Plucking up the courage her thin body was raised off the ground more to stand to her full height, she was not a small wolf but neither overly large. Though with an empty stomach she certainly was no where near on form.

The young girl shuffled forwards a few paces bringing herself behind the group. "I'm Hallie." A simple introduction to begin with. Her maw tucking a little lower out of respect for potentially her new Alpha Male. "I wish to be placed, anywhere." She replied calmly to his question. Hallie although she could fight was in no condition too. Neither did she know any of these wolves and it was foolish to risk injury just for the sake of power. The fact remained that she was among the youngest and weakest here.


Paralyzed &amp; Wrong - Honijo - Aug 20, 2010

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"Hate to.. disappoint... sir," Audits swiveled forward at these words in curiosity. Carne was speaking with that same tone of rudeness Honijjo didn't like, but he granted her the freedom and allowed her to finish speaking anyway. She stated that her archievements were private and this, this he could understand. Even respect, in a way. Yes, he himself had things that were kept secret and close to his hearts. Thoughts and bit of his history he would much rather not share with others. And so the rusted male nodded once in a brisk manner as if to dismiss her from the need t continue. However, there was still the need for her to share and so he waited with bated breath as Carne described and explained the reasoning behind her name. It was revolting, in truth, but nothing surprising. Honijo had heard worse, stories of parents more screwed in the head than this apparent sorry individual. Only she wasn't, due to the snicker that filled the silence. Sickening, okay, maybe a little creepy, but the vibe he was getting from this curious 'Carne' was not abominable. She could fight. A good and well-needed trait that most wolves were capable of, but perhaps her skills would be tested and confirmed later. In fact, he had just now decided that they would be.

Moving on, Honijo was greeted by the quick and confident tongue of the young she-wolf who called herself Lyra. The male bowed his head again in urge for her to continue, testing the pretty name on his tongue as though it were foreign, <b style='color:#bba85b'>”Lyra." He surveyed her like an Uncle would, as he had done for so many in his lifetime. The girl rallied off that she was basically decent everything but with a particular talent, or rather personal preference of advising. Saffron eyes narrowed, though it wasn't from irritation. But this was amusing! A young she-wolf advise him as he lead this new pack, pave the way for the future of Midnight Plateau? This surely was hilarious. Sighing, Honijo pondered this for a moment before speaking, <b style='color:#bba85b'>”Perhaps a trial, then? Supply me with some good advice in the near future and we'll take it from there." Bright eyes twinkled down at her and then back to Hallie who was looking more and more unsure of herself by the minute and announced she didn't care where she was placed. Honijo debated, the wheels turning in his head.

He had pressed them all enough, and the hour was growing late. It was time to get down to the nitty gritty details. <b style='color:#bba85b'>”Well I can't find anything that negates me from allowing each and every one of you to take up residence here, in Midnight Plateau. Everyone else will just have to show me what they are capable of, and within time, tI'm sure there will be a place for you. That is, you know, if you're not at each other's throats in the middle of the night. For now, find a den, make yourselves at home. Tomorrow we'll be scouting. You," His head turned to face Carne who so far (thankfully) had managed to hold her tongue. <b style='color:#bba85b'>”Will accompany me as I mark the borders. There would be no room for argument. His previously hardened features softened again at the timid Hallie. Although she may seem weak, he would grant her this feeling only for awhile longer before he would force her to come out of that shell and be a grown strong and fearless wolf like the rest. <b style='color:#bba85b'>”Hallie, you will stick to the dens tomorrow and watch for any sign of intruders. Lyra will check in on you." While the latter was only a month older than the former, Honijo felt that Lyra was more equipped and able to keep orders.

He waited for them all to file off above the slope to the ridged plateau, watching their backs carefully as if trying to find some hidden weakness, analyzing the females he had accepted. It was safe to say, despite the obvious difference in gender ratio, Honijo was satisfied.

image by venny, table by Ryne
