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going back / going home - Alexander - Mar 14, 2011

<b style="color:#51b85f">"Don't wake a sleeping wolf," Alex chuckled, running a paw over the blooms, and watching them spring back up as if nothing had happened. <b style="color:#51b85f">"I bet you could take the ears off of a bear." The male mused, before shaking his head. <b style="color:#51b85f">"Pleasure Skylah," The gray male smiled, and nodded in response to her question. It seemed like quite a perfect opportunity to try and sell Midnight Plateau. The girl had spunk, so he felt okay doing such a thing. They needed more spunk up on the mountain. Or maybe less spunk, and just the presence of more females. It was beginning to feel a bit like a bachelor party again, although Ame seemed capable of evening the ratio out alone.

Alexander smiled at the thought, and he shook his head to clear his mind. <b style="color:#51b85f">"Up on the mountain, yup. It's a bit dangerous up there this time of year. Certainly no bed of blooms." He cracked another smile, before rolling his eyes at his awful choice of words.<b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."


going back / going home - Skylah - Mar 14, 2011

    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

"No Kidding," she muttered, stretched onto her side. She really should be out accomplishing something, like getting breakfast. This was much better, and her stomach wasn't aching yet. And the copper wolf was debating if she might be able to join Alexander's pack. She had been enjoying her freedom, but like any social creature was missing the little companionship of her fellow canine. Why silently she was enjoying this company. She laughed quietly, at his suggestion. She didn't believe she was that fierce, but then again if she had to she wouldn't have passed up the task. "I don't know about that," she mumbled, giving a bleak smile.

Confirming he did live on the mountain, her head nodded thoughtfully. A little smile at his wording. Maybe that's why he was enjoying being down to earth, where steps didn't matter. "I can imagine."Skylah had not lived on a mountain, but family hunting trips had been taken on the surrounding ones-searching for caribou. They had always to be careful, mind their footing, and be clear where their path would lead. Thinking in silence she weighed her options. Trying to do the smart thing. She knew eventually she would want to join a pack, now was as good as time as ever. She didn't mind the gray and white leader. "Is your pack full or could you do with one more?"


going back / going home - Alexander - Mar 14, 2011

Curiosity, Alexander had discovered, led to one thing or another. As of late, he was finding himself attracting attention for the mountain, and conversations seemed to be leaning in that certain direction. Most of the time, it was his own doing that caught his companion's attention. But why not tell them who he really was, rather than go on and on until it came up "naturally". Surely putting it in front was more natural than anything. He was the leader of Midnight Plateau, and yes, he was going to bring it up when he felt like it. It was his pride, and why not show it off? Even if he was feeling a little low now and then.

Alexander seemed to have gotten lucky this time, somehow attracting the attention of this female and brought her to the Plateau's side. It had taken little persuasion, honestly. Perhaps he was more magnetic than he thought, he just had to try a bit harder. <b style="color:#51b85f">"There's always room for more on the mountain." The gray male smiled, his tail sweeping over the flora. What wonderful company. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."


going back / going home - Skylah - Mar 14, 2011

    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

Watching contently from her low position, she had no regret asking. It

never hurt to ask, ask there as no such thing as a stupid question. If

his pack was full, that'd be the end, she'd enjoy the rest of his

company and be on her way. Least knowing where one pack was, and

who was in charge of it. Long tail brushed playfully at the delicate

flowers, not hurting them, making them sway. She rolled further on her

back, and shifted her hips, rubbing against the softness. Pushing air from nose she flipped back to her stomach. Ears flipped upward, and she crossed her forelimbs."How fortunute for me," she replied with a pleasant smile.

Pushing herself up, a yawn stretched her jaws. This place was much too calming. She was supsicous of it's spell. However, relaxing was a nice change, just something she wasn't use to. He had enlightened her to the idea, and maybe she'd try it again sometime. Orange eyes cast around, watching the small breeze tease at the little budding leaves. She had no mind to go to the mountain until he was ready. Whenever that may be.


going back / going home - Alexander - Mar 14, 2011

He admired how straight forward she was about it all. Hell, when he'd wanted to join the Plateau, he'd somehow convinced Honijo that he was going to trespass, and that was just because he hadn't just asked right out about joining. Though, it seemed that that small mistake hadn't done much to affect his transition into the pack, as he was now its leader, which...Was almost as depressing. Alex hated when his thoughts took these stupid roads. It was the last thing he wanted to think about now. His ears twisted back as he stretched, and rose up to his paws, taking a moment to scratch behind his ear before he addressed his company again.

