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Wild Cherry Orchard scarlet begonias - Printable Version

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RE: scarlet begonias - Borlla - Mar 13, 2013


So, there they were, both lying rather cockeyed in the muck, and Borlla couldn't help but feel...Better. Perhaps that was the best word. She felt better. Despite everything that had ever happened and that could happen in the future, she knew that, eventually, things could get better. There was always a chance of recovery. She always feared being left in the shadow of Swift River, her last name some sort of brand she could never escape, but Phineas proved that simply wasn't true. And who knew, maybe he wouldn't actually care, if she ever got to tell him what really happened. She'd get through this and one day, everything would be better.

She eyed him strangely as he rose up, thinking hard on his words. What did he mean by that? She smiled at the prospect of being proven wrong, and nodded. <b style="color:#32527a">"I look forward tot he day." She said, chuckling. She smiled as she watched him walk off, disappeared back from whence he'd come, and in time, she did the same, leaving behind the place that had held a memory to hopefully go make some new ones. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."
