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Swift River firework - Printable Version

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firework - Indru - Mar 02, 2011


Sure, we could end it after your post and maybe another from me if you wanted. They can go exploring around Swift River maybe, haha.

A bark escaped from her lips when the snow made contact as he had hoped and Indru laughed happily, rolling onto his back and flicking his paws up into the air like an overgrown puppy as he did so. He titled his face to the side slightly to watch her and tensed as she dropped back down into a crouch, preparing for retaliation, but she stretched instead and he grinned at her handsomely, showing his teeth as he watched her muscles stretch; she was strong even if she had been a lone wolf for a while. Corinna rested back on her haunches and unwillingly Indru lifted himself from the ground, shaking his thick, winter fur abruptly before mirroring her pose, lifting his muzzle slightly into the air to scent it unconsciously. She met his eyes but it did not rile and anger him like it would have done others and briefly for a moment he admired her rare, green ones again before she looked away.

The question caught the Leader of guard but he recovered quickly, a sly grin curling his muzzle, yes, of course! He exclaimed, jumping to his feet with the cat-like quickness of youth and of a wolf smaller than his considerable bulk. Dropping his head Indru prowled forward towards her, the waving tail that he held erect behind him showing his benevolence, growling playfully, first, you have to smell like a Swift River wolf. Then, with a boom of laughter, the boy rushed towards her quickly, hoping to run his fur down tightly down and along her side to leave his dominant scent upon her. Quickly, with a playful bark, he spun when he reached her behind and tried to repeat the manoeuvre along her right side as well. It felt important for her to smell like him, it meant she belonged here and hopefully would remind others of this fact too.


firework - Corinna - Mar 04, 2011


Gone Tomorrow

Green eyes never left the dark gray and brown coat of the lead male. She was resting on her haunches, but she was ready to spring away if he decided to resume their fun and games. It had been so long since she could be this comfortable around another, as if the stars were aligning and everything was falling into place as it should. Cori knew that part of the reason was because she was so excited at actually becoming a member of a pack, of having a family, a place to belong. That was what everybody wanted, a place to go where they were cared for and wanted.

The she-wolf stilled as Indru jumped up and approached her. She knew that he meant her no harm, that much was evident by his voice and his body posture, but she wasn't sure what he was going to. As he spoke, she cocked her head to the side in confusion. But he made his intentions known and almost immediately Cori felt his body pressed tightly up against her own. She would smell like him now, just as he would smell like her. Tail wagging, she barked at him, and shook herself, as to if to shake the scent from her body, knowing full well that it would be a permanent part of her own identity.

"Haha, fine, but I hope you enjoy the scent of Donata," she laughed back at him, springing from his side after he had finished his circle around her. Out of his reach, she skipped a couple of feet away, headed towards the deeper part of the territory that she had not had the opportunity to explore. "Come on, Indru. I want to see our home." The word felt good coming off her lips, and she was wagging her tail as she turned about, pausing only for Indru to catch up.


firework - Indru - Mar 06, 2011


To his joy Corinna stayed still and let him mark her with his smell, the mark of a River wolf, so that she matched the trees and borders that helped protect their home by showing it was claimed. As their fur brushed together it released the scents hidden deep within their thick winter fur, the smell of the two of them becoming more potent in the frigid air, Indru's stronger, more dominant one showing him as the leader. Her tail wagged and his did the same as he stood next to her, a grin on his face, his long bushy tail hitting against hers occasionally. He found her presence very soothing, something which he was thankful for at the moment, and was surprised at how relaxed he felt around her already.

After she had spoken he pushed his nose deep into the fur around her scruff theatrically, inhaling deeply before pulling away and smiling, you smell great to me. He heard her laugh then felt the cold along his side where she left him, skipping away lightly on her feet in a way his size had never let him manage. Her request however was not one he could ignore and his tail wagged as he woofed at her excitedly, his head flicking upwards in agreement as he closed the gap between them again eager to feel her warmth. Let's go, he finally agreed, laughing, and then pulled away from her to bound playfully forward and deeper into their home.
