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Bramble Falls Lone Wolf - Printable Version

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Lone Wolf - Lupus - Feb 29, 2012

His ears flicked back as the she-wolf spatcurses at him, seretly the hudson bay rolled his ellow eyes, tail swishing behind him. It had fallen quet for a while, his aattentionnot on what they were doing behind him then theweight came. Suddenly he felt the she-wolf tackling him imditly his lips curled back, muzzle wrinkling ahe collapsed Legs folding what ever way they could his belly touched the floor. Cream fur bristeling his head turned ever so slightly to see it was indeed the white female, but the male to was racing forward. Lupus squirmed as he felt himself being pinned to te ground. Shoving a shoulder upward in the hopes of cathing her off balance-maybe he could roll away then.

Before she could reajust on the male he ade a weak attempt to lung oward without his paws under him. Managing to move forward at least two inches he rolled to his side, white fangs barred as his one free paw lifted. Shoving it against her throat as the other male neared. Lupus then halted, awaiting the next move. He could now easily push harder and kick her off, but he was giving her th chance to let him up. Yellow gaze hetigty on the female, tail thumpin o the ground. "Who do you think you are!? Attacking me from behind! et me up!" Sol spat in raged by the thought of her tryingsuuch a thing.

Lone Wolf - Accailia - Feb 29, 2012

A snarl escaped her throat as she pinned down Sol. He shoved his shoulder up but Accailia kept him down. She was going to start yelling again when he pushed himself forward enough to be able to roll onto his side. He pressed a paw against her throat and began to yell. "I made plenty of noise, growling, as I ran up here. You had plenty of time to turn around about you're too stupid to and blamed me for attacking from behind? It's not my fault you didn't turn around!"

She held him down, not letting him up until she was done talking. "Next time a wolf, who knows the area, is kind enough to take you to where there is food don't treat him like shit as you did with Triell. He was only trying to help. You're going to end up doing the same to another except he wouln't take it as lightly as Triell did." Accailia got up and walked over to Triell's side, turning her back on Sol. "Good luck finding beaver on your own." Accailia walked right by Triell, her fur brushing up against his, and stopped in front of him. She looked into his yellow orbs, apologizing with her eyes.

Lone Wolf - Triell - Mar 01, 2012


    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

Sol did not require his help, and Triell ended up being more of a spectator who wanted to disappear into his burrow back at the grove. Getting into a scuffle over nothing was not on his to do list. Neither could he fathom why Accailia had acted the way she had. She'd been rather quiet, and almost appeared intimidated by the cream colored male with the yellow eyes. Did she really think Triell needed defending? He knew when to pick his battles, and her doing it for him put him back in a bad mood. He wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt she meant the best. It was not only what she had done to Sol, but how she kept interfering into his personal space.

When she appeared down with her scolding, his ears flattened at the closeness, and he did not meet her eyes. He didn't need her falling him around like a young pup, and ripping into anyone who didn't agree with him. He made a point to walk around her as if she was not there, and stepped to Sol."Look man, whenever you're done pretending come find me, and Accailia I'm in no want for a shadow who thinks I'm not capable of handling my own problems." He snorted, and made a good point not walk by her again. He didn't want to hear her excuses. When he was only two wolf lengths away he started running, leaving the two loners behind.


Lone Wolf - Lupus - Mar 02, 2012

Hoping to his paws the second he was aloud up, Sol glared at the she-wolf's words, her agitating words. "Get over yourself." he spat sourly his stare blazing quietly. A scowl held across his muzzle. Tail twitching with impatience his head turned as she pranced to the males side. Pffft, was the only thought that came to mind.

Shifting his attention to he male he listened ears perrked, what was he talking about. Sols head jerked to the side, "What ever, like I'll ever consider that." lupus didn't even see the other wolf leave. The second he finished speaking the Hudson bay turned and stomped away, down stream. He still had the full intention to go catch himself a mysterious beaver. Out of sight soon fir he quickened his pace to a swift jog and dove into a shrub.

Lone Wolf - Accailia - Mar 03, 2012

Accailia stood there as both Triell and Sol left. She hadn't meant to be a shadow and she never meant for it to seem like she was fighting his battles. She was protective by nature and since she had begun to at least somewhat like Triell, her instincts took over when Sol lashed out and she chewed him out. Accailia laid down in the slow melting snow and placed her paws on her head. What had she done?

Accailia stood, deciding she should leave. She looked back in the direction Triell had ran off to and then where Sol ran to. She looked down and padded away, not bothering to satisfy her growling belly. All Accailia wanted was to leave this place. Her white coat slowly disappeared into the trees as she put as much distance between her and the falls.