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Thicket of Secrets Silence Broken - Printable Version

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Silence Broken - Vlarindara - Jan 21, 2011

She smiled, a soft expression, but it was followed by a slight nod by the snow white female as she began moving out of the thicket. She really hadn't wanted to go back the way she'd come, so once clearing the brambles, the female lifted her head and let her nose tell her where her trail was. She was silent as she walked, keeping her nose to the ground and favoring her injured leg just slightly. It was nothing that wouldn't heal over the night, but for now it was sore. Thankfully, she'd make the makeshift den by nightfall, though it would be a close thing. Once the female came into the small clearing, tucked up against a small cliff, she froze and scented the air before limping out into the cleared land in front of the rock face.

A soft growling yip was all the noise she made before she stopped and waited, her form tense. The female frowned and disappeared into the opening before coming out a few moments later with a half chuckle. "He's still asleep, thankfully. I managed a small fawn for him this morning, it should hold him for a day or so." She moved over behind the small rock facing where the sound of trickling water was heard, and the runoff of some water source at the top of the cliff had created a small pool about three feet across and two feet wide. A puddle..more or less.. but fresh water. She drank enough to cool her tongue before looking back at Borden, the outsider she'd invited into her home.. or somewhat home.

"There is fresh water over there... I would..offer you a meal, if I had one to offer." It was obvious by her comment before that she'd had none of the fawn given to the young wolf in the cave - which most likely meant he was sleeping off an engorged belly.. but that's just how she liked it...if he was well tended for, he had a better chance of survival in this new land. She'd taught him some basics of hunting.. but like all pups, he wouldn't be ready to hunt for himself until he was older. "It's warm inside, thankfully. I'm uncertain whether it's simply small enough that it retains the heat...or if there is some kind of a hotsprings beneath the cave....but there's plenty of room if you wish to stretch out." She seemed sheepish as she had been, but now that she was where she knew Raigo was safe - she wasn't so...twitchy about such things. Though it seemed she had every intention of staying awake instead of going to sleep. Generally she did - she wasn't used to sleeping more than a few hours just past dawn when it was still far too cold for normal wolves to be out.

Silence Broken - Borden - Jan 21, 2011

[dohtml] src= align=right hspace=5>Trailing behind her, he followed quietly. Stopping when she stopped and hurrying along when she did, he also made sure they weren’t in any present danger on their way through the thicket. Eventually, through the brambles and hedges, they came to a clearing and she stopped. They stopped, and she checked that everything was in order, that Raigo was still safe and sound in the den Vlarindara had established for them. He took care to memorize their scent, to make certain no one else had discovered the well-hidden dwelling while she was gone.

Inching forward, his fur stood on end as she tensed and let out a growl. He watched as she darted to the den, anxious for a moment. Had he missed something? Did she sense something was wrong? His stomach churned and he took a step forward only to be greeted once again by his companion. Raigo was simply asleep, on a full stomach, too. A smile graced his broad muzzle, “Ah, good. Heh, you had me worried for a moment.”

Making sure the youth was cared for, obviously, was her first and foremost priority. Borden only hoped her own concerns came second if that was truly the case. He was about to ask about her own needs when she made her way to a small hidden spring of water, now fully inviting him in. The glade was cozy and perfect for two, he had to admit, and somewhere within him, he was glad Relic Lore had provided them with these gifts – shelter, safety… water. In response to her comment of offering him something to eat, he merely shook his head, still smiling, “Don’t worry ‘bout it. Thank you though, you are quite kind.”

Even though she had also invited him to rest, Borden dipped his muzzle in gratitude. “I’m glad it’s adequate for both of you,” he commented. “But, if it’s alright, I’ll stay out here.” It only occurred to him just now that life on the mountain had accustomed him to the frigid night air; with a thick winter pelt, which he had inherited from his father, he found it unnecessary to sleep “indoors,” especially when there were two wolves already inside. “I’ll… keep watch,” he added, looking to her, as if searching for that glimmer of trust he had seen in her prior to their departure to the den. “So you can sleep; I’m pretty sure you’ve had one hell of a day today.” To see her calm, reassured and free of worry, was his own source of relief, and in her comfort, he found the means to fully relax.


