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Sacred Grove no one's from here - Printable Version

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no one's from here - Marsh - Aug 19, 2010

There would have been absolutely no surprise or outrage on Marsh's part had Indru decided to make his displeasure at the situation more violent. Even though Borlla clearly didn't understand the politicking, much as she had not understood the dangers of being alone outside home, Marsh was completely aware of his misdemeanours. Save for the return of a puppy who was not really of any consequence to himself, Marsh had no excuse, no excuse at all, a fact which was made worse because they had parted on such amiable, neutral terms. Now Marsh had crossed the line - literally.

Marsh did not need the thanks, but it was a sign that Indru's anger was not overwhelming. If nothing else, that probably meant that Marsh could leave these lands with all bodily limbs still in place. That was a bonus. The 'advise' was also nothing Marsh needed, though he took that as final proof of his dismissal - as well as implication that Indru would not mind meeting with him again.

Interesting. Quite pleasant, really.

Not wanting to outstay the welcome he didn't have, and with the girl in safe hands, Marsh had no reason to linger. Keeping his body low, he offered a brief, grateful whimper, and backed off; by the time he was a safe few yards from the both of them, he turned tail and ran the rest of the way, wanting to effectively demonstrate his disinclination at trespassing.

It was a crime he would not commit again when under his own command. Should he ever happen across Borlla again, a game of tag would not be the escort method of choice.

no one's from here - Indru - Aug 19, 2010


Marsh retreated and Indru kept a watchful eye on him, aware of his still remaining submission and the whimper, though a misdeed had been done Indru noted the fact that Marsh had shown he was in the wrong and not a threat. He let the male go without a word and the stony silence remain, hoping the less-than-friendly departure would only help prevent it from taking place again. Once he was certain he was gone, lost in the Grove, Indru turned his fiery eyes immediately down on Borlla. So, he began, tone not much different from when he had addressed Marsh. Care to explain? Though it was a question it was most certainly not optional.

Without checking she was following Indru started forward, heading towards the pack den, their own in particular. Come! He barked, keeping a pace that would require the pup to at least jog if she wished to keep by her brother's side, which was recommend. In Indru's eyes if she had enough energy to go around exploring she had enough to keep a fast pace despite her much smaller legs. Perhaps you need to spend the day having much less excitement. A day in the pack den should be perfect and just what was required Indru felt.


no one's from here - Borlla - Aug 19, 2010

"Bye Marsh!" Borlla barked, watching at the wolf made his way away. Well, that went better than she'd expected. She'd been so pleased with the result, that she'd quickly forgotten that look Indru had given her just a moment ago. Marsh might have left unscathed, but Borlla still had to get home. Her jaw flapped for a moment as she thought of a way to answer, but Indru had already started moving. She jumped, attempting to catch up with him, without actually having to run.

That simply wasn't possible though, so she loped awkwardly along, her words coming out in short breaths, "Well...I...went.....I went to the Falls, and I saw my reflection.....And I leaned over too much and I fell in...Marsh found me...He didn't talk much...Uh..." She skirted the part where he got scary, and continued on. "I decided to leave, but then we played tag....And it was all an accident." Her ears twisted back, and she looked ahead at Indru, slowing her pace so she wouldn't trip. "But...But..." The girl stammered, nearly stopping, dragging her paws. "I didn't do anything wrong!" Totally stopping, she sat, flustered. The falls weren't that far, and it hadn't been her fault Marsh had crossed the border, and he hadn't been mean or anything! So, why was she the one getting in trouble? It was all so confusing.
