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Cold Water Creek pilgrimage - Printable Version

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pilgrimage - Sabik - Jul 15, 2015

@Toxin bit of pp, if you want anything changed let me know <3



Days they had spent trekking through the scarlet heights, following a narrow trail that lead to the very top of the mountains and gave an excellent view of the land. It was upon that hill that he had deliberated, trying to select from a distance which of the lands laid before them would be best to claim for their own. Of course, to consider the lands their own would have been a foolish mistake indeed when they lacked the power of numbers. But pride told him that it was only a matter of time until these lands bowed to the power of the Asurn land and became his.

And so with a sense of purpose, the pair had left the steep hills, descending in a similar manner to the one they had come. The lands beyond the hills, cradled as it were between the red hills and a mountain chain in the distance, were certainly more varied than those Sabik had known back home. He had seen the winding path of a river that trailed through the heart of the lands, and there seemed to be an ever-present mist in the south that did not dissipate even in the daylight... But the very heart of this new expanse of was full of tall, tall trees and thick, red-leafed ferns the likes of which Sabik had never seen before. As the sun crept above the horizon, illuminating the strange new terrain bit by bit. Only a little bit further, Sabik told himself, head low and ears pressed attentively forward. Just a few moments...

The trees soon thinned enough, making way for the creek he had spotted earlier. “Stop,” Sabik told her, his voice a low rumble; he kept his eyes forward, muzzle swinging about thoughtfully. The area seemed clear for the moment, but the muddy, slightly eroded banks showed signs that this was a busy area — perhaps not for other wolves, but other creatures in general. Turning now to face his daughter, Sabik stared harshly down on her and commanded, “Tell me what you see and tell me if this is a satisfactory place to call home.” It was a test, similar to others Sabik had given his daughter — only now, on their own, it seemed hundreds of times more important that his daughter have the right answers.


RE: pilgrimage - Toxin - Jul 15, 2015

oh...and daddy,

red fern forest

I'll be brewing trouble for dinner

Weeks...Weeks without a satisfactory meal, just enough to survive. The scraps some predators has wasted, left to slowly rot away into nothingness, such arrogant creatures. Did they not know of those who starved, begged, for just a mouthful? It had also been weeks with hardly any water, or rest, a dull aching had started to burn the thick canine pads, creeping up into the lean muscles of her thick legs. Then slowly making way into her masculine shoulders, but the Princess of her own world would not complain. She refused to look any more weak than she possibly already did in the eyes of anyone, especially an Asurn. She was to be a Queen! To rule over every bit of land she could consume in her overwhelming greed. To bite down onto the souls of the weak and slowly drain them of all life, her toxin slipping into their petty veins. She would crumble them until there was nothing left but a broken shell, shattered in pooling blood and pointless tears.

For the wolves who were strong, she would beat them to a pulp till they reemerged as a monster. A minion she could control with the flick of an ear, drop of a leaf. Nightshade's daydreaming came to a sudden end as something new caught her attention. Bright burnt ferns, the color of a fire raging through a worthless land to destroy all it owned. Or maybe more of that like split blood glistening in a thin sheet against an orange surface? No, perhaps not. Grinning she nosed one of these plants with a wicked pleasure in her eyes, oh these would most definitely be hers. All hers... A low, caught up in the moment, selfish laugh left her, hardly loud enough to hear.

Nightshade was quick to slow herself down and obey her superior, mahogany orbs sweeping over the land quickly. There was a river with well worn banks, flowing slowly downstream. His order caused her took look at him and nod, before studding the territory, words flowing out confidently, "I see the prints of many prey animals laden upon the shore, with well eroded sides. It flows slowly, tickling and twisting away from us. Considering the amount of life clearly around here, and the water source, this could be a potential spot." She paused, "But," Another break in her speech to throughly think through her next set of words, "In times of rain the water could rise and snuff out anyone in a den set up too closely. It would be a safe bet to place a home on high land, but nearby. There is plenty to hunt and drink. A good place to raise a healthy pack out of hard work." The Asurn was done now, mouth shutting, her voice cutting off as she looked to her father. Night's posture was proud, yet showed respect towards her elder. Her eyes calculating as she awaited his praise, scolding, reprimanding, and or correction. She blinked.


RE: pilgrimage - Sabik - Jul 15, 2015



The man waited in silence, momentarily sparing his daughter from the intensity of his gaze as she glanced around during her analysis. He took a step away from her, nearing the creek with his snout low to the ground, investigating the markings with greater scrutiny. No large prey had come to the bank on this side of the creek, though the portion he studied was a small portion indeed — perhaps elsewhere... Intermingled with the footprints of rodents and other small game were the larger tracks of other predators like themselves. It was a sign that made him pause in consideration before nodding along in silent agreement to his daughter's conclusion.

“Don't be so hasty, child. We'll stay here for now.” His words were scornful and her turned to meet her darker gaze, staring down at his only child with the ever-present look of dissatisfaction. As irritated as Sabik may have seemed, his reaction was minor and his daughter would be sure to know it: the mistake was a minor one, easily forgiven and dismissed — the disapproving note in his words existed solely to ensure that the lesson stuck with her. “There are miles of land we have yet to explore, I hardly intend on settling on something without better informing myself.” To do that would be foolish indeed, setting him at a disadvantage to any of the area's natives. Were they to dominate this land as the Asurns were wont to do, it would take intelligence and strength in equal measure. They would have to claim a land for for kings and queens, a bountiful land that was rich in resources and easy to defend. This creek was plentiful, but the dense trees would offer little protection against there competition. For now, however?

“Search the area for a suitable location, child. This will be ours for the time being.” With that order given, Sabik settled down along the muddy bank, partially obscured by the foliage. Forepaws reached out to settle in the cool water and he exhaled, thankful for the opportunity to rest. The journey had been harder on Sabik than he would ever admit and in his age he was content to let his daughter take charge for just a little bit, certain that he had taught her well enough that they would not be completely in danger while he took a small breather among the red-tipped ferns.


RE: pilgrimage - Toxin - Jul 16, 2015

I'm not the Disappointment child

red fern forest

Pebble once was

Praise? Was that nod good? No, here comes a lesson. Nightshade was studding her father now, carefully listening to his tone of voice, searching for anything she needed to know. He wasn't pleased with her, but made no moves to not only verbally show this, and that, in it's own form, was praise enough for her. She hadn't upset the man enough to cause him to punish her properly, which meant she couldn't have screwed up completely. Yet, she didn't feel an ego boost. His point was valid, no one should rush into anything here. Yes, the ferns were pleasing and the land itself much less plain than Savage's Steppe, but who knew what rest just around the tree trunk? More words, her eyes flickered to meet his briefly, causing her to nod silently. She could've done better and would improve on her skills of judgment.

Her body language was unreadable, motionless, and similar to a regal statue. She stood like a princess should before her father, the king, but yet no emotions could be read clearly off of Nightshade's reddish face. At the word "ours" this changed, however, as an up to no good smile cracked away at her shell. It was small and stiff, orbs suddenly full of lust and power, and a hint of mischief. She could run around her like the boss now, for it was Asurn land for as long as they held claim. Without a word the girl bowed her head respectfully, then lifted it to start away into the ferns. Her dark tail disappearing as she dove into the thick foliage at a brisk pace.

Farther up the river, and out of her elder's view, the yearling neared the creek to lap up a refreshing drink. It cooled her throat and begged her to enter, a temptation her paws couldn't resist. The soothing touch of mossy stones beneath injured pads was rather pleasant, causing a small moan to part her lips. Red towers constantly moving to listen as she closed her lids to embrace the bliss. It didn't last long though, for she was soon crossing over to look for a den. A place on a highland, possibly something already set up in order to help them out. The more she moved away from @Sabik , the higher the land curved up in a gradual process, carrying her to see that the river was planted on a sudden dip of land. She spotted Sabik relaxing, a bubbling jealousy inside of her as she scoffed to turn away and continue on with her mission. Her temporary purpose.
