Ruins of Wildwood
Thicket of Secrets skin of the night - Printable Version

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RE: skin of the night - Koda - Mar 13, 2013


Something deep and primal within him sparked at Nina's sharp gasp. Not a brute, Koda knew his manners well enough to wait and listen to his lady. Through her words she gave herself to him, and a soft pleasurable growl rumbled in his chest. He couldn't imagine a time when he would ask her away. "Only when you demand me to leave, will I depart your side." He said quietly, hushed and almost breathless. Her proximity was intoxicating, and even more so with the brushing of her face against his neck.

He nipped delicatly at her tawny ear, before he looked into her emerald eye, more telling than any pair he'd ever seen. There he found her love, devotion, trust and longing. It was then he moved to take her, on that still winter night.

bow chica bow wow
