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Swift River Hold My Tongue - Printable Version

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Hold My Tongue - Triell - Mar 13, 2011

Triell was truelly pleased with himself, not entirely so his head was

swollen with pride. He was completely struck with glee hearing her

laugh at his own silly chuckles.It was nice to be of service, and

each little act of work could help Ozera heal. He was after all still

going to hold her to her promise of swimming. As long as she felt

comfertable, and he really couldn't wait to show her Swift River.

She needed a lot o' rest for that. He still had his third wish, but

hadn't thought of what it would be. His intuition suggested he

would be in need of it later. Thus he saved it as Ozera had stated.

Relaxed on his haunches, he held his head high, chest filled with self-esteem.

helped me find it, she scared it, and I snagged it."
He said riveting with accomplishment. He assumed Ozera knew Cori, but briefly, brows set deep against his eyes.
"You have met Cori, right?"
Said, titling cran sideways while she started into her small feast. Decided his seat wasn't comfertable enough, he stretched out on his belly Sphinx style. He was not hungry having eaten earlier, and didn't mind if Ozera finished the whole thing. "Is it good?"


Hold My Tongue - Ozera - Mar 14, 2011

    blame kiche. he's stealing all my zera muse xD we should probably finish this up soon.

As she attacked the beaver with a ravenous gusto, she managed just barely to pay attention to the easy conversation sliding from Triell's lips. Cori? That was a new name to her. Then again, she had only been in Swift River for a short time, and she couldn't pretend to know everyone. In fact, she only knew Triell and Indru. How many others were there? Crunching a particularly annoying rib that was getting in the way of her meal to splinters, she wondered if she should ask. But what did it matter? She would find out eventually. Momentarily, she lifted her head from her meal, gazing at Triell thoughtfully, "No, I haven't. Is she another one of you Tainns? There seems to be a lot of you, from what I hear." Thus, assuming she was his sister seemed logical enough. Before ducking her head back for a second helping, she remembered to finish with the response to his last question, "Oh it's simply delicious"


Hold My Tongue - Triell - Mar 14, 2011


ooc; that's alright, new charries are fun. and i was thinking we needed to wrap it up here any way. hope the powerplay is okay.

"What?! No, no, no."
He gave a long winded chuckle. Cori his sister? That was silly incite, and he breathed heavily through his throat. He was feeling a little silly himself to night, it was surely going to be bed time for the young Tainn. He needed his rest, and he wasn't sure about this light-headed looney tune sleep deprivation made him.
"Cori is actually the only girl here, other than you,"
he said giving her a sneeky smile,
"that isn't related to me."
He understood she suspected most the pack would be Tainn. Sadly Niija and Torla he hadn't seen for a time, and Ioni didn't count in his book.

Nodding his head thoughtfully he was happy to hear it's taste hadn't been spoiled. She looked to be enjoying the late snack, and he grinned in silent joy. When she finished it, he let out a very tired yawn shaking his head.
"Ready for bed? You can bunk with me, it'd beat your small tree."
He gave an assured smile, and a gentle yet teasing look. Seeing she was ready, he leaned against her once more being her fully animated crutch. A little hopping and skirting he helped her inside his humble dwelling. He was very careful not to move in the dark, and made a great effort to place her by the back wall, where she could lay down in comfort. He wouldn't have to worry about scrunching her, or her getting to cold. Stretching his front limbs, he circled by the outer wall/opening and fell down with a plop.
"Goodnight Zera,"
he whispered, and shut his lids against the pale moonlight. It was only a matter of seconds and he was dozing away.
