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Blackberry Fields savage the poison - Printable Version

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RE: savage the poison - Koda - Apr 28, 2014


He trailed the others, his muscles were pistons beneath his pelt as thick legs propelled him forward expertly, his green flecked eyes were trained on the fleeing deer as he searched for his own formidable target to take back to the pack. He would need to find one that was sick, elderly, or injured, a combination of the three would be best but he knew that those had been mostly picked through since winter, he hoped against hope that winter had been as harsh on the deer and caused plenty of injury to their prey. They would need a miracle, and Koda was keen on finding anything that would bring fresh, bloodied meat into his stomach.

He'd lost sight of Kite and Mirren, as speed was hardly his strong point, though his stamina allowed him to continue on and barrel through what remained of the snow as he scanned his targets, landing finally on a buck that ran with antlers as wide as a tree trunk. His eyes caught the form of Mirren hot on the aging bucks heels, watching as the younger male yipped and snapped at the legs of the deer to strike fear and intimidation--success could be held with more than one set of jaws.

Having turned in the direction of the frantic buck, he took to the other side of the prey and allowed a blood curdling bark to emit from his jaws, his own sharp canines were snapping wildly at anything within reach as he welded his weight to emit more force behind his attacks. Metallic blood could be tasted on his jaws and yet the buck would not budge, having continued on its run until the wolves would have to eventually corner it to make their final deadly bites; and yet the elder buck was accustomed to this and would not be fooled so easily. Irritation bubbled within his throat as he continued on the chase, feeling his ears grow hot with anger and his muscles warm from use, though he would not allow this buck to defeat him, no he had his own tricks. He did not know Kites name, but she was their last and potential attempt in herding this buck in to inflict their devastating blows, casting a glance in the younger male's direction he hoped he received his message, call for Kite.


RE: savage the poison - Kite - Apr 29, 2014

Think we have 6 posts (including mine) total for the hunt so far, so only a couple more!
Kite thrust herself forward, snapping hellishly at the heels of buck, doe, and fawn alike, taking care to avoid their strong kick that could bludgeon the head if given half the chance. She would bound away, and then push forward... together, the trio sought one.

And soon, a bark alerted her to the finding of that one. The L'Crowe doubled back, tail out in a straight line as the streamlined female moved straight toward the grand thing, moving in ground-eating strides as the distance between them was eradicated to nothing as she came in from the front left, prepared to wheel around and harass the thing there. It noted her and swung its rack as it turned, though it turned to abruptly; the buck seemed to misstep, but did not crash down onto the earth. Kite, astute and observant, noted the way the leg was placed down... too rough. It would cause stress and likely cause him to stumble again.

Mirren had found a good one.

Kite was good for the chase, her endurance enough to last her a long while. She was light on her feet, spry and swift; but in these matters, she was not made for the kill. Kite had foolishly—in her youth—threw herself onto a beast not so great and well-fed as this, but still strong, and clung to it; she nearly broke her neck, the power of the stag enough to shake her. But Kite was fearless here, knowing her limits; as long as the buck would run, so too would she. It moved only a bit slower than it had seconds ago Kite's keen eye saw, perhaps due to its misstep before... and if that were the case, it would not be long now.

RE: savage the poison - Mirren - May 27, 2014


It didn't take long for the wolves to rally around their chosen target, the old buck who, thanks to he and Koda's efforts, was now separated from the rest of the herd. It mewled in panic, it's round eyes wide with fear as the others darted for safety. Having headed the buck off, Mirren kept him in place as much as possible with what scare tactics he had in his hunting repertoire. Vicious snarls, rumbling growls, pointed snaps of his powerful jaws, and a seemingly endless drive to accomplish what they'd come here for managed to buy the youth some time before the cavalry arrived shortly thereafter.

