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Cedarwood Forest Searching for Life - Printable Version

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RE: Searching for Life - Aestyn - Nov 06, 2014

Yes, I believe so.

his comment brought forth a sputtered cackle. he was very correct for his recognition. “Bingo! Keep that in mind for the rest of our time together and you’ve won the jackpot.” she said as her once foul mood proceeded to brighten. as the obsidian brute began to lay his jokes aside, he seemed to try and open up to her marginally but stopped at the word trust. ” That’s all fine and dandy but I have yet to actually meet someone I can as you say trust.” she quickly spilled out of her clam. even the very word trust left a bitter taste in her mouth.
trying to shake off the horrid taste, she prodded forward sawing her silk draped cranium side to side. the more in proximity to him she got the more she consummated his studying. he was sizing her up there was no doubt but just anyone had the right to do. her height was deceiving as she had intended it to be.
it was much less of a challenge to become an intimidating brow beater that way. it was just another one of her nifty tactics she had taught herself by trial and error while traveling in solitude. being sized up really never cast a burden on her because she frankly did not care what was conceived of her. what mattered to her if what she could emotionally, physically, and spiritually endeavor. it was a personal battle of what she could make of herself.

sometimes she considered it a curse in disguise always setting high bars because she expected what she “preached” to be distinguished in herself first. the numbing cold snapped her out of her ranting thoughts as she had completely blocked out what Jester had been saying. not intentionally of course. the only indicator to save herself from asking to repeat himself was the way his nose pointed back to the wind shield that she leapt from. There really wasn’t an over head shelter to keep the white puffs of crystal from falling on them but anything was better than the harsh searing gusts of gale. with her aqua pools inviting him to follow she twisted her mixed hued torso around as she padded only a couple of feet back to the protection of the boulder. barbed padders began to move the earth from underneath her as she began to dig a little nest before she slumped down resting her chin between her now mud caked limbs. she peered up at him meeting his eyes to see if he had accepted her simple invitation.

RE: Searching for Life - Jester - Nov 06, 2014

He nodded in agreement as she laughed out a comment. He wouldn't forget because it was something he could hear every time she spoke. Her next comment though had Jester's ears flicking in surprise. She had never met someone she could trust? How could that be? There were a lot of wolves out there that could be trusted, you just had to find them. "That is rather surprising." He told her in all honesty. It was rather peculiar since she had said that most, not all, of her life she had been alone. In the time she had been with others hadn't she found someone she could rely on? Jester himself had a good relation with his mother even if he didn't get all the things she had tried to teach him about plants.

He watched as she turned away, her invitation had been clear and he would follow once she was settled. Once she had rested her head on her stretched out paws he padded forward, the snow crunching beneath his paws. Without a word he dug his own not so little hole for him to stretch out in. He had his so that though they lay next to each other he was on the worst side of the wind. Intentionally blocking more so that Aestyn might be a little more protected from the gusts and snow that seemed to becoming thicker. He felt the snow that was coming down start to form on his back creating another layer of insulation that,once it was thick enough, would protect him from the wind. Keeping his head raised he watched her paws stretched out.

RE: Searching for Life - Aestyn - Nov 06, 2014

aestyn sighed content with her little hole in the ground. it would no doubt help generate more heat from her speckled underbelly. stretching out her extensions her tongue followed her motions and turned into a yawn. she was not at all sleepy just content. she felt a twist in the corner of her smackers, a smile broadcasted as Jester had shifted himself over towards her accepting her silent invitation. he seemed outwardly surprised in fact, who wouldn't? it was a detail in her life that did not shock her anymore. maybe it was her abrasive personality that caused the distrust? she had promised herself months ago to release some of her judgmental capacities to overlook someone's flaws. today she was quite pleased with herself and how she was handling this encounter. realizing what Jester had done to protect her from the searing wind came as a surprise. he was a classic gentleman, she knew that so far about him. ignoring his first statement about her trust issues she felt the sudden need to thank him for his genuine act. "You didn't had to do that, Jester." she said in a low velvet voice.

Why was he being so kind hearted towards her? Maybe he had pity on her? That was the last thing she desired. She didn't want to be the damsel in distress and she hoped that's not what he thought she was. she could defend her own skin and had was walking through life taking on her own tasks just fine. as soon as he had settled into his wide spread diggers hole she glanced at him as her pools watched as the gulls brought drifts of puff and the wind rustled his charcoal hued coat.
just as she got comfortable and her skin started tingling back from numbness her gut rumbled alerting her that is was deprived. it was loud enough that she was sure he could hear it, with all the distractions she forgot about her hunting pursue. her stomach was making sure she wouldn't forget, like an alarm clock. it rumbled again vibrating inwardly making monstrous threats again. peering back at Jester she said quickly "Was that you?" she said trying to keep a straight face though her lips were quivering holding back a faint grin.

