Ruins of Wildwood
The Wildwood Who is there? - Printable Version

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Who is there? - Yela - Feb 27, 2012

-Sorry it short I have to go to bed. And yela is still going to be a little ify about Hartt even if she trusts her.

Yela glanced at Hartt after finishing with the doe. She looked at the doe, then at Hartt."Should we bury it and hope we can find it again or leave it for the crows?" she asked. She knew that they couldn't finish it off with the two of them. She glanced around again looking for danger.

Yela turned to Hartt waiting for an answer to her question. She was happy for once and hoped that her new friend wouldn't betray her or worse kill her.

Who is there? - Hartt - Feb 27, 2012

OOC: You're fine hun and I think we can wrap it up. Hartt is going to head out and leave the doe and the den they made for Yela. You can either archive it after you read my post or you could reply again but Hartt is exiting.

Hartt turned to Yela as she spoke. "We can bury it and you can come back to it once you're hungry again." She felt it was time for her to move on and let Yela be. Yela wouldn't want a yearling following her around. Hartt stepped forward and licked Yela's cheek. "I hope you find your brother, and if I hear anything about him I'll be sure to find you."

Hartt buried the doe for Yela and looked up at her new friend. She would miss Yela but she didn't want to be bothersome. "I hope we run into each other again sometime." She nudged Yela's shoulder with her nose and playfully tugged on her tail as she walked passed Yela. She smiled as she looked back. "Goodbye Yela. Be safe." Hartt turned and started walking out of the Wildwood, ready to keep moving.

Who is there? - Yela - Feb 27, 2012

Yela was alittle puzzled at first, but then got what she ment. She was thankful for the help, and her compainy, but she new that Hartt need more experiance and more friends. She was glade for Harrt and hoped they would meet again. Yela returned Hartt's lick with on of her own, and mumbled a good bye. She wished that they could have at least spent more time together and learned more form each other. As Hartt turned away Yela looked after her.

Yela had half a heart to follow the young female, but watched as she left. Then, with a grinn she said loud enough for the leaving female to hear,"I conseder you friend and if you every need me, howl. I'll be there in a flash. We where ment to meet I now it," the last words where queit and Yela reapeted them in her head. Every word she had ment, and with her families religion, she was keen on not believing in consiquences. Then turning her tawny body around, she bounded off in search of her brother, and friends.