Ruins of Wildwood
Secluded Spring So what have you been thinking of? - Printable Version

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So what have you been thinking of? - Rolu - Mar 05, 2012

Rolu nodded at her,"Thats probably why he freaked when I said something about Rhysis." Rolu looked up and noticed how late it was getting to. He got up waiting to see if she sadi anything else before he turned to go towards the trees about to leave. Then, he turned on his hell and asked,"Do you know anything about Rhysis," his voice was brisk and had a "tell me now" hint to it. He waited for her to say anything knowing the answer mite be yes, but had a chance of being no.

So what have you been thinking of? - Naira - Mar 06, 2012

going to wrap it up here :)

Rhysis? she kept a smooth face. Something was tickling the back of her mind but she let it go for now. "No I don't believe I do, but I have only been here a very short while." she said with a genuine smile. Looking back up at the towering rock she began to question her sanity choosing to leap from its top but decided she was more than capable of assessing her injuries on her walk back to the ghastly woods.

"Well, I'd best be going then..." she said with a small smile before raising her large frame and disappearing into the trees. She could see how the man would grate her brother but hopefully he would take some of her advise to heart and take it a bit easier on her brother... otherwise he may be in line for more beatings than one.