<b style="color:#51b85f">"Perhaps you'd like a tour of the mountain, unless you have any...Inquiries?" Tail curled over his back, his pale brows rose as well. He wasn't necessarily ready to leave this little sanctuary, but he didn't want to subject this girl to a long awkward silence. <b style="color:#51b85f">"It's great to know that you want to join the ranks, and you're more than welcome to do so, but...You know, I wouldn't wanna throw anyone into something that they weren't expecting." He couldn't necessarily think of anything that would take anyone by surprise in Midnight Plateau, but some wolves had quirks. Alexander couldn't just assume things, despite how they seemed to act on the outside. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."


going back / going home - Skylah - Mar 14, 2011

    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

They were getting along, and Sky liked his easy-going nature. Or what

appeared to be. That's perhaps why she was drawn to go home with

him. She'd dealt with enough arrogance, and control freaks. It was her

reason for being a loner, what could have kept her one. But he was the

opposite -the change she was looking for. If he'd taken her differently

she would have turned heal and went. Instead he was mellow, and did

not take in offense. Taking it all in, one thing at a time.

Tail curled atop her front paws, and tongue stroked across her dry

lips. A tour would be nice, know where to avoid, and what trails were

best. Questions? Eyes blinked in a few rows. Head drifted upward in

sudden thought. "I guess I would wonder what my job, so to

speak, would be if I joined you. I understand if I need to earn my

place, but I do good if I have something to do."
Head drifted

downward, orange eyes meeting his more vibrant pair. He was honest

with her, she wanted to be just as. She really didn't mind working her

way through the ranks, or doing tedious tasks. She just needed

something. It was thoughtful of him, to let her have a second thought.

She shrugged at this, the mountain itself didn't worry her persay.

"I didn't grow up on mountain, but was surrounded by them. It

was often the territory for hunting. So the mountain itself isn't daunting to me."


going back / going home - Alexander - Mar 14, 2011

Since she didn't get up, he lowered his haunches to the earth, and waited patiently for her to say what she wished to say. From the way she was looking up, he figured she was doing some kind of thinking. Or perhaps she had an itch. The former seemed more likely, as it was only a second later that a question was uttered forth. Her job. It was a perfectly acceptable question. It was good to have purpose. A smile crossed his muzzle, and he listened as she went on.

A hunter. The Plateau needed more hunters. Taking his own moment to take a look at the sky through the trees, he finally looked down at her again, a perfect idea in his head. <b style="color:#51b85f">"That would be perfect," Alexander nodded, tail sweeping over the grass and curling over his paws as a breeze drifted through the flowery clearing. <b style="color:#51b85f">"In fact, I was planning a hunt soon. Perhaps you could lead it instead? It would be a fine way to get to know your pack mates...If, of course, you do decide to make the mountain your home." She'd already asked him about it, and he'd said yes, but he figured from his answer, her decision could change. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."


going back / going home - Skylah - Mar 14, 2011

    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

A studied gaze she let him think her words over for the moment. She

didn't know how many wolves were already part of the mountain

dwelling, and what they could possibly do. She was bound to think

they had least had to know how to survive, all the more she could

relate to- get along with. The urge to stand, haunches rose off the

ground and she arched her back, then crinked it right, then left. There

was a long walk ahead of her, and stiff muscles wouldn't do. Her

words had done the part of assuring she was not pusillanimous. Though her choice was still

unclear to him. Tail tossed out slowly behind her, and a brief laugh

uncurled from her lips. "Alexander I happily accept becoming a

member of Midnight Plateau, and leading a hunt as you see fit."

Now, they were done with the formalities, and there was no

doubting if she would permantly stay or not.

She actually felt inclined to be loyal to this male, and leading a hunt

was an honor to the miss. Coarse, she wasn't about to get carried away and say that. That was completely out of character, and she really did know him that well. In time she would see how this new begining struck her. Though honestly she would feel a certain owing to him.


going back / going home - Alexander - Mar 14, 2011

A half-grin twisted his muzzle when she rose, stretching for what he could only assume was the journey back to the mountain. Slowly, he lifted his own hindquarters from the earth again, and leaned down to take one more sniff of the buds at his paws. Straightening up, he met her gaze, ears pressed forward as she gave her acceptance, and he smiled fully. <b style="color:#51b85f">"Excellent!" His tail swung happily behind him, and he turned to face the direction of the mountain.

<b style="color:#51b85f">"It'll be a bit of a walk, Skylah, but it'll be worth it." Laughing, he nudged her shoulder and made his way through the trees, eyes seeing straight ahead, but only seeing the mountain, not the trees.<b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."


going back / going home - Skylah - Mar 14, 2011

    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

Eyes looked up through her brows when he gave a last sniff of the

blooms. He must be to busy to "stop and smell the flowers" and she

hoped she hadn't stolen his own moment of peace. No going back

now, and she would soon find out about her new home. What he was

like there, what everyone else was like. Hopefully they were braced for

her. Could be a long interesting day, coarse tail wagged in beat with

his larger one. She only hoped the excitement wasn't because the

mountain was lacking members. It really didn't matter either way. She

may be a girl, but she had made up her mind. Once she'd set on

something that was it.

"I'm ready for such a walk," she said giving him a broad

smile, and braced against his friendly nudge. Breathing the sweet

scent one last time through her nostrils, she let it out in a silent,

content exhale. Then quick like a flash they were on their way, trotting

inbetween the trees and to the looming mountain kingdom.
