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Thicket of Secrets a sun came - Printable Version

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a sun came - Damascus - Oct 21, 2010

He nodded pleasantly. Roaming, just roaming. That was exactly what they seemed to always do. With no real direction to go in, no particular pressing goals nagging at the back of their minds, roaming was an appropriate thing for them to be doing. But there was that nagging sensation at the back of his mind, only urged out into the open when Amélie had asked him if he didn't want a pack to live with.

"A pack is exactly why I've been roaming. With winter coming along, I know better than to spend it out in the open. I did that last winter and I barely scraped by." But he hadn't yet found that Great Something. "But as to whether or not it's a permanent home, who's to say? I haven't found the right place yet, whether to try my luck and earn a place or to claim... if I decided to be ambitious," he said with a fixed smile. His father had been one of those ambitious types and Damascus had a brother who was the same way, but he wasn't so sure he was cut entirely from that cloth. It was a lot of responsibility.

Plus, he had taken to liking the wandering so far. "Of course, if there's no water around here, then there probably won't be any packs either. At least if there are any, they're probably thinking of leaving themselves for greener pastures." Damascus knew he would be doing the same too in a matter of time, if things did not improve. The land would fail without one of its key elements, and a failing land would turn into a wasteland they would all avoid. It would be such a shame for a place so exquisite and antediluvian in nature.

a sun came - Amélie - Nov 13, 2010


Bishop D: ILY I thought I posted this for some reason. Should have not been lazy and added this to my post log a long time ago. -.- Let's fade the thread, yes? :) It's been going on too long (thanks to me of course).

"That's how I feel as well," Amé admitted as she nodded in agreement with Damascus. "As far as I know there are two packs here. Swift River and Midnight Plateau. Neither have called to me very much, so I have stayed a loner." Amélie wasn't sure if she was capable of leading a pack, either. She was far too young and lacked real-world experience. Since there were no other packs to join, there weren't any other options. But maybe....just maybe, she would change her mind and some day consider her very own pack.

Amélie nodded again, though hoped the decline would stop with the re-appearance of water. "I think things will get better." At least, she was telling herself that. "Would you like a tour, darling," she asked sweetly, willing to show her new friend around Relic-Lore. If he agreed, the French dove would take off towards the eastern side of the land.
