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Secret Woodlands Letting go - Printable Version

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RE: Letting go - Danica - Dec 30, 2013

It had happened all to fast for the little scrap of quivering fur named Danica. One moment she was cowering behind her big brother. At the time he seemed so bad ass and strong to her, like some unbeatable brave warrior. It was all a fantasy that soon fell the next moment. As she laid there, paws on her muzzle, eyes squeezed shut, and utterly vulnerable looking the words met her ears. "I'm sorry Danica!" At first she was confused but it quickly registered. A loud frightened whimper came from her as she waited to hear the final cries of him, and then herself. *Why am I too scared to do anything?*

However, death was not to happen. Her 'hero' came bursting through the thickets and clobbered the over grown cat. As it's final breath was drawn she looked up for a sparse moment. This didn't last long as her head darted back under her paws. The fighting went on all around her for what felt like a million years.

Dani opened her lids and got up when she heard Nina's order. Wide eyed she looked to her mother who's head was in the snow. Her small trembling body was frozen at the sight, what was wrong with her mommy? As if summoned by evil spirits the wind whispered in her ears as the thought came to her. *Maybe she's dying.* Shrinking away from her she asked, "What is wrong with mum?" Her voice made it clear just how shaken she was from this experience. Expectantly she glanced to Hollow for guidance.

When Ashanti came she watched and listened silently.

RE: Letting go - Ashton - Dec 30, 2013

Everything moved in slow motion. One moment the claws of the animal were moving towards his throat, but then everything changed. The weight started to lessen, it's eye's widened in shock, and a massive black object seemed to decimate the animal. Ashton drew breath and turned his head to see Hollow, sinking his teeth into the lynx's throat with very little ceremony, it was a massacre, for him. Ashton watched as the dark wolf then moved to the front once more and watch as Mother arrived and went to deal with the second feline, but she sustained a blow as well. After she dispatched the animal she fell forwards into the snow and shouted an order to Hollow, before calling out for Ashanti. "Mom!?" Ashtons yip was panicked.

He took two steps intending on darting beneath Hollow's legs but he was instead scooped around to mothers side and pressed into Danica. He only knew this by smell for now his eyes had shut. Not again, not again, no, no, not mom, I can't stand to lose anyone else, especially without father. Ashton did all he could think to do and buried his face into the black fur at his side, he was too afraid to run this time. there could be more of those terrible felines lurking and he didn't think Hollow could save him twice in a row. after all the cat had nearly been too fast the first time. With all these thoughts Ashton began to whimper into the fur in fear. He was vaguely aware of Ashanti's presence and the scarlet drops that began to dot the snow in front of them.

RE: Letting go - Hollow - Dec 30, 2013


Once more he wasn't fast enough. Nina arrived and attacked, Hollow watched as she dispatched the feline but not before it scratched above her eyes. His heart froze, not Nina, of all the wolves that couldn't afford to be hurt, Nina was the most important, the founder of the pack, the she wolf that had given him new life. The one whom had helped pick him up from the precipice of a long and lonely life, had given him a home, she was hurt. Not only was she hurt, but Hollow had no idea how deep the cuts were and if it parted the skin enough she could bleed to death. He wasn't a healer but he knew that a wolf cut too deep would not survive, and as she howled for Ashanti his world crashed.

"I can't do that Nina." he said, his mind worked in overdrive, and he roughly scooped Ashton up and hauled him to his mother's side, followed by Danica who seemed petrified from the whole ordeal. He sheltered them with his body ready to die for the three wolves that sat near him. Hollow was unaware of his own cut now , though he could feel the slow trickle of blood dripping from the scratch on his muzzle. He stared wide eyed at Nina hardly aware of Ashanti working. "Don't die Nina, you know you can't do that." He spoke the words quietly, fearfully. This was his very best friend lying in the snow, bleeding.

His mind was running the course of everything that could happen, and Hollow knew that if he had to he would take care of her family. He tried to banish the thoughts but they flooded in, the sight of her lying motionless, mourning pups, a pack without it's leader. The crushing pain of knowing he hadn't been fast enough to save her. Hollow began to whimper, vaguely of the pups huddled beneath him, distant from the scarlet drops on the white powder in front of him. Before he knew it he was speaking to Nina in full voice. "You'll be fine Nina... I'll... I'll kill all the lynx in the land for this! I swear it you'll be fine, and I'll kill them all!" his eyes were bright with terror and all he could think of was the rising tide of fear the images of his parents bloodied bodies. He was drowning in tide flowing from his very soul. He was cracking and bursting at the seams. Hollow Nite, was falling apart.


RE: Letting go - Nina - Jan 18, 2014


Luckily, Ashanti seemed to have realized that what she was calling for was no pleasantry visit, and as soon as she saw Nina, she saw her apprentice spoke to her before turning on her heel and racing to get the proper tools. Likewise, Hollow did not have to listen to her orders any longer and his choice to listen to her was his own now…because they were partners. She felt mildly insulted when he pushed her children towards her and she flinched away slightly, not wishing to startle them. Examining Hollow, she watched the blood slowly drip down from his wound. She listened to his words, a slight smile playing along her lips as she heard him speak. There was no way there were getting rid of her that easily. No scratch would harm Nina too bad, she had made it through when her brother had almost clawed her eye out and was positive that this scratch was not as bad as the one she had received from her kin.

She was about to give a command to her daughter when Ashanti arrived once again with the proper herbs. With a soft sigh, the mother lifted her head and tilted it towards the Healer, giving her access to the claw marks across her forehead. They weren’t deep, but they could easily get an infection if Nina had not done what she had. Flicking her single eye towards her children, she spoke in calming tones, her voice directed at both of them, but she knew that Danica would take her words much more tenderly than her dear Ashton. Her boy was a warrior, but Danica…Nina knew how her daughter thought and knew how her daughter had wanted to be just like her. So opening her jaws while Ashanti examined her, she spoke to them, ”Danica…Ashton, do you see that cut on Hollow’s shoulder? I need you to lick it clean for me…can you do that?” The Healer was use to hectic situations and Hollow was not helping their cause right now, which slightly disturbed Nina. She didn’t want her friend in a mental state of shock because then she would not be able to treat him immediately.
