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Whisper Caverns Forget Me Not - Printable Version

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RE: Forget Me Not - Nineva - Sep 08, 2015


Nineva hadn't really given @Yuka any kind of chance to reject her presence, settling herself so suddenly firmly at his side. Even if he'd given her a nudge, whether with his words or his muzzle, she wouldn't of gotten the hint. As drawn to him as she was, she'd be a hard tick to shake off. She had then been all settled in, eyes focused upon her parents as it was clear they had something important to say, when she had noticed @Korrin approaching from within her peripheral vision. At first, her tail picked up and began to thump against the ground, the girl pleased that her favorite sibling had chosen to sit with her. However, when the young Hervok boy opened his mouth, Nineva couldn't help but swat at him.

"Dun't be mean to Yuka!" she hissed. While she understood and appreciated Korrin's protective nature, it was rather annoying at times just as Rose could be (though the fire colored girl still claimed the championship belt for trying all of Nin's patience). Especially when Korrin kept Nineva from exploring or now when he was risking scaring off her friend.

Yet the boy hadn't really been mean, and as things continued along smoothly without hiccup (Nineva had peaked a quick look up at Yuka just to make certain that his feelings hadn't been hurt), Nineva settled in once again. She had squirmed her way over so that now she sat leaning against Korrin, with a hind leg still planted determinedly atop one of Yuka's forepaws. It was just like this that she sat through all of the adult's talking, focusing exceptionally well for a youth her age.

This was all incredibly pertinent, she could feel it in the deepest parts of her chest. Even if she couldn't fully understand everything that was being said, she did her best to piece what she could together and retain it. One day, she wanted to do more than sit and listen. One day, she wanted to be the one speaking, the one everyone was listening to. She wanted to be the one who decided what was important and when she spoke, everyone took it as truth and never questioned. She idolized her parents, and a new spring of admiration suddenly welled to life inside of her for Deacon as the young scout said his part.

Yes, that was her future.


Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Sep 08, 2015

There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity