Ruins of Wildwood
if heaven's grief brings hell's rain - Printable Version

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RE: if heaven's grief brings hell's rain - Naia - Jan 04, 2014



The Timber lady listened to her companion’s story with interest, her eyes widening in confusion as the details jumbled together. The youngster seemed to be under the impression that she had heard some version of the tale before, although in reality she had known nothing of the plight or even the existence of Darkwater Rapids before this particular conversation. For one so young he spoke strangely little of his parents, and Naia found herself wondering what had happened to the former leaders of Darkwater Rapids. Why hadn’t they joined their subordinates (not to mention their own daughters) in the trek across the Pass? What had prompted their son to abandon them in favor of his sisters? They were questions that Naia would never ask aloud for fear of upsetting the young male, although the ambiguity of the story did leave her with a dark, troubled feeling. Thank the heavens he seemed to have a strong role model in this Maksim fellow, but even so Naia felt a tug of protectiveness for the boy herself.

The grace with which the former prince accepted his dethronement surprised Naia. Shifts in rank were a normal part of pack life of course, but she found it especially remarkable for one his age to so easily acquiesce his title to the children that from the sound of things hadn’t even been born yet.”Is that so?” she inquired, playing into his show of pride. ”I think I would like to know the name of the Future Finest Protector then, just to say I met a celebrity.” She raised a curious brow at the youngster, waiting for him to speak his name. After a pause, she spoke again. ”You know, for a wolf who expects to protect the royal family… you should think about protecting your tail a little better.” Her eyes widened innocently as she let the words sink in, and then in a swift motion she leapt at her companion’s tail in an attempt to trap it under her forepaws. The conversation had been too serious for too long, and the boy had done well answering her questions. It was high time for a playful reprieve—for both of them.

