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Thicket of Secrets Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Printable Version

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Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Hotei - Aug 18, 2012


His thoughts began to swim. Swift River. Maybe there might still be wolves
he knew still alive around there. After loping around the landscape in Lore for
a while Burn had figured out about three of the five packs that were living in the
landscape. He knew of Grizzly Hollow, Swift River (which was very near to
where his old pack was), and Poison Path pack. The dark loner knew that
Poison Path pack was rather new since last time he'd come through those mountains no
pack had lived there. Burn was curious. If any of his family had survived then they
probablywould have traveled back near where Hidden Tree pack was. They might
have traveled near Swift River and joined. Hotei wanted to ask the lady if
she knew of any other Tainns, but Burn cared not if they were alive or not.

The ebony male opened his eyes and set his yellow stare on the silver fea. He would
not tell her his plans on snooping around her packs territory. He wasn't going to do it for
joining. He was just mildly curious as to whether anyone else of the family was left.
Once he knew they were aliveor dead then he would likely leave again.
"Don't be surprised if you never see me again.." Burn didn't want Jessie to get her hopes
up. She seemed to be admiring him from afar, that he had noticed from the beginning.

He looked away from her emerald eyes then burried his nose into the thick fur
of his tail. keeping one eye open lazily viewing the world around him, the dark man
began to rest a little and digest.
"Have a good life then.." He spoke his good bye gruffly through the
dark fur around his muzzle then set his half open eye onto her silvery frame again.
A tiny thought ran through the males head asking himwhy he was trusting her so much.
Trusting her not to attack him while he lay and fall asleep. Burn himself didn't
know why with this female it seemed he could rest easy.

Theme Song

Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Jessie - Aug 19, 2012

background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 15px;
padding-bottom: 290px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
Her brows narrowed in disappointment as he question was ignored, just by a simple statement. . .that she probably wouldn’t see him again. It was as if he had slapped her in the face with his tail. He had started to open up and for her to ask a wrong question for him to close up again, and tell her to get lost in the nicest way possible. She was not angry at him. . .surprisingly. Most wolves who ignored her would just succeed in pissing her off but it seemed the laid back male somehow calmed her. When his last words were spoken, Jessie choose then to take her leave. She then got up and flicked her tail, she was not surprised that he needed rest. All the running for a man his bulk must be exhausted.

Her last words were kind, yet simple, “And to you.” And then she was off. Her gray and white paws skimmed the ground effortlessly as she headed in the direction of her territory. Her mood was light, her tail and head held high as she confidently stepped through the thickets, trying her best to avoid thorns and what not. A small sigh erupted her mouth in disappointment. She had hoped she had met a new friend that she could have depended on in the future. . .now she just supposed he would be another face that would be stuck in her memory. . .just like Brenton.