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Cedarwood Forest Surrender - Printable Version

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Surrender - Jaysyek - Mar 17, 2011


ooc;however um you want to put it, and if you want to continue after that's fine too. let me know.

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The stars were burning bright above, and the forest played in tune

with his riveting growls into a lovely serenade. Eyes drawn to him,

she was engrossed by this new side. Highly protective, with an

unsettled intensity he carried. As if she needed any more reason to

want him. This protector part of him only made her attractions

climb, and want to please him further. Strong, steady like a

mountain she did not budge from place upon the earth. Nothing

would sway against firm stance, and heart was wide open to him.

Waiting...just waiting what more she could do. How else she may

convince him.

He came close, wrappin' round her. She sealed eyes against the rich

moonlight, and took a deep breath. Losing herself in his touch, a

gentle sigh mixed with a tender whimper coaxed from her lips.

There was quick wingbeats, and lids flickered opened to reveal an

owl tracing through the air above. She watched bemused by

Borden's actions of telling the owl what for. It made lovingly smile

upon her mate with an inextricable fondess, for he would make a

wonderful father. A strong guardian and protector to her, and their

offspring. Blinking, patiently she watched him collect himself for a

time. The motion of his tail, stroking quickly threw the air showed

he was at some ease, but his rampant breaths spoke otherwise.

Something inside was still wound up, wound tight ready to spring.

A low whimper hummed in her throat, calling him to her. She was

wondering what he was thinking when his face lingered across

from hers. He seemed struck with so much, but unable to convey

his emotions to words. Trying, and failing."Shh, I

she breathed, giving a gentle touch of her cold

nose to his. His quivering motions had heart running wild, a deep

feeling what she wanted to give. So sweetly was the sounding of

the white flag clear in the single whimper, now it was her turn.

Rising, she nuzzled her cheek against his affecionately one last

time. And her ashen form started quaking with the moment near.

Yet steadily she slid down his side, rubbing against him diligently

giving off a longing moan. Only half done she curved round

sweeping up against the oppisite side. She was his, and he was

hers and she wanted the world to know. If that was not convincing

enough she paused lipping at the base of his ears, till she further

glided past him. But she stopped, head curled round ready to surrender to him.


Surrender - Borden - Mar 18, 2011


Roused by the coolness of her nose against his, another low whine rose from his throat. His eyes closed as she rubbed up against him. Though, when she pulled away he was quick to reopen them again. Her lithe ivory form pressed up against his other side. The aroma of her, combined with the gentle nip at his ears, made him shiver.

Inclined to follow through with what she seemed to be implying as she walked gracefully away, he jumped to his feet. He had expected her to dash or stroll away like she had before; instead, she stopped in front of him. His heart skipped a beat and he drew a sharp breath to make up for it. She had glanced back to evaluate his next move, to coax him closer to her once more.

Not even two seconds had passed and Borden found himself at Jayse’s right side. Through his panting, he lightly bit at her nape. His left paw and forearm smoothly draped across her spine but he withdrew it in trepidation. Turning to face her once more, he caressed his nose to her chin and inched backwards into the dark shadow of a rather thick tree. Still at a loss for words, he stared at her longingly.

Growling softly, he attempted to will her to join him. Their territory, he knew, was vast; but while they were still a long way from both the pack den and borders, he couldn’t help but to feel vulnerable out in the open, between the trees. At least here, in the cover of darkness where the moon couldn’t reach around to highlight their mingling figures, his modest side would be satisfied in knowing that they were somewhat hidden from plain view. While Borden had always been one for the ostentatious and showy side of life, this first union with his mate was one thing he did not want to share with anyone else… but her.



Surrender - Jaysyek - Mar 18, 2011


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Surpisingly he was still hesitant, and she inclined an eyebrow. Silently

she wondered where this was coming from. What's wrong? Eyes

questioned, a split second thought, struggling to overcome what she

might have done. The moment was short lived his warm breath trickling

down her neck and shoulders. Playful nibble brushing doubt away. Her

pale body trembled against the pouring waves, jumping slightly from the

stroke of his paw gliding down. She steadied her stance, waiting for


The touch faltered.

She followed him in her peripheral vision with a gentle look. A hushed

whine hummed in her throat at his delicate touch. It carried further

watching him steering away, but was cut off as he halted in the dimmer

light. White banner flicked against her hocks, wondering if he was

further going to make her wait by dissapearing. Or what her love's

motive could really be. Her gaze matched the intensity of his and she

was hesitant to press foward. Her tenderheart was hoping this was not a

feeble trick.

Slowy it dawned on her the silent understanding of his chivalrous nature.

A smile lingered on her lips. He was not playing, he wanted the moment

soley for them. She sauntered closer into the shadow where he stood. His growl

alluring her against him, where she would soley be tied to him.

{ end }
