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sail on silver girl - Printable Version

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RE: sail on silver girl - Naia - Aug 14, 2015


“Certainly not,” Naia agreed, blinking as her train of thought came to a screeching halt. Her last phrase had caught her alpha’s attention, “she is no longer welcome in River territory.” Hearthwood River would have sheltered refugees of an allied pack under any other circumstances, and that was all Naia had meant by insinuating that an ally was “welcome” here. Naia had to wonder what Kisla was trying to say to her by suddenly focusing on these semantics. Did Kisla know Inali had been visiting their border for more than just business? Did she disapprove? It seemed like a warning not to speak any more of her personal affairs to her alphess, which she had been tempted to do until this moment. She desperately needed to tell someone how much she was hurting, and Kisla was the closest thing she had to a confidante in Kingsfall. Honey eyes were drawn briefly to the frolicking pups, and with a deep breath Naia steeled herself to move past Inali and continue her report. Kisla had enough to burden her heart at the moment, and so Naia would continue to shoulder her own pain silently.

“Minka’s female pup is still missing,” Naia finally spoke again, remembering that Kisla had been present at the Cut Rock River border the day the Downs alphess had brought them that report. “..And now Tokino as well, gone too long while out searching for the child.” Naia paused briefly in case Kisla had any questions, but she wanted to move from this topic as quickly as possible, knowing that missing children would be a sore subject for Kisla. “Despite this.. the Downs have relocated in the aftermath of the war scare. They have moved up into the mountains northwest of their previous location, and now are called Round Stone Crest.” Minka must have a hard heart indeed; Naia couldn’t imagine making the decision to move her pack while her child and mate were missing. What if they tried to come home and found nothing but empty fields and abandoned dens?

  “I scouted the surrounding territories when we settled here, and I discovered signs of a fledgling pack a quarter day’s travel south, following the river.” Well, here it goes. “I was concerned that they might be the Crest’s traitors; Iopah, Koda, Nova, and Camio are their names. I.. asked Kjors along for support, and together we went to probe their border patrol for information. But Kisla.. when he was verbally provoked, Kjors lost it completely and attacked their patrol, right there at their territory. We were lucky to make it out alive and whole.” The Round Stone Crest herbalist hadn’t been so lucky. Naia’s eyes narrowed as she recalled the disaster and Kjors’s appalling behavior in particular; so much had been risked and they had nothing to show for it. No names at all. “I worry about someone so volatile spending time with Karina,” Naia said slowly, catching Kisla’s eye meaningfully.


RE: sail on silver girl - Lekalta - Aug 25, 2015


Kisla and Naia seemed all too content to discuss matters that the golden pup could barely even understand – though she did not fully try. Naia was familiar to her in the sense that all of her pack mates were. She would stop by and visit, and her scent was notable.. but Lekalta was at an age where her thoughts did not dwell on this. Instead, her short attention span usually led to three things: eat, sleep and play, with them latter at the forefront of her mind right now.

The adults were talking, and Lekalta’s attention was swiftly upon her sister. Having nose planted right across Inna’s paws, her darker twin was quick to take advantage of the situation and pounced on top of her, tugging at Lekalta’s ear. Lekalta offered a grunt in return, though before she could push herself back up to clumsy paws, the ebony pup had her ear in grasp and was lying beside her.

The honeyed puppy felt like she was moving in slow motion as she considered her options of attack – and instead, chose the simplest route. Rolling back now, so that she would roll over her sister, Lekalta attempted to free her ear and pin Inna – whether either attempt would be successful had yet to be seen, but she felt awfully clever as she began the quick flip, a puppy yap escaping her muzzle at the point of action. With the roll of her puppy pudge as well, Lekalta could also feel a decently sized pebble sticking in to her rib – but that was not important right now.


RE: sail on silver girl - Inna - Sep 01, 2015


Sometimes Inna hated the fact that she could not understand what the adults were talking about and she often quickly lost interest in the conversations they had in front of her.  It was lucky on this day because she had her sister there so when her attention for the conversation waned her sister was there to grasp it once more.  Not a hard feat really especially when it was play that Lekalta was offering, it was one of those things that every puppy looked forward to, like food and sleep.  Those were the three most important things in life to a puppy after all.

Pouncing on her sister was the best way that Inna knew that she was eager to let her sister distract her from the annoyance that was her inability to understand the conversation that was taking place above them.  To make her point even clearer she had snatched Lekalta’s ear and tugged at it and soon she was lying side by side with her sister.

