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Riddle Heights white noise - Printable Version

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RE: white noise - Celandine - Feb 23, 2015


She had no reason to trust this woman. No leverage to use against her. Aesire's word was all she had to cling on to, and for now it seemed Celandine had no choice but to find that good enough. Pale shoulders sagged a little lower in defeat, a posture the youth could only hope that Aes wouldn't make anyone privy to. A princesses body language was supposed to reflect their status, but she had lost a great battle. The first of many, she was sure.

Offering a nod in agreement, Celandine pulled her hindquarters off of the ground. Not only did relocating make sense in a practical way, but it also seemed like a sign of good faith. Maybe Aesire really was intent on keeping this little 'training' thing a secret. This was a good first step in their delicate understanding. There wasn't enough between them to call it a friendship, nor a relationship, so understanding seemed fitting enough. The young princess could play nice, so long as the alpha kept her word.

"I know the basics when it comes to my status. Graces, and body language. I know that I should hold myself to a higher standard, but when it comes to combat..." What did she know about fighting? Not enough.. Less than Deacon for sure. "Not a whole lot I'm afraid." Something she had never viewed as a weakness before, was now her greatest shame. "I mean, I used to play-fight with my siblings, but I've had no formal training. I know how to look dangerous, how to be intimidating, but other than that, consider me a clean slate." Averting her gaze, she hid her defeat.
