Ruins of Wildwood
Iridescent Lagoon Feel so alive - Printable Version

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Feel so alive - Thanatos - Mar 05, 2012

Thanatos smiled as he noticed she understood the story was about them. He leaned into her, nuzzling her cheek and licked her muzzle. She looked back at him, eyes shinning. He noticed Silver paw at the water, making it ripple. He said nothing about it, simply smiled at her. She stood and licked his muzzle before she began to walk on the shoreline.

Thanatos stood and followed close beside her. "Perhaps we should get back to the den? It's getting late."

Feel so alive - SilverWintercoat - Mar 06, 2012

SIlver nodded and and walked into the bushes. She had walked on for a while when she turned around and he was gone. She looked for him franticly, but by that time it was to dark to see axactle where she was going and she finally turned back. Silver was disappointed, as she turned back and started back to the den.

Silver felt as thought there was a hole in her now and she couldn't find the missing piece. She went back to the lagoon and looked back at the moon. She remembered the story he had just told her moments ago and she wondered where he would have gone. Silver lifted her head to the sky wanting him to answer, but yet she knew in her bones that it wouldn't come. Finally, she started back to the den, her head low and heart brocken, misplaced.