Ruins of Wildwood
The Wildwood What is This Place? - Printable Version

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What is This Place? - Vlarindara - Apr 14, 2011


Vlarindara moved around the beast, then chuckled as she heard Triell tell her to go first, leaving the white female to think for a few seconds. "She was your kill, Triell. You eat first." She saw no dominant wolves around.. And while they were both from different packs, they weren't on either of their lands as far as he was aware. Amber eyes shifted to look at the dark pelted yearling before she settled to her haunches near the longer neck of the deer - watching and waiting to see if he'd listen or..perhaps argue. In his pack, he'd go later than the other wolves..she assumed. But.. he HAD taken the killing blow.. and scented the deer first.. by all rights, it was his kill..rather than hers...


What is This Place? - Triell - Apr 15, 2011


She laughed at his offering, and he tried not to take offense. He was trying to be a gentleman and didn't like his attempts to be a joke. He should have expected her not to agree. Why did everyone insist he eat? It didn't feel right, but whatever. He bit his tongue to the point it hurt, and released it with a huhhhing sigh. Her words were just like Corri's. It's your kill you first. Why couldn't everyone just eat at the same time, damn it. Deer never did this. They saw grass and ate it right? Triell was no deer, and his orange eyes shifted from wolf to meat.

"Okay, I will go first but if I see you again and we kill something you have to eat first."
He said, feeling like this put the ball in his court. Made up for it, though he doubted he would be seeing her again. Eyeing the deer, where should he start? Hmm. Sidestepping his head lowered, and his jaws grabbed a thick hold of her nape. In a hard tug he pulled the deer onto it's side with little effort. At least he could boss a deer around. Now, to the rib cage he stepped and started ripping away at the skin. It was the best job he'd done tearing the hide from food, but he didn't smile. He concentrated pulling it further till most the organs were exposed. Knowing right what he wanted, he dug deep into the cage for the heart of the creature. Of coarse he got smeared with slimy textures, but he dug his nose out with prize in teeth. A solem look to the white wolf, indicating it was her turn he went and sat to eat at the treat.


What is This Place? - Vlarindara - Apr 16, 2011


OOC: Hope you don't mind me kind of..moving it along? hehe

Vlarindara smiled softly at him and moved in to pull out the liver of the deer, tugging it away from the safe haven where it had rested. Her jaws worked and chewed as she settled into the nutrient rich liver, amber eyes twisting to watch the yearling as he tucked into his own meal. "That's quite alright with me." She finished off her liver before moving and settling into one of the hind legs of the deer She settled for eating until her stomach was full, but not overly extended - there was still the walk to the rest of her search... though she felt that she was on the last leg of her journey.

When Vlarindara finished eating, she settled onto her haunches with a gentle smile in his direction. "Thank you for help with the meal, Triell... Do.. you have any wolves close by you could call to finish it off? I feel a bit bad about not finishing the thing.." She frowned, looking at the deer before moving to an uneaten bit of meat before pulling some off to carry with her on the trip to her next destination.


What is This Place? - Triell - Apr 16, 2011


ooc;no problem.

He chewed the warm muscle, swallowing it in huge gulps. When he finished with that, he started nibbling at the shoulder muslce, standing at the deer to acomplish this. A blood soaked grin flickered on his lips, pleased she did not argue over his suggestion. If he saw her again he would remind her of her own words. Quietly he continued the fresh meal, deciding he had been hungry after all. But were growing boys ever really full? He contiuned ripping smaller portions until his stomach protested. He decided it was time to call it good, knowing in a few minutes the feeling would go away.

"No problem,"
he replied grinning back once more. He had to think about her question. It was a ways from Swift River, but perhaps he could take some back. Later him and Marsh could get more or something. He struggled to answer. A thougthful expression, he licked his lips and looked to the white wolf.
"Um, well my home isn't to far from here. Maybe I will take some back, and maybe my pack could come collect the rest. Either way I'm sure it won't be wasted."
He said, believing if the wolves of Swift River didn't eat it, than lone wolves would take care of it. Or any of the other predators. A free meal was an open invitation to lots of things. As she grabbed a piece of meat to take with her, his brows furrowed, "You headed out?"


What is This Place? - Vlarindara - Apr 18, 2011


"Perhaps.. I'm not sure yet..I'm beginning to think that Raigo has left the valley and isn't coming back.. but.." She lowered her head, over large ears flattening along her neck in something akin to defeat as her head hung between her shoulders. That is, before it came back up. "I have to try.. I have to look everywhere if I can.. Make sure he's not here before giving up. If you're looking for someone to travel with for a time, you're welcome to come with me.. I'll just be going South along the river for a time."

Vlarindara gave him a gentle smile as she lifted her head and watched him, then looked back to the deer they'd felled. "I've been away from my pack for some time, Triell...I will be heading back at some point ...but the offer still stands. I could use a bit of company at times. Gets' a bit lonely in my head." This time, she laughed softly, wondering if he would accept the offer...or if he would opt to stay here within his lands.


What is This Place? - Triell - Apr 19, 2011


A little sadness struck him, her young bother apart from her, and she afraid not to see him again. He knew what that felt like, and wished this Raigo had told his sister what he was doing. Or some kind of goodbye? He only hoped where he had not it might mean he planned to see her sooner, rather than later. But what did Triell know? He did not want to mutter any false hopes. He merely frowned looking as she hung her head. Her offer was sweet, but he could not take it. He had his own home, his own family who would worry about him. "Thanks for the offer, I would love to keep you company but I'm afraid my brother would worry over me if I was gone to much longer." He said meekly. He tried to smile, but his lips rose and fell. He hated to dissapoint, even someone he'd just met. "I will, keep an eye out for him. Pass the word along and sure to let you know if someone I know finds him." His tone was a little sweeter, and he managed a small grin.


What is This Place? - Vlarindara - Apr 21, 2011


OOC: Wanna make another post, or call it done? :)

Vlarindara's ears lifted, pointing at the yearling standing before her with a soft smile. "Thank you, Triell.. It means alot that a stranger to me would do something like that." The white female smiled, lowering her head to t he haunch of meat she'd pulled off from their earlier catch. The female held off on picking it up just yet, she seemed to pause a few moments before lifting her head again. "If...there is any news of him.. send them towards Cedarwood forest.. Have them call for the Grizzly Hollow wolves..I'll come running at any news.."

Picking up the haunch of meat in her mouth, the female smiled around it before stepping towards the younger wolf and rubbing her side carefully along his. That is, if he let her and didn't step away or move. Vlarindara simply wanted to show him more gratitude for him than she could show in words. The fact that someone was willing to do all of that for her.. it was heart warming..Even when he was in a different pack than she was. Stepping away, Vlarindara adjusted the weight of the meat before turning and starting off through the forest, moving back towards the river and down towards the south - her last trip on the way home.
