Ruins of Wildwood
The Wildwood I am the Man in the Prestige - Printable Version

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I am the Man in the Prestige - Borden - Feb 27, 2011


O O C | w00t! :) Pressing fast-forward? Y/Y? …set the stage for March/Spring? And, warning, long post is long (and maybe rushed, feel free to fill in or elaborate on anything I might’ve skipped over). x_x;

Edging towards the trees after tearing out a section of the deer’s vertebrae, Borden trekked along at a more leisurely pace. He was glad to hear they were all enthusiastic in continuing forward. Relic Lore is said to be so vast it would take several days to cross; Borden wished he had known that. He had miscalculated his location by a few miles and by the time they had settled for the night, they had reached Heartleaf Creek. The tentative leader came to rest at the base of a tree after stowing away the morsel of meat and bone he had carried, encouraging his companions to do the same; by morning they would basically “rinse and repeat.” Wake up, eat or hunt, travel, stop to rest, travel, rest in the evening then sleep… Wake up, eat or hunt, travel, stop to rest, travel, rest in the evening then sleep…

Sleeping in wasn’t a big deal, but whoever was the last to open their eyes received a gentle nudge with his onyx nose. Over the next couple of days, the scenery gave way to wide spaces and trees with green pine needles instead of sprouting leaves. Borden’s pace became obviously slow by the time the band of wolves had found their way into Cedarwood. Each one of his steps was deliberately placed and seemingly every little sound – a fox scurrying to its den, a crow taking flight, a deer fleeing from their approach, a lone wolf making itself scarce – made him stop for a mere second to scan their immediate surroundings before moving on.

Calm, collected, cool… Be calm, be collected, be cool. For each stop he made, he silently reassured himself. Who knew the forest could be so much different than the Mountain or the Thicket? His heart thumped in his chest every time drew in a breath after holding it captive in his chest for several moments at a time. When evening came, he hadn’t said more than his usual “good morning” and encouraging statement that went along the lines of “come along now.” In fact, he didn’t even stop as sky began to darken into a dark indigo.

After some time he stopped at the sight of what looked like a bear’s den. “Wait,” he instructed with a whisper. He crept up to the entrance of the hollow, surprised that the familiar scent of what should have been hibernating inside was faint, nearly undetectable. The bear that had once occupied this den hadn’t been here for quite some time. The male poked his head inside before crawling in and coming back out.

Peering back into the dark hole then over to where his pack waited, he barked that it was safe… All clear. A few steps into the snow brought him out of the downward tunnel with a smile; while it had been his duty as a leader to scout things out and ensure his group of followers could benefit from the locations he deemed fit, it was up to his mate to give the sign of approval. His tail wagged and he lowered onto his haunches. Now, he could fully rest for the night.

Even if the newly discovered den was only a temporary sleeping site, he was absolutely fine with it. At least they would slumber in the safety of a well-protected hideout before moving on to the next location. Or, in the event that Jayse found the den suitable for them – just for her and Borden, or for the four of them – the masked male was simply glad to have found it. Its discovery was well worth strolling into the night.


I am the Man in the Prestige - Jaysyek - Feb 28, 2011


ooc;lol i think it's funny how we all take turns skipping. fine with

me. :)

The days of travel were easier said then done. It was not to say

she felt weak, she was rather fit for scaling up, down, and round

the mountain. She did not have any significant wear, only a

longing to find that "home" she craved. The miles putting behind

her she would never complain about. After all she was

accomplishing her goal, getting away from the Mountain of Dire.

Far, far away so her inner compass kept reading-if it could be

trusted. A sense of deja vu was the set motion, because this was

not the first time she'd set on a long journey. It was only a new

scene, with different faces. Life was made from those kind of

things. If one never moved, what could possibly change. There

were hardly words exchanged the gray streaked wolf didn't mind

the quiet. There was no rush to think, or trouble of carrying on a

conversation. It was only the absolutely awareness, she was not

alone did she have no need to do more then pace behind Borden.

She to did not hesitate to scout out a sign of trouble, or rotate

ears to an unsettling crunch or squawk. Peer round the thick

bellies of trees for something moving. Nothing, and no one

ceased the small company's voyage. Having Vlar and Raigo behind

her and Borden behind her she had the sense of security that no

harm would come upon any of them. The sun started dwindling in

the west, and the sky streaked from orange to pink, and then a

dark violet. It was usual to stop, and they did not. Something

drove them onward, and as the purple was more an inky blue in

the cut out patches above the stars were out. Suddenly there was

an abruption, in a hillside. Recognizan was immediate. This kind

of animal home, Kipcha had always warned her and her siblings

against going anywhere near for it was the home of bears. Hushed

tone, brought her ears to bend forward. Eyes widened with that fear

of a crashing world when Borden took steps closer. Holding

breath, her teeth pinching the inside of her cheeks she did not

make one movement.

