Ruins of Wildwood
Tomorrow Never Dies - Printable Version

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RE: Tomorrow Never Dies - Eva - Dec 24, 2013

We should probably finish up this thread.. do you want to somehow fade out with him teaching her things or lead her into the thicket or something?


Hollow's knowledge of the area and its advantages impressed Eva greatly. Clearly she had much to learn from the dark male with the striking blue eyes. She listened to him intently with a smile on her face, thinking over the tactics while they were being said. Each seemed like it would work well for their purposes, particularly the idea of capturing prey. Winter would be upon them eventually and it would benefit them to have a plan in mind to catch as much prey as possible. As a huntress it was important for her to know all of the best strategies.

"Could you show me what plants you have in mind? I'm not very familiar with the thicket myself," the girl admitted. Eva would embrace her need to learn readily, but certainly she needed a teacher to show her the ropes. Would Hollow be willing? He had the energy and enthusiasm and could probably teach the whole pack if he wanted to. "You should tell Nina of these ideas.." the Hervok sister added. "I'm sure she would appreciate it."


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