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guns & horses - Fenru - Nov 24, 2011

The smell of blood wafted through the clearing and stung at Fenru's nose. His muzzle crinkled and his brows rose in worry. He withdrew his face from the hedge and shook his head to rid himself of the feeling of grass blades and brambles scraping against his cheeks. He had just watched Dad, bloodied and swept up by the final moments of the hunt, lunge forward to help Uncle Triell and Uncle Marsh. The growl that had erupted through the small clearing settled uneasily in Fen's chest.

He thought for a moment, as he tried to fathom the idea of creating such a sound and what emotions it would instill into his opponent or prey. Hmmph. Tearing himself from his musings, he focused his gaze onto his siblings before turning back to the gap in the grass where he had been watching the hunt closely. He blinked quietly, fighting hard to keep still and out of view... to not succumb to his appetence to just dart forward and inspect the aftermath. The adults seemed to be okay, despite the blotches of scarlet dripping from their jaws and coats, but he desperately wanted to individually assess their conditions up close... especially Dad's... whose ivory throat seemed to be a darker shade of red.

guns & horses - Corinna - Nov 25, 2011


Gone Tomorrow

Their combined attack was enough, and with satisfaction, the sow gave way to her death squeals. And then those faded away, and it became quiet, at least in their vicinity. But even as the pig was falling over, having been claimed by death, Corinna watched Indru dart off. Green eyes tracked her mate, watching him plunge himself into the fray with Marsh and Triell. She half ran forward herself to help in the battle, but she recalled the pups and felt the ache in her shoulder. Throwing herself into the mix would only make things more chaotic. So instead, she headed in direction of where her young ones were hidden.

Approaching, limping on her injured leg, the green eyed she-wolf watched the three young ones, noting their expressions of sheer fascination of what was going on. As soon as the final sow was down and the clearing became safe, she would let them approach the boars and pick their dinner. But for now, the best she could do was simply be near them. Walking up beside them, she smiled at them, tail wagging. "What'd you think?" She asked them, nodding with her head towards the successful kills.


guns & horses - Triell - Nov 25, 2011

A lot of eyes may have been upon him, yet he was unware anyone else was done. Well until he saw a blur he was sure had to be Indru strike the boar. She sure screamed her displeasure by then, but he did not let it startle him. If anything it drove him to end this so he would never hear such a sound from her mouth again. He was so close he could not just let her get away, besides she could not go any where.

Just as both Marsh, and Indru had intened it opened up a free spot for him to clasp her air passage, and snap down with force to close it. That's just what the Tainn did with such appetence. He clamped hard, and he did not let go. She writhed in pain, trying to get free; it was too late. Her hot breath became jagged, and thin, and with one final soft snort she collasped. His long limbs shook, and his jaws protested, but he did not let go for the longest time. If anything he wanted to be sure she was dead, when it appeared to him Marsh, and his sow was the last to die he let released his grip.

His face was a gruesome picture of blood, but he had the biggest grin on his face mouth wide open, and tongue hanging out trying to catch his breath. They did it! Yellow-orange eyes met those of Indru, but they quickly went to Marsh. He bumped black noses with the male, and then licked his chin. He briefly saw what the boar had done, and decided to silently attend to the wound before Marsh might protest. He worked carefully, getting the blood that was dripping mostly. He looked over his worked, and then turned to Indru, and bumped noses with him.

Black tail wagged, and he looked to the rest of the pack, thinking everyone looked rather gory, but he did not see any terrible wounds. He made a smile, and a soft dip to his head to Ruiko, and Kinis letting them know he was alright. His muscles still quivered, and he felt like he had the wind knocked out of him, but it seemed little price to pay for the meals to come or what could have happened. He glimpsed to the pups, and Cori wondering to what they had thought of all of this.

guns & horses - Indru - Nov 29, 2011


As the hunt is officially over now, reply if you feel like you want/need too. No official deadline but try to get your posts in as soon as you are able so we can archive this bad boy and claim the life points. ;D To save rounds and rounds of posts we could just fade it out when all the boar's are dragged in and presume they had a merry old time eating two of the boars? Objections/suggestions? :D

It did not take long for the tremble to set in the sow's body, a sure sign of her swiftly coming death, once Triell had tightened and secured his grip on her throat after the team work efforts from Marsh and himself. Indru ripped and tore, pushing and shoving as he did so, at the sow's shoulder encouraging her to give in under the onslaught she was facing under the three wolves but her determination was something Indru could only admire as she continued to fight against them until the last moment. Much like Triell Indru held on, dropping slightly to hold his weight against her back where she lay collapsed on the floor, until a moment of heartbeats had passed with her own now absent, finally confirming her death. Over the carcass his dark brother's eyes met his own and Indru nodded in response, relief flooding through him when he was able to see that Triell was unwounded. As the younger Tainn turned his attention to the pack's Second, however, so did he, wincing as he moved too sharply having forgotten about the deep gash to his neck due to the adrenaline. The wounds were serious but as he peered at them, letting Triell treat the wounds Marsh had taken to protect him, he felt comfort in the fact they were unlikely to be fatal.

Satisfied that the situation was resolved his eyes turned to seek Cori and the pups, and again Indru felt the familiar flood of relief when he could see that they too were safe. He could feel the warm trail of blood from his throat wound and could only suspect that he once light brown furred chest was now a deep crimson, but at the moment it was irrelevant. Orange eyes sought his both of his brother's and in turn he scanned them quickly for wounds, satisfied to see no cause for concern, before his attention turned to the three meaty sows that now lay defeated in the clearing. Well done everyone, he congratulated, trying to keep the exhaustion and beginnings of pain from his voice, his posture taking on one more fitting of a leader as he began to plan what to do with the boars. You can bring them over now, he called to Corinna, content that the danger for the pups was over and he was eager for them to see the results of the hunt.

With a glance to Ruiko he motioned to the boar that Marsh and Triell had brought down, knowing that his brother would understand his meaning to bring their kills together to keep them protected while in the clearing (using the sow that Ruiko had Kinis had slain as their center point) and hoped that another member would take the initiative to assist Ruiko with the dead weight. Then he started of towards his and Cori's kill, clasping the boar by its' nape and grunting as he struggled the pull it along with his wounded neck muscles, trying to bring it closer while he waited for another's assistance with this one. Only then, with each kill nearby and able to be watched, would the pack eat, using some to stock the pack's winter caches back to a healthy amount.


guns & horses - Ruiko - Nov 30, 2011


Indru, Triell and Marsh were successful, and as the sow finally fell to their powerful jaws, the regal male released a gentle sigh, his eyes skimming over to Kinis to see how his younger brother fared throughout the struggle that had happened. Triell was well – Marsh had taken quite the hit for his younger brother, and Indru’s Second had finally gained a bit of respect in the Tainn brother’s eyes.

As Indru called up to Corinna for the pups, Ruiko caught the gaze of the leader very briefly, noting that Indru had indicated to the boars. Without a word, the large male loped over to Indru and Corinna’s kill, a low growl escaping his muzzle as his jaws clamped firmly upon the neck of the creature, before beginning to pull it back to where his and Kinis’ kill lay. It was clear Indru wanted a grand feast for his pack, and as he pulled back to where he had stood previously, releasing the prey from his strong jaws, his tail have a short wave of contentment. The wolves of Swift River would have full bellies tonight.

guns & horses - Kisla - Nov 30, 2011


Kisla was relieved when it was over – Indru had helped hold the creature in place along with Marsh before uncle Triell delivered the final blow. As the silence descended across the woods as the sows screams faded, the girl blinked a few times, her figure straightening slightly as Corinna’s figure finally emerged up by them.

Without saying anything, the tawny and silver youth loped over to her mother, concern clear in her bright green eyes as she looked to Corinna’s shoulder. Her mother was seemingly fine, and lifting her gaze up to search the leader’s face, Kisla finally allowed a smile of hesitation to surpass her lips. Both ears perked at the sound of Indru’s call, and before her mother even gave them the final go-ahead, the youth straightened, her slender figure twisting as she shot off down the slopes and to where the sows were. Rounding up to where uncle Ruiko had begun to round the beasts together, Kisla cast a quick glance to the adults nearby before attentively leaning her muzzle down to inhale the sow’s scent.

guns & horses - Fenru - Dec 01, 2011

Fenru tore his gaze away from the clearing when Corinna approached. He watched her attentively as she drew closer, his fiery orange eyes equally concerned for the adults' wellbeing and absolutely astonished at the multiple feats that had taken place before him. His tail wagged and rustled the grass at his back. "Can we move now?" he half-whimpered in both excitement and anxiety. Before he could even hear an answer or soak in the comfort his mother's voice and approval, Kisla stood up and raced into the clearing at the sound of Indru's bark.

The youngest Tainn frowned. If Kisla was going to go ahead and help herself when it came to examining the boars, then he was going to join her. There was no way he was going to be left behind (and, surely, he expected Rihael to leap into action and ahead of him as soon as he was halfway to the center of the clearing). It was surely worth a shot though, trying to keep up with his siblings, and with an eager growl he surged forward after his sister to check out the sizable creatures he had just learned how to thwart.

guns & horses - Rihael - Dec 02, 2011

Soon, the adults had finally finished off their prey, and the scene fell into silence. Except for the pups' soft breathing, Rihael couldn't hear much, although he could see Dad giving out some orders. Then, just like that, Mom was upon them— Hael hadn't noticed her approaching, having taken to staring at the nearest downed boar, but he was glad when she did. Before he knew it, Kisla shot off, and Hael was not far behind.

He laughed as he looked at Fenru, whom he was eagerly trying to beat to the kills, legs pumping as fast he could go, releasing the pent up energy from having had to sit still for so long— much less from having to watch the adults hunt while he stood by silently. His heart in his throat— and with an exclamation of "Finally!"— he galloped with his siblings to get a closer look at the downed, ugly beast, his stomach already beginning grumble.

guns & horses - Marsh - Dec 06, 2011

The boar went down easily with three wolves, and Marsh felt a wave of relief as she gave in, his body aching from the effort and the dull throb of pain a minor irritation in his side. All that was easily put up with, though, upon seeing the satisfaction on Triell's face, and more importantly the lack of any serious wounds upon the boy. His efforts had not been in vain, then. Waiting to catch his breath before dealing with the carcass, Triell's warm advance took the Second somewhat by surprise, though he accepted the ministrations with minimal complaint, touched by the young Tainn's actions. He rumbled softly in his chest as a signal of his gratitude, keeping still throughout the cleaning.

He would have been content to stay and be tended to had Indru not signalled to his brother, gesturing at the sow designated as Marsh and Triell's. He felt a ripple of indignation as his sow was grabbed and began to be dragged by the wolf he saw as a rival - the only rival he really had - and as such pulled away from Triell just as he had finished cleaning, determined not to be rendered useless because of his wound, or for any other reason. Stubbornly he clamped down on a leg and dragged alongside Ruiko, the combined efforts making short work of the distance. With a satisfied snort, Marsh nodded to the subordinate, his attention flickering away as Corinna's children swiftly appeared, his gaze softening automatically. Taking a few steps back, he gave the trio plenty of room to enjoy the two pigs, trotting off towards Indru to help with dragging the third.