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The Wildwood Silent Letdown - Printable Version

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Silent Letdown - Jaysyek - Mar 08, 2011


Out of the corner of her eyes, she watched the girl with keen

intrest while she chewed over this new information. Jayse had

no regret in speaking Borden's wants to her. She saw no harm

in it. Somehow voicing it made it more realistic, and not silly at all. She had faith in Borden, and if he really was compelled to start his own pack she had no will to kill that dream. She knew he

would make a great leader after all. If she didn't support him, how could she really say she loved him? A little peace settled in her heart.


the beats of the cream tail rip faster through the snow, grin perked up. The words alone blew Jayse at the water, not believing how estatic her

little secret had made the blond girl. She gave a light

chortle. White fluffed banner brushed behind

her own haunches. "When I know for sure where we shall live, and are settled you count on me finding ya!" Beaming from cheek to cheek, whatever sunshine this girl packed around it was catching. It made her happy to have a friend, and one she could keep! What wonderful things had happened in this land.

The air settled, and Jayse took time to delibrately listen to each word of her question. A friend, but kinda different. She was curious what it meant, but nothing would keep her from refusing her new friend. If they were to start a pack the more the merrier. Aisling was definately the merry. "Any friend of yours is a friend of mine," She stated the well said statement, a thoughtful look to the younger.


Silent Letdown - Aisling - Mar 12, 2011

Oh, how exciting! A home! She would have a home. "And won't they be surprised." Pangur chuckled in her head. Aisling sniffed, refusing to let her friend get her down. It was only the icing on the cake when Jayse said Pangur could come. She laughed a bit forcefully, as if to prove a point to the invisible cat in the trees. <b style="color:#388d10">"You mean it? I'll make sure he behaves and everything!" She smiled widely at Jayse, and heard Pangur Ban hiss in the back of her mind. "Don't you think you should be honest with your friend, Aisling? She might not be so kind to either of us when she discovers who I really am."

Aisling shrugged, and looked at Jayse nervously. <b style="color:#388d10">"Even if my friend was a cat?" It completely ruined her happy moment, but Pangur was right. What if Jayse and her mate got really mad at her later, and kicked her out, just like her parents had. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."


Silent Letdown - Jaysyek - Mar 12, 2011


The prospect of already having a new pack member made it easier to about the whole thing. She had really struggled with how they'd manage on their own. She really did like Aisling, it'd be nice to see her often. Instead of this possibly being hello, and goodbye. Jaysyek did have questions about this friend, she couldn't help but feel she was missing out on something. But Aisling was his friend, and she said he'd make him behave. Maybe later she would know just for sure who it was.

Suddenly the girl was worried over the fact. Jayse could feel the bit of tension rolling off in waves. Her friend was a cat? She'd never heard of that, and wondered where he might be. After all he must be who she'd been talking to, but when Jayse tested the air she smelt nothing. That would not change her mind. Real cat or invisible. "You said you'll make him behave I trust you will. So I don't see any problem with it." She gave a confident smile. The change of the shadow in the trees caught her attention. She had been gone awhile, and should be starting the long trip home. "Well Aisling, do you need anything while I'm here? I need to go home shortly, but I don't want to abonden you."


Silent Letdown - Aisling - Mar 14, 2011

Pangur had been accepted too! Aisling had no need to worry anymore. A larger smile flitted effortlessly through her muzzle, and the corners of her eyes crinkled. <b style="color:#388d10">"Hear that, Pangur?" Aisling looked up to the trees, and finally saw a glimpse of the gray-furred cat. His expression was emotionless, and he merely nodded and yawned. Aisling huffed, and turned back to Jayse, <b style="color:#388d10">"Thank you so much." The girl grinned, bowing her head, <b style="color:#388d10">"Abandon me? Of course not. I'll probably just make my way back to Luna Hill. Thank you for the concern though." Her tail waved in a circle, before she bowed her head again, <b style="color:#388d10">"Thank you so much, Jayse! I will see you again soon!" With a yip, Aisling turned, and began to trot back through the trees, hoping that she'd make it back to the hill before daybreak.<b style="color:#388d10">"speech."

Silent Letdown - Jaysyek - Mar 14, 2011


Surely she'd made the blond girl's day, and she smiled pleasantly.

White tail, fluffing through the snow. Her snout extened upward

looking for this Pangur but she could still not see the cat. Nor knew

what he thought of that. It indeed was something else, and she

wondered about this invisible feline who was so attached to her. He

seemed real to Aisling, and she made peace with that fact. What did it

hurt for a wolf to have an invisible friend? It seemed sane compared to

the usual follies, and quite harmless. Sadly that is why

her parents were upset. What a silly thing to hold against your own

offpsring. Pusillanimous, in her book.

Her head cast down to normal level, "Thank you, you

made my day!"
She exclaimed, rising now, and taking a silent

look round the still woods. It was still quiet, and they were much

alone. "Alrighty, I just feel bad saying goodbye. But yes, I will see

you again, I promise!"
She called happily after her, making a

silent prayer she would be safe till then. Hopefully this Pangur kept

her safe as well. Watching cream form dissapear she sucked in a quick

breath and started for the mountain.
