Ruins of Wildwood
The Wildwood A New Land, A New Home? - Printable Version

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A New Land, A New Home? - Kanosak - Jan 21, 2012

Kano smiled a small smile as the younger wolf launched herself at him playfully and pulled on his fur. He wrestled back, taking care to be gentle with her, the last thing he needed when he was getting his tired was for things to get out of hand.

The wind was picking up again and he looked at the sky, concerned, as it turned from blue to grey. "We're going to have to find some shelter soon..." he said, frustration clear in his voice. He had been looking for something more sheltered for days, and had had no luck. He wasn't looking forward to sleeping in the snow tonight.

A New Land, A New Home? - Rebecca - Jan 21, 2012

Kano didn't seem to be in play mood anymore. Slightly disappointed Rebecca let go of his fur. She was not too worried about the weather, if it was going to storm, she could do nothing for it. Then it would be her job to not care about the storm. But maybe it would be better to find a shelter anyway? And she was getting tired. Early sleeper, early waker. Yawning Reba glanced the sky. Wind was collecting speed, she wanted to run with it to safety. Where was the wind going? Did it find shelter?

"Does wind have a shelter where to go?" was Reba's question, honest and serious. Eyes wandered to the forest, the darkening shadows. Snow lightened up the scene a little, enough that Rebecca couldn't hide as well as without the snow.

A New Land, A New Home? - Kanosak - Jan 22, 2012

Kano was puzzled by her riddles and simply shrugged. He knew there were no dens in the earth around here so he began scratching on leafless trees and listening for the hollow sound he knew at least one of them must have. He noticed Rebecca looking at him and he cocked his head to the side, it was something he had learned as a pup, but apparently it may not be common knowledge.

"I've been looking around here for days, there are no dens. When you scratch the trees, you listen. If it is hollow, it sounds different. If it is hollow, there is generally a weak spot you can pry back and crawl inside to keep a den, but in a tree..." He trailed off as he resumed travelling from tree to tree. "Stick to the ones without leaves, theres is a better chance the tree is dead and hollow... Trees need to be solid to have leaves..."

A New Land, A New Home? - Rebecca - Jan 22, 2012

That was new. Making a den in a tree? Inside a tree? Well, Rebecca supposed it was possible. At least the bears sometimes seemed ot do something like it, though they usually made their dens between the roots of the tree. But why not dig in? If she would've been alone, Rebecca would never go and find a den just because there was storm coming. Stupid? Maybe. But storm might be dangerous, in the den you lose the change of experienceing it. Crazy her.

Following Kano in the woods, doing the same as he did, trying to find a dead tree. So one without leaves... It was winter, none had leaves! Little frustrated, Rebecca started to scratch tree after tree.

She ahd already walked past that tree and scratched the next one, when she realixed that the previous tree had sounded different. Going back to it, she bit it. Big chunk of tree came of. But was it empty from inside? Giving a lot of time to investigate that one tree.

A New Land, A New Home? - Kanosak - Jan 23, 2012

Kano had one ear tuned to Reba and the other to whichever tree he was scratching at the time. Snowflakes began to fall slowly and the wind gave another gust to remind him that time was not on his side. He heard a dull crack as part of the tree Reba was investigating came lose and his ears flicked forward in interest, trotting over to help her investigate. It was a large tree thankfully, if it was hollow enough they would be able to crawl in.

It still had a solid core but was hollow around the slim trunk centre remaining, it was like a young sapling within the larger tree. Kano hadn't seem something like this in a long time. He imagined Reba must be warring with her desire to face the dangerous storm and to say warm and dry within the tree. He gave her a proud smile "You did it! Ladies first?" he waited to see if she would accept the shelter or face the storm. It wasn't going to be particularly dangerous but Kano didn't like getting any colder than he had to since he had been living on his own.

A New Land, A New Home? - Rebecca - Jan 24, 2012

Rebecca smiled little sadly, giving a one final, adoring look to the storm before crawling in the temporary den. It was little small, but warm and comfy. Trying to get a good posture, giving enough space for Kano to get in with her. She felt little unsure, being close to someone else in this small place... Something she had no memories about.

Turning her eyes to Kanosak, no sadness in them. Only an awkward look, little amused and odd in many ways. Smile on her face, licking her nose. Tail wagging as much as it had space to move, sitting on the ground. Then a sniff. Hey, here was food! She had just eaten, stomach was full but she would never say no to insects! Biting a little bit of the tree away. There was a large, fat maggot. Eating it with one bite and licking her jaws in pleasure. That was good!

A New Land, A New Home? - Kanosak - Jan 25, 2012

Kano had to chuckle as Reba hooked into the grubs and bugs that called the hollow tree home. Even though they had just had a large feed he could understand why a lone wolf found it hard to stop eating when the opportunity presented itself.

The wind picked up and howled through the hollow tree like a mournful wolf, never quite reaching the curled furry forms at its base. He could hear the branches crack and creak as the wind tested their temporary den to its limits, and though he could tell it was frigid below freezing outside, they were warm. The honey coloured wolf settled down to sleep the storm through, dreaming of times long past.

OOC: Should we wrap this up soon?

A New Land, A New Home? - Rebecca - Jan 26, 2012

OOC: One wrapping up ordered!

Rebecca wasn't getting sleep. Kano seemed to get it easily, he probably dreamed nice dreams in the dreamland, but Reba only layed in the temporary den and listened the fierce storm outside. Wishing that she could be there and not here. Her mind wasn't mettle, she was just crazy enough to do all sorts of dangerous things. And being in a storm like that would definitely be something dangerous enough.

Finally after several hours, the ebony wolf finally placed her head ontop of her front paws and fell asleep. No dreams were seen, onyl deep, black sleep.

And when the first light of morning shined, she was already up and ready to leave. Standing to her four legs, looking at still sleeping Kanosak. Carefully she moved her head forward and gave a small, wet lick to his cheek. Then, using all her agility she stepped over him and left the tree without touching him again. It was snowing heavily, large flakes slowly falling down from the sky, covering everything quickly. Good, her footprints wouldn't be visible for a long time. Starting to trot, not looking behind even once, then accelerating and running with slow pace through the woods, disappearing in the distace. All she left behind, her pawprints, were soon covered with snow and the black wolf was only a memory.