Silence Broken - Vlarindara - Jan 21, 2011

It was strange to have him so..accommodating, but she had to figure, perhaps he really was one of the few who gave a damn. Or, he was wanting to see how her pup was faring to take him to his pack - that would suit her just fine, oddly enough. Not that she regretted having him around, but she knew that a pup with a pack was more likely to survive what was left of the winter, rather than one with a single provider. She listened as he explained he was worried, a tired smile touching her muzzle as she glanced back to the den. "I will generally see him the moment I enter the clearing and call for him. I grew a bit concerned when he didn't come bowling out of the cave full of pent up energy and looking for a meal." Her soft tone was affectionate, even knowing that she'd have gladly given him whatever she'd found during the day.

His offer to stay on watch while she slept was shocking, and it showed by the way her ears flipped forwards before laying back down over her neck. Not in anger, but simply how she carried them anymore - constant submission to avoid notice. " very kind of you. I wouldn't dream to ask such a thing of a guest.. Especially one so far away form home as yourself. " She settled back onto her haunches, leaving all her weight shifted onto her good leg, rather than her injured one. "However....I know that I am in need of more than a few hours rest a night..It would...I would..." She seemed hesitant to actually *ACCEPT* the offer of help..for some reason.

The female sighed, nodding silently after a moments consideration. "It's hard, to take advantage of a wolf I've only just met, but I appreciate the help, honestly I do..." She let her gaze look back towards the den once more, a weight seeming to settle on her shoulders before she turned to look back at the male. As she did, she seemed to sit up straighter, a thought of some sort having given her the ability to draw herself together. "If you cannot speak for you alpha about accepting an adult.. will you take Raigo? His chances of survival are much higher in a pack with a set territory and protection.. Not to mention providers and the ability to hunt larger game. None of which I can provide for him.."

She looked once more to the den, her ears shifting as she listened for his sounds of waking, before looking back to Borden. "It's not that I wish to be rid of him, quite the opposite, but I fear for his well being with only myself as a caretaker. He's much too young to leave alone to hunt as well..I.. have worried over him for some time." She was beginning to sound like rather than adopting the pup as a sibling, she'd taken on the role of mother, and as she had spoken of her fears for the young male, her head had lowered, until she was looking at her feet. "If nothing else, I can offer his strength. He's had to be to carry on with me for this long."

Silence Broken - Borden - Jan 21, 2011

[dohtml] src= align=right hspace=5>Seeing and hearing her speak of the pup she had taken in made his smile curl upwards even more. She had cared for him as if he were a younger brother; she had been his guardian, and the fondness she held for the youngster was endearing. When he shifted the topic to his vigil, he watched as an expression of surprise shaped her features before she wiped it all away, politely thanking him, admitting she needed to rest. In all actuality, while he did want her to rest and he knew the deed would ‘count’ against the inner penance he had been carrying, he simply held these night watches because he couldn’t sleep. Whether it was because of his preference to travel at night, during his years as an exile, or because of his fascination with the moon, he never really could figure out why his eyelids never grew heavy until the hours just before dawn. “Advantage? Please, really, it’s my pleasure” he smiled, slowly settling next to her – not too close, but just close enough so they could converse quietly and still hear one another clearly.

Eyeing her as she told of Raigo and his possibility of becoming apart of the pack, he tilted his head. Why would he and Alexander only take Raigo? Surely, Alexander would take Vlarindara in as well, right? Borden mentally thought out the scenario, wondering what the leader would think about the pair as he led them to the base of Mount Dire. “I wish I could speak on behalf of Alexander,” he finally said, his heart aching at the sound of his statement. “I can only represent what he stands for, what the pack stands for.” He paused for a moment before continuing, “But, well, if there’s anything else I can do, I could introduce you – and, in time, Raigo also - to him. If Raigo’s well-being is a concern, I’m sure he would take you both in. With the three of us looking after him and Alexander and me also providing for you, there will be no need for this… stress, these worries… I’ll see to it myself if need be.”

Even though his wandering years were far behind him now that Relic Lore had given him a more permanent home, he couldn’t help but feel her pain - if that’s what she’d describe it, that is. Whatever it was, nevertheless, struck a chord with Borden; and, he fully understood exactly what she and Raigo were going through. It was this thought that brought him to remember his question from before. “Forgive me for not asking earlier,” he stated. “What about you? Have you eaten recently? Could I get you anything?” He was about to add that he was a skilled squirrel tracker, but left it out, he didn’t want to seem egotistical.