That however didn’t seem to be enough for Lekalta as she was soon rolling over Inna causing a small huff to escape the dark pup as the air was forced from her chest from her sisters weight.  With that her sisters ear slipped from her grasp and she found herself pinned to the ground under her sister.  Not liking the position she found herself in Inna tried to force her sister off of her all the while trying to grab at any part of her sister that she could reach with her puppy jaws.


RE: sail on silver girl - Kisla - Sep 18, 2015


She did not notice the shift in Naia’s attitude and remained oblivious that her words had been taken in a different context than true intention. Instead, her ears perked forward at the mention of Round Stone Crest. Naia’s reports were detailed – yet what exasperated the she-wolf was why her pack members spent so much time outside of pack lands to gain information that did not necessarily hold any merit or relevance to the pack.

Is this what Maksim requested of their female Second?

Kjors name came upon discussion, and the honeyed woman listened intently – hiding her dismay and surprise that the one-eyed wolf had brought repercussions upon them. Giving a short nod, the mother shuffled forward, her muzzle bending down to nudge each of her girls in the direction of the den. She wanted quiet words with Naia, and while the two were still at a tender age that did not quite comprehend adult speak, she wanted her scout to talk without fear of little ears.

“Verbally provoked how? What did he do?” The news of Round Stone Crest was dismissed for now – they could visit information regarding their neighbors in a moment. Kisla was far more interested and concerned about what was happening within her home, and the concern in her eyes could not withhold her confusion about why Naia had felt the need to tell her about their allies before the very wolves of her own pack.

And perish the thought to any wolf who dared try to start yet another fight with her pack mates. Whatever pack had settled close to them – if they thought bringing forth a fight was acceptable.. Kisla was done turning a blind eye.


RE: sail on silver girl - Naia - Sep 30, 2015

The River leader’s expression was a stone wall as she received the report, which was a little unsettling for the scout, who would have preferred to have at least a hint of how Kisla was reacting to the information. Kisla’s dependable, steadfast leadership style was certainly augmented by her unwavering composure, but it did make her a difficult wolf to connect with. Was that what leadership was, being surrounded by loyal wolves but always having to hold yourself apart?

 Naia answered imeediately. “We approached their border with our River scent cloaked, and a female—likely a leader—greeted us with distrust and hostility.” This had not been unexpected; Naia imagined two roving “loners” would have been greeted similarly by any pack, including Hearthwood River.   “.. She was joined by a male, who had aggressive posture and a belligerent attitude. The female said something snappy, demanding the we answer her questions, and.. it seemed as if Kjors just lost control at that point. He insulted the woman and then lunged at the male. We had to fight our way out to return home.” A fight had not been part of Naia’s agenda that day, but Kjors’s behavior had been so acute she had to wonder if he’d had different, more violent intentions all along. Was Kjors the kind of wolf who picked a fight just for kicks?

  “I think it’s likely that these are the Woodlands traitors who attacked the Round Stone Crest subordinate." The male especially had been raring for a fight, and Naia could sense that one misstep into his territory would have been all the incentive he needed. “..And if they are, then our alliance with the Crest makes us enemies with the Waterfall wolves.” Naia knew she didn’t have to tell Kisla that having such a volatile enemy as a neighbor was a cause for deep concern. Naia took a deep breath before speaking again. “That would make this the second time our alliance with the Crest has put us at odds with our neighbors.” And it was sure to continue to happen, if Minka’s moods were as tempestuous as Inali implied. “I just wonder if the Crest alliance is serving our best interests.” She watched Kisla carefully, though she knew by now that she would find nothing revealing in the alphess’s guarded expression.


Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Sep 30, 2015

A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity

RE: sail on silver girl - Lekalta - Oct 05, 2015

Last Lekalta post for me.

Lekalta chewed at the ebony fur of her sister’s coat, making a playful but gurgling growling sound. A paw would come up to tap at her favorite playmate as Inna tugged at her ear and pushed her weight off her. Inna was usually the quicker of the two, though the pudgy puppy did not mind, as long as there was some sort of attention upon her. Snorting with amusement, Lekalta was about to make an attempt at another grasp when she felt Kisla’s nose nudge her upwards and forwards.

Glancing up at her mom, her eyes drifted between her and the stranger, her tail giving a wag of content. Pushed gently in the direction of the den, Lekalta allowed another puppy snarl to release past her jaws, nipping toward Inna before she was herded inside for a nap. Pouting at this change at first, no sooner did the girl’s tiny paws step upon the cool floor of the den and the darkness meet her eyes did she feel a yawn pull at her jaws, and glancing backward, she waited for Inna to follow – perhaps a nap wouldn’t be so bad. With her ears splaying back to her crown, the girl tilted her muzzle closer to the ground, beginning to debate exactly where her nap would take place.


RE: sail on silver girl - Inna - Oct 12, 2015

This will be Inna's last post as well.


While her sister was chewing on her fur and making her little sounds Inna was going her best to get away and get her own grip on Lekalta but failing miserably. Then she felt a tap and tug if her head as her ear was pulled by her playmate though she didn’t mind and it didn’t hurt.  It was the sort of fun that she had with her sister that she wouldn’t trade for anything.  Lekalta was the only one that she would let pull her ear like that and get away with it though that day she didn’t want the game to end and just as she was about to try and get the upper hand once more she was stopped by the nudge of her mother’s nose toward the den.

The message was clear that it was time for her and Lekalta to go back into the den for their nap.  It was disappointing but she knew that she had to obey her mother’s wishes so with a glance between the two adults she allowed her sister to herd her into the den but not before she tried to return the nip that she had received.  She fell a little behind Lekalta when she started to feel the beginnings of sleep catching up with her.  She soon caught up though, perhaps it was time for a nap so they could rest up for their next play session.


RE: sail on silver girl - Kisla - Oct 27, 2015


Naia had a roller coaster of information – the ups and downs would have been riveting, if they had not pulled at her head with the promise of quite the headache. Her eyes would worriedly scan over Naia, as if to reiterate to herself that the woman was fine, but otherwise, she knew not what to say – they had never had such a ticking time bomb in their ranks before, and Kjors was proving to be even more so with each passing day. “Were you hurt?” It was everything the she-wolf could do to not press herself lower to the ground. The weight of everything falling upon them these days was becoming too much – Aleksei’s disappearance, the move to Hearthwood River.. and now more rising tensions with new neighbors she hadn’t even heard of until now. “What did he say after?”

Yet she maintained a level of collection – or so she hoped. “For now, stay away from them until we have more information on them..” She gave her muzzle a gentle shake, her eyes pulled away from Naia to stare in to the den her two girls had entered in to for sleep. If everything continued the way it was, even Hearthwood River would not be their hidden haven for long.

Her ear gave an idle flick at the mention of Naia’s concern of their alliance with the Crest wolves. It was news to her, and Kisla canted her muzzle slightly. “How do you mean?"


RE: sail on silver girl - Naia - Nov 23, 2015


There it was – that spark of concern in her companion’s eyes and voice that had been missing before. Of course, Kisla was up to her ears in worries, but for just this fleeting moment Naia felt her leader’s total presence in their conversation. Her attention had settled, and she was asking Naia if she was hurt. “No, no I’m fine,” the second assured her, her voice soft in response to Kisla’s concern. Naia was indeed fine, though not due to any combative prowess of her own; if the Waterfall alphess had wanted her maimed or dead she surely would be.. Naia had been spared for a reason. Perhaps her words had intrigued the woman, because the Woodlands traitors had already proven they were not afraid of spilling blood. “Nothing,” Naia replied, ..he disappeared after,” Ran off to lick his wounds.

Kisla pressed her to share her concerns about the Crest further, and Naia nodded. She inhaled deeply, wishing she understood the full circumstances of the alliance so she could better advise her leader. “I.. know very little about Minka and her friendship with Maksim, but it’s my understanding that this link is the basis of the alliance.” Why were they friends exactly?  Did Maksim owe a debt, and if so, was it worth all this? The bloodshed, the fear, the relocation.. ”The Crest has made several key enemies—made enemies for us where there were none before—we’ve had a war scare, we had to move..”  Naia knew she didn’t have to remind Kisla that the stress of the move had cost lives from her latest litter, and Aleksei was still missing from the move as well.  

“..Now it’s happening again, if the Waterfall wolves are indeed the Crest’s attackers.. the Crest has made us enemies with our neighbors once more.” Naia blinked, searching Kisla’s expression for her feelings.  Naia had let go of the love of her life to serve her pack; would Maksim let go of his friendship with Minka to do the same? “Our alliance with the Crest no longer serves our political interests—I’m not sure it ever did.” Naia delivered the final line with certainty. It was advice, nothing more.. and Kisla could do with it as she wished. 