Assured bark brought her to life, an exasperated breath running

through her lips. Was this there home? Blue and gold eyes crept

long the trail of the snow, and more instinctive part of her was

inclined to walk up the hill to further inspect. Drawing in a sharp

breath, she lingered round the entrance, obsidian nostrils taking

in the remnants of the bear. The location was safe, on a hillside,

partly hidden. Crawling inside, she circled long the walls. The only

reason she hesitated to live here was the chilled thoughts of the

owner returning. Borden looked happy about his discover, and she

let herself think in the dark shadows. The likelihood of the bear

returning seemed slim, after it's abandonment. Surely if this did

become home the scent of wolf would prevent one from venturing

this far.

Popping her head from the tunnel, she climbed over to Borden's

seat. Giving a buss to his cream cheek, an approving smile carried on her

face. Haunches shifty energetically, she barked a few happy calls for

Vlar and Ragio to join them. Tilting her maw skyward she howled a

single note of her happiness, and clarity this was her new home.


I am the Man in the Prestige - Vlarindara - Feb 28, 2011


OOC: ehehe. :)

The trip had been a relatively long one, but not unwelcome.. Each time they stopped for the night to sleep, Varindara and Raigo curled together like siblings in a pack would normally. Come morning, they each took their place in the walking path, Raigo behind Borden and Jaysyek, Vlarindara bringing up the rear. The white female was constantly melting away for minutes at a time, ghosting through the forests around them before reappearing at the tail end of the line like nothing had happened. When twilight came.. and they didn't stop, the wolf found herself concerned for Raigo - but he was traveling at a steady, even pace.

The sight of the recessed den made her draw up past the frozen Jaysyek towards the mouth of the den - her hackles bristling. She didn't want whatever might STILL be in the den getting past BOTH of them towards the other two.. but when he emerged and barked the all clear, she instantly backed down and returned to where RAigo was sitting. Vlarindara settled herself on her haunches, then lowered farther into the snow as Jaysyek instpected the den.. their possible home. When the female lifted her head and howled, Vlarindara lifted her own voice to join it, letting the mellodic notes twine around Jaysyek's. Her's was both joyous... and warning in tamber. This is our home... We've claimed it.. Raigo's warbling note slid in behind Vlarindara's, adding a third number to the call, the more in their song.. the less likely lone wolves would be to try and steal it.


I am the Man in the Prestige - Borden - Feb 28, 2011


O O C | XD Not sure why I didn’t think twice about having Borden look down there, but… heh, glad it /was/ actually abandoned to begin with.

As Jayse drew near, Borden watched as she investigated the site, cautiously taking in the faint scents that still lingered before heading inside. At the den entrance, he waited; he was even somewhat worried she might think the previous owner would return. March had yet to arrive and he was sure the bears around here were still in the middle of their winter nap (assuming they were like the ones that lived and occasionally terrorized Bertram Valley). The bear that had claimed this well-built lair should have been in there, sleeping, rather than out and about while snow still blanketed the ground. His gaze went out to the siblings who still stood a good distance away, carefully watching and listening.

He looked at his beloved quietly as she emerged from the tunnel, wordlessly letting him know that this would be the place they would stay... This would be the place where they would build a home, bond with their pack, acquire a few more members, and perhapsone day, raise a family. The last part of the thought made his smile broaden and the invitation for Vlarindara and Raigo to check out their new home made his soul brim over with joy. Away from the hardships of the Thicket and Wildwood, far from the rocky ledges of Mount Dire, the Lyall silently vowed to keep his pack safe, to stop at nothing to ensure these three wolves and whoever dared to join them would want for nothing more as long as they were under his care. This humble dwelling, a simple but cozy hole underneath the earth would become a representation of not just a new beginning for all of them but also a place for reassurance and comfort. It would be their safehold, their sanctuary hidden away from the rest of the world.

A fourth, deeper howl joined in, echoing and further confirming the messages his pack had sent into the night sky. These cries of elation, of confidence and vigor, would declare that the wolves of Grizzly Hollow had risen.

