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Sacred Grove on the inside looking out - Printable Version

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on the inside looking out - Fenru - Nov 13, 2011

Fenru attentively listened, taking in the fact that it was actually okay to be afraid. The trick was to not let the birds know that he was scared of them. The boy wrinkled his nose; he guessed he could do that. But... could he make his "not-so-afraid" face... or posture... or walk convincing enough?

So, Uncle Triell wasn't scared of birds. Hmm. For the time being, Fen had decided that the yearling had never been afraid of anything in his life, that he had been born brave and absolutely fearless, until he mentioned being scared of deer. He had only seen a deer once before aside from what he assumed to be bits and pieces (or, more like arms and legs of one), but he had never once thought of them as terrifying creatures.

Upon being challenged to a barking contest, Fenru swallowed and took a deep breath before making sure his limbs stood firmly between the roots of the tree... what could have come out as a deep bark came out was a high-pitch yip. He was still nervous.

on the inside looking out - Triell - Nov 13, 2011

He studied his nephew's body language trying to decipher what the lad was thinking. He was certain the boy didn't believe him. Triell could not explain his own fears. He was scared of huge cats who perched high in the ancient tree branches waiting for easy prey to walk under them, he was afraid of thunderstorms because they reminded him of a time when black smoke burned his nostrils, and he was afraid of losing his family, his nephews, and niece included. He saw no point in telling Fen all this, it would surely scare the boy more. Maybe it'd be best if he assumed his yearling uncle was merely fearless.

"Alright." He took his place across from the boy, seeing his heart was not quite in the hole process. Triell admired the boy's first attempt, and smiled. "Well, that's start." He said trying to keep an encouraging edge to his words. "Fenru being brave doesn't mean your not scared, it just means you won't let fear control you." He offered the bit of truth, though if it went over the boy's head he'd understand. A better idea popped into his head. "Hmm how 'bout we make a game out of it. You sit here, and I'll stand over there," he pointed about ten spaces just outside the shade of the tree. "Now I'm going to try to tag you, but if your looking at me I can't move. You'll have to look at the tree, and then whenever you want you can look over your shoulder to stop me. If you catch me moving you bark, and I'll have to start back. Make sense?" He hoped so, but waited to make sure, then quietly took his place waiting for Fenru to look at the tree to start.
lol okay grey if his game doesn't make sense let me know :P

on the inside looking out - Fenru - Nov 17, 2011

Between Triell's encouragement and Indru's coaching, I seriously have to wonder/ponder what'll happen with these pups (specficially Fen and Hael) when they get older, lol. <3 And, I got the game, Switch. 8D It's a great idea!

The concept of "fear" and "being scared" whirled about in the forefront of his mind as Uncle Triell offered an explanation. Fen tried to think of when fear "controlled him" and how he could prevent it from happening. Was that what happened when he got all shaky? Fear... was controlling him? His eyes fixated on the spot his Uncle picked out and he spaced out for a moment to comprehend the notion, but when he glanced back to the yearling he nodded. Sure, he would give the game a try.

"'Kay," he agreed, and slowly he turned away. If Uncle Triell was going to only be ten spaces away from him, he would try to not give him a chance to even swipe a paw. "Ready!" Inside his head he started to count in order to give the yearling enough time to get into position: onnnne, twooooo...

on the inside looking out - Triell - Nov 19, 2011

Dark brows pressed together, a frown almost folding his lips. Did he just confuse the poor boy? He was answered with a nod so he grinned eager to start this new game. And so when Fenru turned away he was in position ready to start, but was stone still waiting for the boy to be ready despite his own anticipation. There was something about playing that clearly brought back the warmer, more upbeat side of Triell, and his tail wagged behind him.

At the word ready he eagerly strode toward Fenru, because he really didn't care if he saw him moving. Triell had yet to anticpate the boy's movment. The real point was to get him barking without thinking about it, and Triell would have everyone wondering what they were up too he was sure.

on the inside looking out - Fenru - Nov 27, 2011

Threeeeee.... Fouuuurrrr... Fivesixseveneightniiiiiiine... TEN! Fenru whipped around, completely surprised at how close Uncle Triell had gotten in a roughly seven or eight seconds. "St-" he almost sounded out the word he often used when his siblings got too rough when they played. A second ticked past and he instinctively released a bark accented with half of a growl. He took a step back in case the yearling launched a stark black paw toward him.

There was no way he was going to let his Uncle tag him in the first round. Just in case, though, he let loose another throaty woof.

on the inside looking out - Triell - Nov 30, 2011

He'd made it half way when the youth turned about, and Triell tried to freeze. His limbs, and tail quivered at the motion, and he couldn't help but grin by the surprised look on Fenru's face. The youngling was about to speak, then found his wolf voice which was quite bold for him. Black, wide ears folded back against his head, starting to move back when another bark sounded. "Alright, alright I have to start over." He said, with a sheepish face as if he was a poor loser. When he turned his back he grinned, starting at the same spot as before.

do you want to fade out here?