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Heartleaf Creek Pink Elephants on Parade - Printable Version

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RE: Pink Elephants on Parade - Tokino - Jun 30, 2013

what you don't know, won't hurt you

Tokino Lagina

what you can't see, won't blind you

The gray wolf caught his breath still holding his prey and glancing around for Inali. As if conjured by a wizard she appeared before him holding a fox proudly in her jaws; head tilted high. Dipping his head in a "nice catch" type of nod Kino strode closer closing the gap and dropped his catch on the ground before the lady. It was only right to share his meal with a lady.

Would you like some? he offered taking a bite out of the rabbit to open the tough hide then nudging the rabbit closer to her. His ears perked up and the man's tail began to twitch to the left awaiting Inali's reaction. Mother would kill me if I was not polite to a lady. He remembered the time she had snapped at his uncle for stealing a carcass outside of their territory from a pregnant lone female. He had a raw nose for a week after her sharp teeth got through with him. Kino tried to think of his uncles name but none came to him. That uncle had been the lowest of their pack due to his losing a challenge for leadership with Yakova.

Kino had no problem vilifying anyone who had the nerve to act in a rude manner towards females. Of course if the female was rude and bossy most of the time he might agree to it.


RE: Pink Elephants on Parade - Inali - Jul 04, 2013

Sorry for the slight PP TAB's, just tell me if you want me to change anything. Just wanted to wrap this one up:) You can either squeeze out one final post (which I would lovexD) or archive it.


Inali dropped the fox onto the ground before she stretched her body. Leaning downward to stretch her legs and her back, the young woman smiled as Tokino nudged the rabbit her way. Would you like some?

"I would love some, thanks Kino." Taking a bite out of the other hind leg that Tokino hadn't been chewing on, Inali ate. Using her muzzle, she nudged the fox she had caught Tokino's way and opened her maws to speak. After she swallowed the food that was in her mouth of course. How rude would it be if she spoke with her mouth full? "It's only fair that I share also. After all, sharing is caring, isn't it Kino?"

Time passed like that. Tokino and her sharing their food between snippets of conversation. And more teasing (from Inali's part of course). Before she knew it, the food was gone and the petite woman was ready to sleep. She had to get home first though. Stretching her body out once again, INali's maws stretched as she yawned softly. "Well, I think it's time for me to go. I'm beat."

"Hopefully we'll meet again. It was nice knowing you Kino." As she walked away, Inali's tail wagged lazily and she yelled out one final goodbye. "Later, you dandy geezer!" Inali laughed, that was a new one.


RE: Pink Elephants on Parade - Tokino - Jul 08, 2013

what you don't know, won't hurt you

Tokino Lagina

what you can't see, won't blind you

Tokino was glad that the woman accepted his invitation to share. He knew that some females would take offense depending on their personalities if he tried to share with them. He took a few bites of her fox noting the far more musty taste of the canid compared to the rabbit. It didn't taste nearly as good as the rabbit had.

Once she was finished the young woman got up on her legs and gave the older wolf a farewell. He sniffed indignantly at the new name she'd given him, Dandy man. Then he waved his tail flicking it to the side in a silent gesture of good bye. At least what was left of the carcasses would leave him with a meal for the next day. Then maybe I'll head over to the next pack nearby. He thought of the possibility of a family member being here. Completely possible with the distance some wolves travel looking for their own paradise. However to him it seemed almost impossible for a wolf to travel so far.

Then again I traveled this far. Why can't another? He mused flicking his head back and sending out a farewell howl to the little lady who'd hunted with him. After that the gray wolf decided to rest. He chose a place next to a large leafed tree that cast plenty of shade. Then the silver man lay down sprawled upon the warm ground and let his eye lids dip tiredly.

Soon the wolf was asleep.

{Fade out}