RE: Searching for Life - Jester - Nov 06, 2014

Already he felt a little warmer with the boulder protecting them from the worst of the wind and with Aestyn generating some heat as well it was slowly getting quite comfortable. He chuckled lightly under his breath as she thanked him. "Actually I did. I like to help others when I can even if it involves a little discomfort on my part." It was the truth if he could take some of the chill away from her so that she might rest a little more comfortably he would do it. Making someone laugh or smile was what he did that's why he was Jester in the first place.

The pause in their conversation was broken by a rumbling sound. He kept a straight face as she looked to him and asked her question. He could see her lips twitching at the corners and almost lost it because of it. Here they were getting all comfortable and now her stomach was demanding attention. "Nope, must be a grizzly that's traveling through." He said the sentence perfectly straight with no laughter in his voice but when he finished he couldn't help but start laughing.

Once his laughter calmed some he looked out to the forest around them. The wind was still throwing gusts up and the temperature seemed to have dropped some. Yet if they didn't go out and try to catch something then they would have to listen to each others stomachs because even though his stomach wasn't empty it sure wasn't full. Nodding to the forest he asked "Shall we?"

RE: Searching for Life - Aestyn - Nov 07, 2014

Aestyns trembling clams could scarcely restrain themselves. Jester tried to keep a serious straight face as he made his comment about the traveling grizzly bear. His laugh shattered her rickety efforts at enduring to keep a somber expression causing her to let out a giggle. She had almost forgotten how it felt to undergo genuine laughter. Laughing, when you travel in seclusion would be a reason to anyone to make assumptions that you were going fanatically insane. So needless to say, she reserved her expressions of amusement to herself or tried to neglect embracing a comical circumstance which was very infrequent to come athwart anyways. She was beginning to feel dare she say quite comfortable with the sociable and kind hearted brute.

Aestyn’s lingering glance sustained to study Jester her cool blue pools were brighter and more brilliant from the laughter. Most blue eyes shifted to dimmer or lighter blue depending on the individuals current mood and she was no exception. Strongly disliking the threats her gut was making while she was in the midst of warmth she spoke up as her vocal cords warmed “I suppose. I worry the grizzly might scare our game off though.” her voice filled with comical notes. Finally heeding her stomachs warning her fore front limbs buckled back as the back legs mimicked and pushed her out of her now warm nest. Peering back at Jester she extended her snout pressing firmly into his wind blown collar line. Jester had a very strong overwhelming cologne to him.

It nearly left her breathless. Retrieving her snout back she curled her kissers very lightly before twisting her whole torso back around so she was facing the dense woodlands. No doubt it was blessed with little critters, this was her oyster shell. Her expression was that of one that was a gapeseed but only momentarily as she took in her surroundings. Where should she begin looking? Beginning to make jabbing motions forward she bounded off into the woods searching for any signs of game. Surely they were tucked away in their little homes trying to beat out the cold.

RE: Searching for Life - Jester - Nov 07, 2014

Her whole demeanor was slowly becoming lighter. Her eyes most noticeably as they seemed to shift from dark lake blue to the blue seen only on the sunniest of days. "Of course we will have to be careful then so we don't stumble upon the grizzle itself." Jester joked lightly with a smile. She could be nice when she wanted to be and after their first little hiccup it seemed that, unless something to annoyed her, it would be quite companionable until then.

As she pressed her snot into his collar he stilled and then curiously scented her as well. The wind had been blowing her scent away from him and the only thing that he had smelled when he first found her was she-wolf and only a little of her actual scent. The snow had been covering it up well and the breeze had been playing and distorting what he had smelled. She had a light scent almost like a flower but mixed with something that was purely just hers. Her scent it seemed matched her coat with its different values.

Jester stood to follow Aestyn as she gazed around them before taking off. Jester used his long legs to keep pace but could tell that if she wanted to she could easily leave him behind. Sometimes he disliked being so large just because of the fact that faster prey was harder to hunt and his only chance was to get it before it took off or to find were it was going before it got there. Half the time he found a rabbits hole and just lay near the entrance in wait for one to either come out or go in.

RE: Searching for Life - Aestyn - Nov 07, 2014

The flurry that had been in a scurry to meet the earth was at the present was in a less of a hurry with fewer allies to accompany the plunge. A reluctant whoosh of her compound hued tassel whiffed away the sparkles from landing on her backside. Aqua blue eyes compassed the somewhat of a pathway beyond them. Only slowing her pace by a couple of notches she leapt up on to the fallen timber obstacle course as her brawny pegs latched on trying not to slip off of the snow blanketed logs. Thuds and scratches were audible, and she decided she needed to continue to slow her velocity even further to break the noise. After all a stealthy quiet hunter, is not a hungry hunter. Her expression modified as the pure concentration seeped in place of the happiness. Time to lay the games aside, her stomach demanded the full capacity of her awareness now. Creep like steps were replaced from her long noisy strides as the obstacle course had lightened up. An overgrowth of shrubbery was now before her visage.

