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The Wildwood The Woods and Their Beauty - Printable Version

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The Woods and Their Beauty - Wille - Jan 18, 2012

Wille yawned, it was getting late. Today, she had certainly found some great company. She sat by the pond, as the race had tired her. Kano was also proably tired. He had kept up with her most of the time. She bent her head low and drank the fresh cool water. She saw a bird that was persnickety . It was jumping up and down, fussing with a wing.

The Woods and Their Beauty - Kanosak - Jan 19, 2012

OOC: Think we should wrap this one up now since we're over at the secluded springs?

Kano watched as Wille yawned and had to fight back a yawn of his own. He hadn't realised how much he had put into the race. He began to scan the area for a suitable place to sleep and then remembered Wille had said she had a den. "So uh, are we going to meet up in the morning or do you want me to hang around?" he said with a cheeky grin, but the pleading was clear in his eyes. He didn't mind sleeping under a bush as long as he was near her. The overwhelming loneliness at the thought of another night completely alone was threatening to eat him up and he had to fight the urge to beg.

The Woods and Their Beauty - Wille - Jan 19, 2012

OOC: Oh yah, That's what I was trying to do :)

Wille stared into his beautiful eyes, and with that goofy grin made her smile. "Actually if it's okay with you, can you stay?" She stood up and lay down on a big stone. She didn't know what it wouldn't feel like without Kano, tonight. She recieved a stab of loneliness just by the thought of it. Chills ran down her back. She shook her messy fur, covered with sticks and various leaves of many sizes.

Wille looked forward to next day. She had felt an urging to go somewhere. And she would follow that urge. She just had that adventure's heart.

{The End}