Silence Broken - Vlarindara - Jan 21, 2011

Vlarindara blinked, smiling softly when he'd commented that it wasn't taking advantage of her if she slept while he stayed awake. When he moved closer, oddly, she didn't feel the need to move away, instead lowering herself to her stomach and stretching out, her injured leg extending to the full reach it could go. It cramped lightly, but after readjusting, she settled in comfortably. It gave her a sense of safety, despite the fact that she knew next to nothing about this wolf - strange for her. Perhaps.. though it was the feeling that she might finally belong, and that alone did wonders for her state of mind.

Listening to his explanations about his alpha, Alexander, she warred with herself. Did she try to let him care for her and the pup, and possible gain the strength to follow him to his home.. or did she remain here in the off chance that they would travel that far to be turned away. It was hard, deciding, but she stayed attentive, despite the thoughts fighting one another in her mind. She had to admit, she was slightly scared that if she met the alpha without Raigo present, he would accept her, then not accept the pup when it came time to bring him forward. She couldn't do that..if that were the case, couldn't do that at all.

After his comment about no longer needing the stress, and that he would see to it himself, the white female simply blinked at him, slightly shocked. She was extremely confused, and didn't understand a wit of *WHY* he was offering such a thing. Her shocked expression turned to a slight frown, then a look of confusion as she looked to the forest around them, then back to the male sharing her clearing. "I...have to ask.. why go to the trouble for a wolf you've only just met? More specifically, one that had managed to attract the attention of what is probably the *ONLY* bear awake this time of year?" Her tone was somewhat joking, but curious, mostly, she had to wonder - what did he want? Was he just simply one of those who would give the fur off his back if that's what someone would need?

Rabbit. That was the first thought on her mind when he'd mentioned having eaten anything...but that had been yesterday. She looked deep in thought before shaking her head, but spoke as if she wasn't entirely sure. "To be quite honest, I've completely forgotten what it feels like to be free of hunger.. So I couldn't rightly tell you when I last ate.. Though, I'm not entirely weak and shaking yet, so I would have to hazard yesterday, or the day before." Despite the way the words may sound should one be reading them, she was speaking them matter of factly. This was a female who had come to accept her lot in life- and when asked.. hunger was a normal, every day occurence.. so she wouldn't take extra notice in it.. unless she'd not eaten for long enough that she had begun falling prey to the health issues.. of one suffering starvation. But even the mention of that, as if it had happened before - she didn't seem phased. In fact, she had been more upset at the idea of taking advantage of Borden, than facing starvation.

Silence Broken - Borden - Jan 21, 2011

[dohtml] src= align=right hspace=5>Averting his gaze from her to the water before them, he flicked his tail behind him. He didn’t want to tell her the reason why he felt the need to offer the things he did or offer the things he extended to her, but she questioned. It was only fair to answer, it seemed. His golden eyes never leaving the surface of the water, he listened as she told him of yesterday’s meal: a rabbit. It was better than what he had been catching on an every-other-day basis.

Closing his eyes, he inhaled quietly, allowing his breath to rise into the evening air as wisps of moisture. It took honesty to get honest answers, and she had been telling him things as they were. They conversed with one another openly, and since she had already allowed him to come this far with her, to be invited to her den hidden away in the thicket, it would be wrong of him to start feeding her lies or withhold information from her. “I…” he started as he opened his eyes. “I’ve… never told anyone this, but… I-I wasn’t always this way.”

Each word seemed to get caught in his vocal chords before they rolled off his tongue. He swallowed and cleared his throat quietly, “I was quite the opposite; had you met me when I was mere nomad, I would have…” He had to stop himself from completing his sentence, willing himself to keep from shuddering; he didn’t want to imagine the idea of the bear feasting on her remains, her ivory coat stained with blood. “I was cruel. Selfish... When I was sent away, exiled, from home, I told myself I would change my ways. I wouldn’t be greedy or heartless or ignorant of others. Relic Lore, as a sanctuary, offered me a chance to redeem myself, to start anew, to right whatever I’ve done wrong in the past.”

Swallowing hard and taking a deep breath, he glanced to her reclined figure at his side. “I’ve been in your place before,” he said quietly. “I know what it’s like never knowing when your next meal is going to be or being unsure of what nature’s going to throw your way and hoping so hard you’re prepared for it. I wished someone was there to help me out when I needed it.” A faint smile reappeared on his face, watching her eyes and ears. “Truth is I don’t think you can take advantage of me. So don’t even think of it… I just want to help because I’m able.”


Silence Broken - Vlarindara - Jan 21, 2011

She didn't seem phased by his admission, strangely enough, despite the.. possible violence in the explanation. Her feet were beneath her and she was already closing the distance between herself and the other wolf before she realized just what she was doing. Vlarindara drew herself to a halt a hairs breath from touching him, settling down at his side onto her haunches. She was silent for some time after he finished speaking before her own soft tone filtered into the clearing. "Your reactions wouldn't have been without merit, Borden... A wolf traveling alone is simply going to have a hard way of life - Any who either willingly chose or unwillingly found themselves in this life knew that when they came into it. I have held no illusions of grandeur, for this life. It's been hard, but sometimes, it's easier.." Like now.. but she left that part out.

The she-wolf found herself leaning into his side, just slightly, and she simply told herself that the snow that had begun to fall was making her seek the extra warmth. Until she knew that she and Raigo would have a pack of their own, she couldn't allow herself to relax her vigil - though strangely this male could make her do it without even so much as a demand to do so. The female fell silent after her last moment of conversation, as if she were thinking about what she would say next. " takes one of the same origins to understand such things?" Vlarindara knew that if she'd met him back when he was different, she would have held the same respect for him she had when first seeing him.

Of course, her reactions would have been much the same, whereas his would seem to have tended towards the more.. violent end of the spectrum. She glanced at Borden, her expression taking on an interested look. "Do you think, perhaps, that it was the amount of time you were a wanderer that made you into what you were?" There was a definite tone of worry in the female's voice - she'd only been a wanderer for a little under a year, she had yet to react... violently towards one of her that.. she had warned off a pair of wolves at the river one evening.. She'd had a morsel of food perhaps it was simply the food.

Perhaps, or perhaps not. Regardless, she lowered her head and brushed her nose just lightly over the fur on his shoulder from where she was sitting beside him. The wolf was still her superior- but without being in a pack, she was unsure of where she stood, but then again.. she'd not been inside a pack long enough to actually get the finite workings of the structures - her family had always been something of a mismatched band of ragtag bandits essentially. "Regardless.. our common ground, or perhaps because of it.. I am deeply grateful for the offer to help that you've extended to us... Perhaps...we could get lucky enough to find ourselves a slightly larger meal?"

Vlarindara shifted where she sat, but remained sitting, even though she was simply testing out her sore leg. It was beginning to feel better, thankfully - but she knew she would use it if she had to, regardless of the injuries. Food was food, and if she could help him bring down something big enough for the both of them... then it might not be such a bad thing after all. "The night is still young enough.. and I've seen deer tracks passing just north of this place.. almost a path that they seem to travel on quite frequently. I've found a few late, winter fawns curled up in the thickets within the past few weeks.. but..perhaps with two of us, we may be capable of hunting something slightly bigger than a fawn, or a rabbit.." Judging by her tone, she meant every word of it - and that included helping with the hunt. She had learned, since she was a pup how to hunt and avoid injury..mostly.. She'd once managed to take down a small half grown doe - that had been when she was stronger and there was less snow on the ground.

Silence Broken - Borden - Jan 21, 2011

[dohtml] src= align=right hspace=5>As she drew closer, he cast his gaze back to the water and he felt the hair along his spine stand on end, feeling nervous but not exactly knowing why. It wasn’t like she was going to clasp her jowls about his neck or snap at him. His dark-rimmed ears lapped up her every word, finding each sentence true. When he fled as his own younger brothers chased him to the edges of the only territory he had ever known, he knew life would be hard. It was given; after all wolves were social creatures, and to be on one’s own meant to expect anything and everything, do whatever it took to survive.

Beginning to move on from his innermost thoughts, he took in her next question. “Yeah,” he breathed, his smile fully returning, still not looking to her. “Takes one to know one.” A short, anxious chuckle escaped from his throat, her next query sending him back into thought. “Well, perhaps,” he said. “My father’s last words to me kinda sparked a change; ‘Order. Discipline. Understanding,’ he said. But, time, perhaps that was also a factor. I don’t really know for sure; I’ve never taken a step back and evaluated how far I’ve come. I still think though, I could always do better, be better.”