Coming to a complete impede she coiled her muscular neck back around to locate Jester who no doubt was close behind. attempting to navigate a hopefully successful plan to sweep any game out of the shrubs she stood immobile lurking for her hunting counterpart to position himself within distance that he could hear a whisper. Bristles on her spine rose in anticipation. She was almost entirely sure there had to be a nest of unsuspecting meals nestled in the protection of the thick overgrown bushes. Aestyn’s felt a growing pool of saliva collecting on her pink tongue, now she just prayed her stomach would take a hint and shut up. After all, she was doing her best to fill it’s requests that was the least it could do.

RE: Searching for Life - Jester - Nov 07, 2014

While she sprang onto and over the tree Jester walked around always keeping his companion in sight. She had made some noise with her balancing act and he knew that he didn't want to be the one to blunder the hunt. Though he had serious doubts that there was anything that close to were a pair of wolves had been talking unconcerned with what prey was around. Now though silence was key and if they couldn't manage it then they would be hungry for tonight.

Following behind Aestyn he immediately noticed when she stopped to stare at a thick bush. It would definitely be a choice spot for prey to stay as the snow swirled around outside the twisted limbs. Silent as the shadows his coat mimicked he padded around Aestyn and the bush to the other side. There we would attempt to scare what ever was in it towards his lighter and faster companion. If anyone should be able to catch whatever was in the bush it would be her. While she worked on the faster ones he would attempt to catch the ones that fell behind in the sudden surprise of the attack.

As he positioned himself he felt his mouth begin to water at the thought of something fresh to eat but he gave himself a mental slap. Aestyn was the one that was hungriest and she was the one who was leading this hunt even if it was just the two of them. Keeping his eyes trained on the bush he listened for whatever cue his hunting companion might give to start. He wasn't the only one who needed to make sure that they were prepared for whatever was to come out of the twining limbs.

RE: Searching for Life - Aestyn - Nov 07, 2014

They had prepared well being hushed besides her one strident slip up. Which optimistically she hoped that wouldn’t effect the stalk. Being upset with herself would only prove negatively on their scavenge though. She would have to kick herself later on when there was not an immediate task at hand. She noted as he had circumferenced the obstacle course; as an alternative of following in her blunder. Nodding her carved cranium in approval to his well thought plan. Captivated pool capsules observed as he waited for her cue. Leading a hunt was something she always did, obviously leading herself was less invigorating than having an additional set of useful experienced ivories.

Jester had encircled the opposite side of the bush assuming he would more than likely be the one to make the first stir into the hunt. The muscles in her whole being tensed and flexed as she braced herself mentally and bodily to ambush whatever was to flee from the shrubberies fortification that was if she hadn’t already scared them away. Aestyn’s silver toned hackles spooled upward flashing like a edgy razor blade along her back rose even higher the more she on edge she became. A quick flare of her pointed rigid spikes bared as her tongue lapped the outside rims. Her apprehensive skull lowered itself as she readied her vocals to send the signal to Jester. A low baring, deep throated growl hit the sound wall. Now the hunt was officially on as she awaited her complement to acknowledge her evident indicator.

RE: Searching for Life - Jester - Nov 07, 2014

Jester could feel everything about him go still as he waited. He was excited sure but when the time came to ready for the immanent hunt he felt himself go calm. His breathing slowed and every second seemed to hang upon the air. He was like a runner ready for the sound of the starting gun to go off. It was these seconds that always seemed the longest to him.

With his ears listening intently he immediately heard the deep rumble that came from his smaller hunting partner. The hunt had started. Without any pause he launched himself forward hind legs pushing off the ground as he leaped forward to startle there prey. His hackles rose and a growl formed deep in his throat sounding like thunder on the horizon. It was a way to scare the prey even more as he crossed the remaining distance between himself and the bush that seemed to spring to life.

Small forms sprang from underneath the cover of the bush trying to escape Jester's sharp-toothed maw. They ran towards Aestyn just as he had figured they would and one tripped over another in its hurry to get away. It's life ended in a sharp snap as Jester's teeth closed around its form. With one down he quickly went after the others trying to herd them towards Aestyn. One rabbit would not feed two wolves and if they each wanted a meal they would need at least one more to still the ache in their stomachs for a little while.