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Oh Baby Baby - Printable Version

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RE: Oh Baby Baby - Aideen - Apr 01, 2014

Aideen is a werewolf, her human form looks like this

She had been busy enough as it was, and now some sort of racket had started in exam room B. And of course everyone expected her to take care of it; Great, just great! Like she didn't have enough on her plate already.

Throwing open the door, she slid in in all her, auburn-haired glory; "What in the name of Fenrir is going on in here?!" Her eyes darted between the two teenagers, authority glowing out of her entire figure. She glanced at the knives on the floor, then loked back at the boy, horrified; "Did you bring those?!"

RE: Oh Baby Baby - Karpos - Apr 01, 2014

valar dohaeris.

karpos slayer

all men must serve.

His eyes widened with horror when she spoke. He backed up in shock and fell onto his butt. How had he not noticed? What had he done? "Poni...." He gathered his knives. "I have a license. They are for protection only..." He trailed off as the nurse arrived and he tried to find the right words. But that was just it, there were no right words. He had gotten her pregnant and called her a slut. Now she would have him forever. "I-If you need anything... please call me... text me... anything." He whispered as he left. There was no point in arguing his right to stay.


RE: Oh Baby Baby - Aponi - Apr 01, 2014

The nurse came in and saved her, now she had someone to look at except Karpos and his idiotic face. "Nothing, I'm leaving now, you can tell the doctor to call my cellphone if he has a problem with it." She stated as she wiggled into her jeans before ripping the gown off and storming out the door.