Registering her touch, he gasped softly, taken thoroughly by surprise. It instantly drew his gaze back to her and he studied her up close, the way her fur laid in an intricate pattern, arching across her brows above her eyes and curling at the tips where her fur had been long. The scars across the bridge of her muzzle made curious patterns; her eyes were composed of a deep shade of amber. “You are very welcome,” he breathed. “As for the larger meal though, well… How ‘bout you leave that to me, hmm?” The last bit of his question had a persuasive tone about it, and he hoped she would patiently wait. What he didn’t want her to do was injure herself further, like she had mentioned before.

Allow yourself to heal,” he said as she shifted, though not wanting to reveal he knew she had some other problem – a hidden scar that was still healing, a sprain, or something of the like – but couldn’t exactly figure out what it was that ailed her. “Please. I promise I’ll be back before you know it.”


Silence Broken - Vlarindara - Jan 21, 2011

At first, she hadn't understood exactly what it was that he meant by his comment, before he elaborated. Aha, his past. She knew better than to delve into someone's past.. at least.. mostly, sometimes it couldn't be helped - if you were to trust the other. The female took a few steps away when he'd shifted and looked up at her, looking sheepish, as much as a wolf could. "Ahh..My apologies." However, to be quite honest, she'd missed the feel of fur against fur. As a pup, she had slept curled up among her siblings and elders, the scent of their pack and musky fur had been a comfort. Raigo was too young yet to have acquired the same.. woodsy smell that the older wolves had.

His offer to go find food for her made her blink before she frowned, shaking her head lightly. "That!... You...I...." She sighed, a slightly exasperated smile touching her lips as she watched him quietly. "You won't take no for an answer, will you?" Despite the *USUALLY* harsh flavor to those particular words, no matter who spoke them, Vlar's were meant to be a joke. A simple way of connecting with this strange wolf, despite her instinctive trust in him - she couldn't be sure what it spelled.. but at the very least, it spelled Trouble.

"Allright... I'll wait here.. but when I've healed.. you will let me reciprocate with the same." She stood tall, knowing full well that he could take her height - but hey, if she showed *SOME* backbone, maybe he'd understand that she was serious about trying to repay her debt to him... and when she did get better..she would do so. Of course.. it helped they were both on the...larger end of the size spectrum... She knew that once she got her health back, added a bit of weight, she would be much stronger when it came to hunting, and could bring down slightly larger fare. While she enjoyed anything.. Rabbits and squirrels really hadn't done much for her - enough to hold off the worst symptoms of starvation, and the rest had gone to Raigo.

Silence Broken - Borden - Jan 21, 2011

[dohtml] src= align=right hspace=5>To say that Vlarindara was being nosy wasn’t even being considered according to Borden. After all, he had told her the one defining thing, an event, which had made him into the wolf he was now, sitting there beside her. She apologized, and he sheerly smiled in return. My apologies” he said, laughing slightly. “Just caught me off-guard ‘s all.” If wolves could turn rosy in embarrassment, the sides of his muzzle would probably be beet red.

Unsure of what to make of her touch just yet, he glanced downwards, watching as one-by-own snowflakes began to fall into the water. Her gesture had shocked him, yes, but a part of him craved for the interaction. Before he could figure out what long-forgotten memories were brought back to mind, he caught a glimpse of her frown. He fought to keep from laughing, shaking his head when she asked if he would take “no” as an answer. “Absolutely not,” he grinned, getting up slowly onto his feet.

Reassured that she would remain in the small glade, tucked away from whatever hid in the depths beyond the little safe haven, he walked over to the small opening in the hedge. Glancing over his shoulder, as if to make sure she didn’t and wouldn’t follow him, he gave her another smile. “Of course,” he stated. “When you’ve healed, I will.” With a flick of his black-tipped tail, he disappeared into the gathering dark.

Now on his own, Borden quieted, adjusting his breathing and pace as he prowled through the area, stepping over large roots and ducking under low-hanging branches. Every so often, he lowered his nose to the ground, attempting to take in any information or telltale signs of passing creatures. It wasn’t long until he came upon a burrow in the snow. He cautiously approached entrance and began to dig, confident that something edible was hiding within its depths. In a matter of seconds, a slender, white ermine darted away amidst the flying pieces of frozen mud, broken twigs and soiled snow.
