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Secluded Spring New Days - Printable Version

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New Days - Nina - May 20, 2012

The female waited patiently for young Kashikoi's answer to her question. Quickly finding out that he only knew the willow she nodded and smiled encouragingly at Kashikoi. "Very good, but this," the young golden brown female pointed to the ergot, "is ergot. Remember its scent, this herb is extremely hard to come across by sight. This herb can control headaches and bleeding. Though you must be careful on how much you perscribe to the wolf that you are giving it to." Nina took her time to pause and breath. This was quite new to her. Teaching another and talking so much. . .she was usually used to keeping quiet and nodding her head as others talked. Now was time to replain the willow.

"You got the willow correct. You must also memorize this herbs scent." The lady paused and nosed the ergot and willow in front of Kash before continuing in a soft voice, "this is used to relieve almost any kind of pain. Aches, fever, stomachaches, broken bone pains, extera. This herb is extremely useful, but make sure you don't give one too much. I expect you to know the scents to these herbs, names, and uses like the back of your paw. Do you understand?" Her voice wasn't harsh when she asked the question, it was just merily curious. She wasn't going to continue with the rest of her lesson until she got the young boy's answer. Her temporary phatic was over for the small time being.

New Days - Kashikoi - May 26, 2012

Kashikoi nodded slowly to show that he was listening and trying to understand the torrent of information. Upon Nina's explanation of the ergot Kashi moved forward and gave it a good smell. This was a smell he had to remember for it would be rare but helpful.
He [/WORD]ingeminated{WORD}, Ergot is rare, Ergot helps bleeding, Ergot can control head aches over and over in his mind so he would remember the green scent of the plant as he examined it. He also made sure to remember that it needed controlled amounts.

He was pleased to hear that he had gotten the willow branch correct. He smelled the bitter scent of the willow as Nina commanded. If she thought that it was Important to remember the scents then he would. The willow branch was far more useful than he had originally believed from Kano. If only it wasn't so bitter... "I will remember them better than the back of my paw Nina, and do all herbs have to be so bitter?" He hoped that she would be able to help him transcend all healers before him.

New Days - Nina - May 28, 2012

OOC: I think it is time we wrapped this RP up. :) I wouldn't want it to spoil the timelines. :)

Kind eyes watched Kashikoi as he listened to her. He seemed to be holding onto every word that she was saying. She could tell he had high potential though, for the male would listen to her. . .not taking his eyes away, listening intently. Blinking her eyes at him she smiled at his question. Were they are bitter. Perhaps not. . .but the way he said he would remember the herbs, better than the back of his paw drove pride through Nina. He reminded her of a very young wolf that she used to be,

Opening her mouth to answer his question she said in a soft voice, "Many herbs are bitter but have great healing properties. But not all herbs are bitter. Some are as sweet as the berries you find on bushes. Sometimes if you catch the right animal you will even find the herbs you need in them. Once a patient of mine wouldn't take the herbs that I was offering and he needed them quite badly. So I caught him a rabbit, stuffed the herbs in the rabbit and let him eat it. . .It probably wasn't my smartest ideas but it was the only way I could think of to get him to take the herbs." It rurned out that the male sha had given those herbs to had no clue what she was talking about or what the herbs smelt like. . .so the outcome was a win win for her.


New Days - Kashikoi - Jun 04, 2012

Kashikoi listened to her as she explained that there were indeed herbs that tasted different. He found this to be an odd short of relief as he would be able to test herbs that didn't make him want to vomit. It seemed he would have to learn to live with the bad tasting ones as i were. He wagged a little as he listened to the female's somewhat funny story about having to trick a wolf into eating the herbs. He had to admit that it was quite the clever idea and that he would have to remember it in the future.

After she finished Kashi stepped forward and gave her a small lick on the side of her snout in thanks. "Thank you for the lesson and the story Nina, I hope I see you again soon" he wagged his tail a little as he bounded off into the woods to make his trip back from the herb sanctuary they had their lessons at. On the way he thought to himself, I'll make you proud Nina, just you wait.