Ruins of Wildwood
Hush Meadow Can you hear the whisper? - Printable Version

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Can you hear the whisper? - Rebecca - Jan 24, 2012

It didn't take long when Rebecca peeked from the hole again. Even happier look on her face; she had found the grass again. As much as there was snow, Reba now knew the ground she was used to was somewhere there. Hiding, but excisting. And she was glad about that. Tongue out from mouth, breathing in and out quickly. Then a leap and her whole body was out from the hole. Turning to face Silence ('it feels so good to know what to call her'), she lowered her head, inquiring look in her eyes.

"Breathing in, breathing out,
ain't that what, it's all about?"
she sang a few notes, just wanting to see how she reacted. Voice was quiet, but not weak. Mmaybe Silence liked singing and of course she couldn't sing out loud, but in her head, with her.

Can you hear the whisper? - Silence - Jan 24, 2012

Sorry to cut this so short! I’m having to cut down some of my threads.
It was most fortunate that the black girl liked to sing. It was her favourite thing of all and although the music never came from her lips, it filled her entire head and touched every sense in her body. A grin spread across her face as she began to bob her head in time to the others song and she began to hum the melody in her mind.

It was such a simple thing to be doing, yet it made her smile from ear to ear. Her mother used to sing to her when she was much younger and she had carried on the tradition by herself.

She stopped however as her stomach decided to make a lot more noise then her mind was and a loud rumble escaped from it’s cavern. She sheepishly glanced to the other female and smiled, it looked like it was time to hunt. She glanced down to her gut then back to the female, hoping she too heard the sound. Despite how much fun she’d been having she had to hunt, her food had been small and although she hadn’t yet lost weight, she soon would if she didn’t keep up her daily hunts.

She rose to all fours then and dipped her head to the other, offered a small smile and then turned towards the meadow edges. With a glance back over her shoulder she gave the other a wink and then vanished within the thickets.
