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Bramble Falls Long Live - Printable Version

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Long Live - Jaysyek - Feb 12, 2011



ooc;man feels like a mouthful what she's got to say. hope i don't repeat myself here, and most likely did. X|

Her answer must not have been what he wanted, or maybe he felt like she should know all the facts. She noticed his frown, and raised her eyebrows slightly. Yes, that seemed likely. He wanted her to have the facts to choose wisely. It was a bit to wrap her brain around thinking two brothers trying to live in the same pack, follow each other. She did not see it happening easlily, especially as it sounded the other had been a leader, and was the head of the family so to speak. The wolf before her she did not take as a submissive creature or he would not be asking about this. He would have left with his brother, if that had been the case. There would be no question of leadership. The other would have it.

A serene picture, she truelly wanted to help him, have him value her words. If only....she lightly inhaled, letting it out as if that would help relieve the pressure she felt. "I would not want to upset family balance if I was in your paws. But I suspect you can not follow him as if he'd only been gone yesterday. If you were fine with him being a leader, you would have stepped aside as soon as he came home. Like I said I couldn't give back what I had established. To me, the pack would be mine now not his. Founding it or not. Especially since being the guardian of the rest of your family, he did not bring everyone back safe and sound when it was him who took them. I do not think ill of him for doing so, but it would worry me about what was to become things. I think your in the right to claim your pack. If he can not accept that, well I see why you say should fight." She had to catch her breath, but she was clear on her point, and steady on it. Probably had repeated herself. Why should he just step aside for his brother? As if she'd come back from being stuck in his place, she smiled weakly. "I'm sorry if I'm not much help. I honestly don't think you two should fight. Something though needs to be done. There can not be two leaders, neither you nor your brother, or the rest of your family with have peace if this role of dominance continues back and forth." That more than anything she'd hope he'd hear, understand.

lost your balance
on a tight rope.
lost your mind trying to get it back.


Long Live - Ruiko - Mar 06, 2011

Can end here? Thanks for the thread, love!


Ruiko – a wolf who did not particularly care over a wolf’s thoughts that were outside of his pack – listened to the she-wolf with a puzzled look upon his features. She seemed to hold the same thoughts as he did, unless she was simply saying so to appease the beast’s nature for the moment. Her insight based on the small amount of information he had divulged to the girl was intriguing, and the tawny male only then began to appreciate how intelligent the bi-colored wolf before him just might be.

“It’s nice to have another opinion on the matter,” he spoke as the regal leader pushed himself to his paws. With a quick shake of his thick fur, the tawny male cast a look back in the direction of home, knowing he could not stray from it for too long. “I should be getting back. Send my regards to your pack leader,” he murmured, bowing his muzzle down briefly. Only moments later and the River wolf was trailing back to the lands he called his own, and only when he crossed over the borders did his thoughts stumble back to the pale she-wolf he had met. Ruiko had never even asked her name.

Long Live - Jaysyek - Mar 06, 2011



ooc;that's fine. i was thrilled to have a post with ya . :D

A brief nod was given in silent answer. Letting him brew over the scheme oft things, as he had need to do. She was glad she hadn't affended him, nor hopefully made his decison harder. She felt lucky not to be in his place, she would be an odd pickle and would be surely lost to do the right thing. That did not heed her from feeling a little sorry for the place he was in.Yet she felt he male would do the right thing if he could. What work best for the family. She would hope for them all.

She likewise gave him a respectful tilt of her cran in return when he decided to make his leavings. She had a strong respect for him, and in the future would not mind having a chat once more. Watching him go, she did realize she did not even know the great leader's name. Sighed out of the fat chances of all the wolves she'd met and liked she did not know his calling. Shifting she stood up and stretched, deciding she did know where he was from, and what he looked like. That was something, and he had given her much to think on. With night drawing near she headed for the mountain.