With Kite's arrival and as Koda continued to snap and tear at the beast's limbs and body, it was time to put in work. Mirren abandoned his position at the buck's head and circled around to the side opposite the older wolf, effectively sandwiching the deer between the two of them. The sounds of the bulk of the herd─mewling, the pitter-pattering of hooves upon the soft ground, the swishing of the grasses against their bodies─resounded in the back of his mind, his beating heart and the sound of his breath in the forefront as he calculated his attack.

Avoiding any potential strikes from one of the beast's hind legs, the Tainn found and opportune moment to strike and took it. Lunging forward, he snapped his jaws at the rounded underbelly, latching on and tearing at skin and flesh with a shake of his head. Blood filled his mouth, trickling along the curve of his chin as the old deer cried out. It swung its head and the massive antlers atop it at the tawny boy, who released his hold quickly enough to jump out of the way. Relentless, Mirren continued to snap and tear at the flesh of the buck's belly and shoulder, his eyes and attention on the slope of the throat. The creature had began to tire, unable to flee and worn down by his and Koda's attacks; the end was nearing.


RE: savage the poison - Koda - Jun 14, 2014

Sorry for the long azz wait, I suck but this new job has me drained by the end of the night. Working 12 hours 5 days a week sucks!


Like clockwork, the wolves worked together with movements so melodic it seemed that they had been practicing for this moment for months; and the test was on. His jaws opened and closed relentlessly to tear into the flesh of the buck as he listened to its wailing, the cry that flowed from its jaws sent a smile to his lips, it would not be long before the buck would give up. He sensed Mirren at his side, and Kite could be seen running around the buck ready to give chase if it looked ready to run once more but he knew that this hunt was nearly over; with none of the herd returning to help the elder buck, there was little chance that it would survive this hunt.

The kill moved its rack with such force that caused Koda to jump to avoid potential danger of paralysis or a lost limb, these injuries were not uncommon when hunting horned prey and his experience made him wise in his decision to remain near its belly. The buck would move quickly to prevent further blood loss as both his teeth and Mirren's ripped into the soft flesh of his belly but it was of little use; on his side alone he had torn multiple holes of nearly 6 inches each, there was little chance that they would heal without side effects.

It happened so fast that Koda nearly missed it but the buck inhaled deeply as it fell first on its forelimbs, its rack seeming too heavy to lift with such blood loss, before it squealed to announce its defeat and within the next second the fight drained from its body and it lay still. Death overcame the elder and yet Koda continued to snap at the buck this time to enjoy the flesh that fell like butter on his tongue as its constant snaps had tenderized the meat and the tendons that kept it together. Breathing deeply, he turned toward the wolves in attendance, blood covering his face, before he spoke, "Great work team." he knew the pack could benefit from this kill as well as the three that had worked so hard to bring it down. Coming in closer to the kill, he took his place as the higher ranked subordinate and ate peacefully, making room only once he had gotten four chucks ahead of his company to give them room to enjoy it as well. "Leave some for the others, the pack can benefit from this hunt as well." and he licked his lips after once more growing silent.


RE: savage the poison - Kite - Jul 25, 2014

They were upon it, swift as her own pack had been when it came to these matters. The wolves of the Plains were esteemed for their speedy takedowns; there was nothing in their way, and they were born to run. Kite liked to think that she and hers were the only ones capable of running as swiftly as the herd could, and that their endurance was matched by none. They were not bulky and large but lean and long. Still, together they could take down their quarry no matter how long the run. But this was different. This was quite quick; perhaps because here was speed and there, on either side of the thing, was muscle, and the muscled titans were quick to crash into high gear. Kite did not know if she was surprised that they had succeeded, but she did feel pleasure as she swerved to readjust her course so as to not be caught in deaths grip with the fallen prey.

Kite—for now—enabled him to eat first, not yet willing to test the waters without being comfortable in the Woodlands. She would need to situate herself first, be known as a wolf whose presence was permanent. So when he ate, Kite chuffed to Mirren, not minding whether or not he ate with her (she felt, in all things, they were equal). She was mindful of Koda's words, and did not eat too much (not being too hungry to begin with) and looking to Mirren. Will we all pull together, or tear it into pieces we can each bring back with us?